Trying again

I used MFP about two years ago. When I logged back in today it looks like I used it pretty steadily for about a month and a half and lost 7 pounds.
Last week, I tried to start with a different app (couldn't remember name of MFP site/app) and figured out I had to pay to log food and exercise, but liked the reminders to the phone, so logged on a different app. Half way through the week, I lost motivation.
So, now while I was doing some prep to start working out again today, I came across a link to MFP and here I am! I already think this is going to go better. Found some groups and read some posts that sound so similar to my story.
I lose motivation VERY easily. My hubby doesn't want to try with me and constantly has cheez-its and chips in the house that I have to avoid. The good thing is I crave sweet more than salty so I can usually stay away from them, but every once in a while those Cheez-Its get me.
I am a teacher, so I have the summer off and am going to try to start a routine that I can hopefully fit in to my school schedule when it starts back up too. The only difficulty is I have three times that I will not be home for at least 5 days (one for a workshop in Minneapolis, one on vacation at my grandparents, and one to visit my sister in Phoenix). Food won't necessarily be a problem on the last two as my grandma and sister will keep me on track, but making sure I workout will be. I am very social with my family and live 3 hours away from the nearest one so when I am with them, I want to be with them.
I started 30 Day Shred again today (fourth time in probably 4 years). With the way it has been raining here, I have been mowing every 3-4 days. I love to work in the yard, but this is our second summer in our house, and we got the yard to be pretty maintenance free last year.I am also going to try to take the dogs for a walk everyday (again the rain...). The dog walks get to be challenging as I have two large dogs (90 lbs and 150 lbs) and handling them both is difficult at the beginning when they have full energy.
Food is a challenge right now, since I decided to start this journey again about 2 hours AFTER we did our biweekly grocery shopping. Our dinner menu is not completely unhealthy, but it isn't healthy eating either. My fruits and veggies are lacking in the house also. This coming weekend is shopping again so hopefully I can buy some good healthy food then.
So I have a plan, I just need to stick to it, and the motivation to stick to it is my challenge. Anyone that would be able to be a fitness buddy and help me stay motivated please feel free to friend request!


  • kallileigh
    kallileigh Posts: 1 Member
    Hi smbrouillet! Congratulations on getting started. :)

    It is summer in Minnesota! Load up on the local produce. Do you have a farmers market nearby? Or make it a point to get to the store more often to see what's new, fresh, and good that day.

    Good for you for doing the shred again. For the dog walks, maybe walk the dogs one at a time? That'll also make it easier for your to work on any training issues you might be having with the pups too!

    Using myfitnesspal regularly will help you recognize good and bad choices when you're eating out. A lot of the nutrition info for restaurant menu items is in the database. Use the food logging tool religiously, even when you eat bad things, to learn more about the food you enjoy. If you log something and it turns out to be less healthy than you thought - go in search of alternatives so you know what to do next time. Also, use the recipe tool to gain a real understanding of what you're cooking at home.

    Ready to kick some bootay? Let's do it! :)
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hey girl, your so young, but I would not mind being your friend and helping you to stay motivated, if you don't mind chatting with an older woman. I just started on this site last month, and I am pumped up because I just lost a little more weight, makes me want to keep it up, I walk rainy days yet down here in Tx., at least not rained out where I could not walk. I am eating somewhat healthier but mostly I have way cut the portions I eat, even though I still seem to go over my goals in salt mostly, but in sugar and fat too, but I will continue to work on it and as I learn to live a healthier lifestyle, hopefully work on those pesky overages. Anyway, welcome back and feel free to contact me anytime, I am on site most everyday, unless out of town or unable to log on due to 'puter' problems. Would like to be friends, as I haven't made any yet.:flowerforyou:
  • Hey there! Welcome and congratulations on starting. It's an important step. :happy:
    I have not been active on the boards, but I do use the MFP app every day. I joined as part of a Facebook challenge. Being part of a group has been motivating and keeps me accountable. I am starting to break some bad habits and create somme new healthier ones. So far, I've lost 19 lbs since May 12. You'll get a lot of support here! You can do this!!
    Keep on keeping on!