Looking for motivated friends!! 25+ lbs to lose :)

Hi! I'm Aubrey, I'm 26, and I'm hopefully getting married next year! I really want to lose approximately 25lbs before next October. I just started my weight loss journey today. I'm doing Shakeology and T25, as well as taking on elements from the Omni Diet. I'd really like some friends to help me stay accountable. Any and all encouragement is definitely appreciated!



  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome, Feel free to add me to your list, Good luck on your journey!
  • saragoesrawr
    Congratulations on your engagement! Please feel free to add me! I am trying to lost about 40 lbs myself and find encouraging others help me stay on track!
  • mojo41mfp
    mojo41mfp Posts: 21 Member
    I joined MFP a month ago and haven't taken it seriously. I am
    now. Please feel free to add me. I have 35 to lose ideally x
  • celesteg2223
    ive been using my fitness pal for a few months now, and ive just started getting involved within the community. my goal is to lose around 30lbs. add me and join my journey :)
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    Congrats on getting married! You have enough time to achieve your goals. I am two and half years into my journey and counting. Everyday gets easier. I am here to help if you need any advice on workouts/nutrition!
  • bjc93180
    bjc93180 Posts: 1
    Hi there. Congrats and well wishes! I feel lost in my weight loss journey and need friends and encouragement as well. I'm 5'2" and currently weigh a little over 140lb. I've got 20-25 lbs to shed. I tend to get really frustrated and fall off the wagon. I'm here for you if you are here for me! We are all in this battle together!
  • aubtimusprime
    aubtimusprime Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks! It's funny but I'm actually really excited to lose this time. I've been kind of a yo-yo dieter, so hopefully something sticks!
  • sarcathryn
    sarcathryn Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, congrats!! I have about 25 left to lose. I'm active everyday :)
  • seamus730
    seamus730 Posts: 1
    Good luck, stay committed! My goal is to lose 40 and I am almost half way there. Feel free to add me as w could all use a little extra support!
  • carriehopp
    carriehopp Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! Congrats on the engagement! I have about 45 lbs to lose still. I am currently doing Jillian Michael's 30DS (on level 2 right now), and plan to do the T25 next. So keep at it and let me know how great it works for you so I am even more motivated to start it soon! Feel free to add me.
  • inespeters
    inespeters Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome feel free to add me
  • MalayanTiger
    I just started, too! Add me if you wish!