Intermittent fasting?!?



  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    and he great thing about the fasting windows is you dont ahve to think about or plan out food much. YOu dont sit and wonder what am i going to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack. etc.

    I make a quick sandwich in the AM and eat it whenever I get hungry during the fast. Quick, easy and very little time planning, eating and thinking about food.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    I count my calories everyday and intermittent fast everyday.
    I eat all my calories for dinner in 6 hour window (5-11pm)

    I have been practicing for two years, IF turned my health around, cured my sinusitis, cleared my problem skin.

    I follow more of the guidelines of the WARRIOR DIET and LEANGAINS IF systems.

    IF goes back to our natural ways of living, our inner rhythyms. We were hunters, hunting all day for food and feasting at night.
    Now we eat all day and abuse our systems with a constant digestion. Constant digestion of food takes away from body's housekeeping and cleansing internally.
    Thats why over time people get all these diseases, aka junk built up overtime. No rocket science.
  • arielnorth237
    arielnorth237 Posts: 21 Member
    and he great thing about the fasting windows is you dont ahve to think about or plan out food much. YOu dont sit and wonder what am i going to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack. etc.

    I make a quick sandwich in the AM and eat it whenever I get hungry during the fast. Quick, easy and very little time planning, eating and thinking about food.

    Exactly. This is only my second day doing IF but Im not thinking about food nearly as much as before. My cravings have drastically subsided. I woke up this morning a had a cup of green tea (my fav) and that's it! No hunger pains either.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Studies can prove will find so for and some against. If you don't want children in the future...try it and see if it works for you. If you do want kids later, I would do some more research and see if you are willing to take the risks (that may or may not really be real).

    I have done IF with a noon to 7 p.m. eating window - I don't find that it has helped me in any way with weight loss. But it's hard to compare - since you can't do IF and not IF at the same time. The same reasons the studies aren't really credible IMO, different people different results, same people different times....

    Good luck to you regardless of what you choose! And, congrats on your loss!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Studies can prove will find so for and some against. If you don't want children in the future...try it and see if it works for you. If you do want kids later, I would do some more research and see if you are willing to take the risks (that may or may not really be real).

    I have done IF with a noon to 7 p.m. eating window - I don't find that it has helped me in any way with weight loss. But it's hard to compare - since you can't do IF and not IF at the same time. The same reasons the studies aren't really credible IMO, different people different results, same people different times....

    Good luck to you regardless of what you choose! And, congrats on your loss!

    Um. Noon to 7pm eating window?
    That can be a very normal eating window for so many people and if that is what you are basing your opinion that it doesnt work then, well........

    If you would have eaten at a deficit then it would have worked and seen some of the fasting benefits, but since you did a half assed version of it I wouldnt say it doesnt work.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I never understood the whole 16:8 as a fasting thing. To me, calories during that 8 hours is pretty much the same as just eating at a deficit each day but with some of the benefits that fasting gives, but not to the fullest extent. eating in an 8 hour window for me is sort of like a normal eating pattern so alll I would be doing is having to eat at a deficit during those 8 hours.

    The point of the 16:8 Window was to be able to have a work out in the fasted state, in a time frame where the body is more apt to target stubborn body fat.....
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I count my calories everyday and intermittent fast everyday.
    I eat all my calories for dinner in 6 hour window (5-11pm)

    I have been practicing for two years, IF turned my health around, cured my sinusitis, cleared my problem skin.

    I follow more of the guidelines of the WARRIOR DIET and LEANGAINS IF systems.

    IF goes back to our natural ways of living, our inner rhythyms. We were hunters, hunting all day for food and feasting at night.
    Now we eat all day and abuse our systems with a constant digestion. Constant digestion of food takes away from body's housekeeping and cleansing internally.
    Thats why over time people get all these diseases, aka junk built up overtime. No rocket science.

    Since starting IF back in August, my health markers have gotten a TON better.
    BP in August was at 133/73
    Just about a month ago, I was at 104/72
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Here is an interesting read I came across the other day.....
    I hope more studies are done in this area.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I have only be IFing for about 3 weeks but in those three weeks I have broken my plateau and lost 4.6 pounds. I do the 16:8 and it works for me. I am no longer feeling hungry all the time, except when I exercise. Even then I only eat a small snack and try to make sure I get all may calories in.....that's been difficult the last day or so...not as big of an appetite. I attribute that to the heat because it is very humid here. I plan on continuing to do intermittent fasting until I reach my weight loss goal. I have also recently started zig zagging my cals also. Good luck to you on this journey. Need some support just send me a friend request. :)

    How do you like zig zagging your calories. This is my second week and I am more happy with it than when I tried 5:2 (had serious constipation). As someone who goes twice, sometimes three times a day, 5:2 was not for me.

    I was down 2 lbs last week after zig zagging, will definitely stick to it and see where it takes me. I find it a lot better than eating the same calories every day. I do not eat back my exercise calories.
  • turbogirl105
    I'm starting this today too. Good luck!! My eating window is 16/8 but I may narrow that down later.
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I've had success with it in the past and have just started it again yesterday. I dropped my calories down and it's the only way I will be able to stay at or under 1250. I will fast for 15 hours and eat during a 9 hour window (splitting the difference between the recommended 14 for woman and 16 for men). I won't fast on the weekends, but still be sure to be within my calorie goal. Weekend fasting just doesn't fit my lifestyle. M-F works for me. Give it a try for two weeks and see if it's something you can maintain.
  • ljb304
    ljb304 Posts: 151 Member
    I've been doing the Fast 5 diet for two months. In that time I've lost 16 lbs and it has never been easier. My eating window during the week is about 6:30 - 10:30 p.m. One the weekends I stick to more of a 5-10 p.m. window. I do still count calories even though I probably don't need to. I am in my 16th hour of fasting right now and haven't had a single hunger pang all day and I have more energy than ever. I will usually start to get hungry at about 4:30 but it's manageable with water.

    I know I've only been doing this for a few months, but I can honestly see me fasting for life. It's too easy not to.

    Any fellow fast 5'ers out there feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bhouston33
    bhouston33 Posts: 8 Member
    I have only be IFing for about 3 weeks but in those three weeks I have broken my plateau and lost 4.6 pounds. I do the 16:8 and it works for me. I am no longer feeling hungry all the time, except when I exercise. Even then I only eat a small snack and try to make sure I get all may calories in.....that's been difficult the last day or so...not as big of an appetite. I attribute that to the heat because it is very humid here. I plan on continuing to do intermittent fasting until I reach my weight loss goal. I have also recently started zig zagging my cals also. Good luck to you on this journey. Need some support just send me a friend request. :)

    How do you like zig zagging your calories. This is my second week and I am more happy with it than when I tried 5:2 (had serious constipation). As someone who goes twice, sometimes three times a day, 5:2 was not for me.

    I was down 2 lbs last week after zig zagging, will definitely stick to it and see where it takes me. I find it a lot better than eating the same calories every day. I do not eat back my exercise calories.

    I haven't been doing the zig zag very long but so far I like it. Some days are harder than others when my calories are really today. But I just keep myself busy and drink lots of water. lol
  • arielnorth237
    arielnorth237 Posts: 21 Member
    Turns out that my eating window was way to short! This morning I could barely finish my hour long elliptical workout because of lack of energy. I had been fasting too long. Im extending my eating times from 12-6pm. I think that I was being a little harsh on myself.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    You can start at an 8 or 10 hr feeding window and then scale back.....

    Important thing to keep in mind, is to keep your calorie intake on point.

    IF is not a magic bullet......u still have the Calories In vs. Calories Out equation that is in play
  • jmbaker1985
    Starting IF today. A couple of questions:

    Do you eat anything during your fasting window? I am reading conflicting info.

    Is it better to start with a bigger eating window?

    Any other advice?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Starting IF today. A couple of questions:

    Do you eat anything during your fasting window? I am reading conflicting info.

    Is it better to start with a bigger eating window?

    Any other advice?

    Generally speaking, no.

    However, there are some people who partake in a "fat fast." That is, they consume only a source of fat (the prime one usually being bulletproof coffee, though some will eat coconut oil straight). This isn't considered breaking the fast, because a fat-only "meal" doesn't raise insulin levels, so the body stays in what's generally considered the "fasted" state.

    There are also some people who will consume branch chain amino acids (BCAA) for workout performance reasons. I don't know much about that one, though, so I can't really comment further.

    Whether it's better to start with a larger eating window depends largely on where you're starting and where you want to end up. If you're starting with eating 5-6 meals a day and feel like you're starving at each, then you'll probably want to wean yourself slowly by removing meals every few days. However, if you're already only eating 3 meals, and especially if you eat on the lower-carb end of the spectrum, then you might be able to dive right in to a 16:8 routine.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Starting IF today. A couple of questions:

    Do you eat anything during your fasting window? I am reading conflicting info.

    Is it better to start with a bigger eating window?

    Any other advice?

    You eat foods that hit your calorie goal, as well as your macro goals.
    That is the important thing.

    For women, you can try 14/10
    And see how you your way to 16/8
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I do BCAAs pre-workout
    More of an insurance policy, to protect the muscle I do have.

    But if you consume enough protein...on the order of 1.0 - 1.25 gr / lb of body weight....then you can go either way with them
  • kevinearthsoul
    kevinearthsoul Posts: 9 Member
    I'm just starting on a regimen of doing a daily 16:8 fast, and a weekly full-day fast (intermittent). I'll let you know how it turns out!