Do you ever look back and say.....



  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    yup, as in why allowed myself to gain 160lbs, after fighting so hard to lose 80. I ruined all that hard work and gained double back, because I was depressed, heartbroken, weak. But it is a new day, new me,with a new attitude. And damn it I am worth the effort it takes to be happy AND healthy.

  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Spending close to $700 for "quick weight loss centers" supplements and highly restricted eating plan. Mind you, $700 is NOT something I have just laying around. I put it on a credit card and I'm still paying it off. Over a year later. :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I had nothing to do with the guy behind walgreens. It wasn't me, I'll deny it until the day I die.
    That said, I agree with everything else. I hate cardio but it did because supposedly it had to be done. I starved / binged / starved again and cried all along.
    I did all the 'blabla diets' you can find. I was afraid of carbs and fat. Chocolate was like a drug triggering DAYS of overeating.
    Now I lift heavy, eat plenty, feel and look better than ever.
    There's no coming back. I was a fool. For 15 years, at least.
    Upside: it's never too late
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    being fat was fun, i was always happy and i was young, so i didnt really care what i did or what i ate/drank. never had any social issues with it, i was happy to be the funny fat kid.

    restricting calories is kind of a pain sometimes when i want to have a night on the town but im glad i enjoyed my teenage years. if i dont do this now then yea, ill be thinking that i was an idiot in 5 years time

    eta; i didnt realize this was specifically about dieting/fitness lol
    in my teenage years when i did try to lose weight (didnt happen often) i just ran. no change in diet, just running. and id usually eat enough to compensate for it and then some afterwards
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    That one time I thought hydroxycut was a good idea, lost 15 pounds in a week, and promptly passed out at a softball game.
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    Oh.. I thought you meant look back at my own a$s and say.. Dayum!!! That's the only time I look back.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Hmmm.....In a word, I'd have so say.....YES. And I think everybody suffers from this too! LOL

    There are so many things that both my husband and I would eat thinking we were being "reasonably healthy" and it SO WAS NOT!!

    Thought salads were the "way to go" - would have an "OMG salad" (as an old WW leader used to say), bury it in cheese, salad dressing different forms of proteins (diced chicken or ham), croutons, etc. I remember seeing a "biggest loser" one night when the nutritionist took everyone to the store and talking about how people need to read the labels, particularly on salad dressings to see just how small a serving is, and how detrimental to the food journal it can be. One of the contestants said, "So by the time I add all that dressing on it, I might as well have just gone ahead and had the cheeseburger, right?" RIGHT!!

    A friend at work made an OMG salad - just lettuce, a few "craisins", a few slivered almonds, and swimming in dressing. This was supposed to be her lunch. I looked over and said, "Where's the protein??" She said, "Oh, am I supposed to have that? Will it really help?" Ugh
  • Fittykitty11
    Fittykitty11 Posts: 124
    - Diet pill phase. Sure I lost weight, but I gained it back quickly and felt panicky the entire time while taking them.

    -1200 or less calorie counting. That was a nightmare.

    - I was never bulimic but there were times that I was so disgusted in myself that I'd immediately make myself 'get rid of' what I just ate. Yep, that was a failure.

    - Missing out on a year that I could have started lifting but feared 'getting big' so I only ran... a lot.

    - Using 'bulking' as an excuse to eat whatever the hell I wanted.
  • jlgemma
    jlgemma Posts: 23 Member
    Ugh...the Master Cleanse comes to mind. After 3 miserable days I snapped and ate a medium pizza all by myself. :laugh:
  • jlgemma
    jlgemma Posts: 23 Member
    Oh.. I thought you meant look back at my own a$s and say.. Dayum!!! That's the only time I look back.

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    yeah.....atkins, fat smash, taking worthless pills, eating low carb bars that gave total butt breath....definitely dafuq was I thinking....\m/
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Going through that very thing right now.

    Why was I convinced Raspberry ketones would do anything for me? And before that, those little sh*tflakes (Sensa?) you sprinkle on your food. Really? That's supposed to make me less hungry? Why did I think restricting everything was going to make me happy when it only drove me to binge on the regular?

    Short answer: yes.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    yeah.....atkins, fat smash, taking worthless pills, eating low carb bars that gave total butt breath....definitely dafuq was I thinking....\m/

    OH, the butt breath...
  • alioopwontonsoup
    alioopwontonsoup Posts: 17 Member
    What is all this "now I know better" stuff that everyone is saying
    I am totally new and I would like to know what knowledge is part of this "now I know better".
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Yep. Just ask my husband about that whole period in time when I made him eat "clean." Brown rice, seaweed, fish, chicken breast, no cereal or sugar at all, no bread, only certain veggies, no corn, no fried anything, no real seasonings to speak of. I was a complete freak about it, too. I wouldn't let him have soy because I was freaked out about estrogen. I punished my oldest daughter and myself with this diet, too.

    He gained a good bit of weight from all the food he was eating when he left the house. So did I because the convenience store 100 yards from my front door had the best snacks. It even had sushi and fried dim sum dishes. I hid every single binge and the guilt was awful.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Yes, but that ben and jerrys did taste good! lol

    ^^This! LMBO!!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I think back to the day when all I would eat were the frozen weight watchers or lean cuisines meal all the time and would wonder why I was always hungry and why I could never keep the weight off. My very brief stint with Atkins was a joke. I did really well at 1200 calories for a while, until I remembered that I REALLY like food and running and I kept binging on food "because I got a run in".

    I am far from knowing what works best for me but I am really finding my groove with activities that work well for me. I would rather be on the heavier side of healthy and enjoy myself then to be "skinny and healthy" but miserable.

    135 used to be my fantasy goal (which is ridiculous since I have been that since my junior year of highschool). Now my more realistic goal for a healthy me is 149 (just so I can be "in the 140's) which is right on the edge of the mythical healthy BMI for my height.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Yes... back when I had a subscription to those girly fitness magazines. I'd use their online fitness program to track me eat less than 1200 calories, do 1 hour cardio a day and lift those pink barbie low weights with multiple reps! I used to eat lean cuisines for lunch everyday. I even bought stupid diet pills and green tea detox drinks. I did this all throughout college and during the beginning of my professional career... probably about 5+ years on and off and NEVER lost weight or looked any more "toned'. Then I jumped onto the MFP wagon, took a look at the forums and realized women do not bulk up if they lift heavy. I started lifting heavy and 3 months later noticed a huge difference. I lost inches off my waist and started looking more fit. Had to take a break after having a baby, but now I'm stronger than ever doing SL 5x5 and getting into my sexy pants!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    What is all this "now I know better" stuff that everyone is saying
    I am totally new and I would like to know what knowledge is part of this "now I know better".

    It is a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for you. A lot of it is experiences with fad diets and miracle things that make you lose weight quickly. The important thing is that you listen to your body and figure out what works for you and don't let anyone think they know better (unless you are doing something dangerous to yourself). This takes time and to be successful is a commitment to being healthier for life, not to just lose the weight.
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Spending close to $700 for "quick weight loss centers" supplements and highly restricted eating plan. Mind you, $700 is NOT something I have just laying around. I put it on a credit card and I'm still paying it off. Over a year later. :explode: :explode: :explode:

    I'm with you on that one... Still paying off the debt, not to mention it ruined my cholesterol and my gallbladder is now a ticking time bomb... That was about 5 years ago. Never again.