CLOTHES! (temporary wardrobe advice needed!)

ajff Posts: 986 Member
Clothes. Argh.

I'm 5'8" and lost 25ish pounds. And nothing fits. I'm a teacher, so I've been wearing belts and the smallest clothes I have for the last week or so knowing that in 2 days I can give up the professional wardrobe (to goodwill) and find some summer clothes in my closet that fit a bit better... for now! Let's just say that come hell or high water, this time I will NOT FAIL. I will drop the extra pounds.

So what advice do you have about acquiring a temporary wardrobe? Summer I can get by with a few things, doing laundry a lot, etc... but I'm really trying to economical and practical about the upcoming school year. Because really, I am going to be a much smaller size semester 2 as opposed to semester 1! And... I have a small wallet! (maybe I should get a second job just so I can buy new clothes!)

Last, when your professional wardrobe no longer fits (sigh ... 10 - 15 pairs of pants, shirts... ), do you donate or sell on Craig's list? Do people buy whole rubbermaids of clothes????


  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Hi there
    Good stuff I sold on trade me (like Craig's list) and luckily I had some thinner clothes that I had kept from last time I was snaller????You could buy some cheaper staples to get you thru. Or go to goodwill store to have a look around, I also brought some smaller tops and pants off trade me.
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    I have seen people selling tubs (lots/bags) of clothes on craigslist, but I don't know if they ever actually sell or not. I sold all of my maternity stuff that way (but that may be more in demand?). Regular clothes I tend to just donate because I want them out of the way and I also do not enjoy dealing with people to try and sell the stuff!

    As for getting a new professional wardrobe, I would try to stick with as many basics as you can. Black pants/solid neutral colored pants can be paired with several different shirts and won't look like you are wearing the same thing every day. I would start looking now through clearance sales. I have found some pretty good deals at JC Penny and Kohls (shirts for $2-4, pants for around $8-10). I have heard skirts are good for lasting through a range of weights too. If you start looking now you may be able to find some really good deals on winter type clothes. I also buy a lot of short sleve/sleveless shirts that I can wear with a sweater/cardigan over them, so even though they aren't really fall/winter clothes they will work. I haven't had much luck at thrift stores, but we don't have a ton of selection really close.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If your clothes are really pricey and in good shape, maybe a secondhand store would give you good credit toward new (gently used) stuff?

    I personally donate my stuff, but I like supporting the charities that take it and don't like the hassle of selling.

    If your shape is changing I would go to Marshall's or Ross or TJ Maxx for some basics to get you through fall semester, then reassess from there. No reason to spend a fortune to donate it all again in 6 months.

    Good luck!
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    It's tough to be in the transition phase. When I was there, my best bets were Kohl's and Old Navy when I could get their coupons. There's also a Gap Outlet near me that has some awesome deals. I have also bought stuff from Goodwill, although I generally don't have the patience to sort through all the racks, and eBay. If there is a particular item that you like, you can look for it on eBay in a smaller size. I did that recently with Target pants that I love. Seriously Target has nice dress pants for only like 20 bucks and then I got a pair on eBay for about $5! Good luck!
  • poodlenoodlemuffin
    poodlenoodlemuffin Posts: 23 Member
    I have a few circle skirts that started falling down my hips, so I sewed elastic around the waist band to get them to stay on, which has given me another couple of months use out of them. That's about the only item of clothing you can adjust without cutting the fabric though (at least if you have no talent with haberdashery like me!).
  • tyildirim
    tyildirim Posts: 6
    I agree with you about the sleeveless shirts paired with a cardigan. I've been doing that forever since my weight fluctuates so much (and I hate shopping). Also, you're right, skirts or simple shift dresses and belts work well when the weight changes a bit. I tend to go for something elastic and buy it a bit small so that it fits 10 pounds up or down.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Clothes. Argh.

    I'm 5'8" and lost 25ish pounds. And nothing fits. I'm a teacher, so I've been wearing belts and the smallest clothes I have for the last week or so knowing that in 2 days I can give up the professional wardrobe (to goodwill) and find some summer clothes in my closet that fit a bit better... for now! Let's just say that come hell or high water, this time I will NOT FAIL. I will drop the extra pounds.

    So what advice do you have about acquiring a temporary wardrobe? Summer I can get by with a few things, doing laundry a lot, etc... but I'm really trying to economical and practical about the upcoming school year. Because really, I am going to be a much smaller size semester 2 as opposed to semester 1! And... I have a small wallet! (maybe I should get a second job just so I can buy new clothes!)

    Last, when your professional wardrobe no longer fits (sigh ... 10 - 15 pairs of pants, shirts... ), do you donate or sell on Craig's list? Do people buy whole rubbermaids of clothes????

    Well done on your journey so far. I think charity shops are the way to go until you reach your goal. Look out for key pieces you need for work. There is only so much you can punch new holes into your belts to tighten trousers. People after awhile start to tell you that its too big.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Forgot to say. I had to give all my office clothes to charity. I never wanted to fit into them again.
  • skyeny
    skyeny Posts: 51 Member
    OP, I hear you... I was almost crying this morning, even though I'm supposed to be happy... I'm less that 1/2 way from my goal, and 90% of my clothes don't fit anymore... even underwear. Even clothes that I bought 3 months ago (for summer) and I've got to wear them only once or twice. I'm both happy and so sad. So I've decided to just buy a few items and to do laundry more often, and I don't care what others think, I'll be updating my wardrobe when I'm at my goal weight, it will be my reward =) I've also just paid a few grand for my personal trainer, so I have a small wallet now too.
    So, I'm thinking 2 skirts and 3-4 tops, all neutral colors, so people have less chances to remember what I was wearing a few days ago...
    Also, google Vivienne Files blog, she posts great capsule wardrobes!
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    Congratulations on your loss and commitment! In addition to the ideas already posted, try eBay. I've picked up some nice suits and blazers for VERY little, even including shipping. The nice thing is many sellers include measurements, so you can figure out which labels fit your current proportions (Kasper and Tahari for me).
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My BEST advice (as a 37 yr old, 5'8" woman who has lost 120+ lb in the past several years) is to with a smaller "capsule" wardrobe and to get rid of those old ideas about what "enough clothes" looks like.

    I had it in my mind for years that I MUST HAVE 10 pairs of jeans, every single color of dress pants, 20 warm sweaters, etc.

    When I went from my usual sizes 22/24 to 18 last summer, I basically replaced every single thing in my closet -- it took me years to go from 22 to 18, so I figured I was "safe" - but then a few months later the 18s looked awful and I needed to re-purchase almost everything!! So I learned from that, for sure. I now try to shop for items that I love so much I will not mind wearing them every 7-14 days. In the past I had clothing that only saw one or two days of wear per year. Those days are gone, for now anyway!

    I don't have to dress professionally now (my current office allows jeans every day) so I have only a couple of outfits like that for meetings and such, along with skirts & dresses which I love. My larger clothing included a lot of nice professional stuff, and I had excellent luck selling it at my garage sale, which I advertised on Craigslist but also on various "Plus Size Clothing Swap" sites on facebook (I asked permission first from the group admins)...those ladies seriously came & bought EVERY item I had for sale, it was totally worth my time!! With other items, I sold them in lots (like "5 Pairs Nice Size 18 Jeans") on Craigslist, to make it more worth my time ($20 for 5 pairs seemed like a lot more than $5 per pair and having to meet up with 5 different people). Now that I have fewer clothes at once, I just donate items as needed. And I am finally getting into a size range that I can share some of my castoff items with friends without them being offended, especially if I claim I just didn't like the color or something like that!

    Secondhand stores can be a thrill when you find QUALITY items for practically nothing, but I understand it can be time-consuming to scour those, especially when working full-time. I've had very good luck at off-price retailers like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Ross, etc. Lately, I'm obsessed with clearance racks just about everywhere. Target is one favorite but I found there to be quite a little "gap" between their plus sizing and misses/juniors.

    I have probably written way too much! This subject is really interesting to me. Congrats on your progress, and good luck!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    ahhhh just ONE more note about selling items on Craigslist, if you decide to try that.

    I had great luck with hanging items on hangers and photographing each one separately, then listing them as a "lot"...OR laying out 5-6 items on a made bed and then describing them with color, brand or store purchased, labeled size, etc.

    Another thing I did was sticking athletic and/or juniors items in one lot, and dressier or more "mature" items in another lot. it totally worked too...I'd have a plus size teen meeting up with me to buy jeans/tops, and then an older woman buying my business basics.

    I don't think I ever had anything on CL for more than 1 week without selling it. Again, the best of luck to you!!
  • HollyDee14
    HollyDee14 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been shopping at Ross with pretty good luck. :) Regarding your too-big professional clothing, consider donating them to a local women's shelter. They are *ALWAYS* looking for clothing that could be worn to a job interview to help women become more independent. Plus-size clothing in good condition is even better. :) Best of luck with your shopping/finding/trading!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Also, if you're going to have to have a smaller wardrobe in your "in-between" size and you're self-conscious about it, buy only really basic stuff - plain, unremarkable items. No one will notice if you wear the same black tee shirt or jeans even multiple times per week, but they might notice the same neon pink blouse or loudly patterned trousers. Just something to consider if you do worry about it like I would.
  • okulyd
    okulyd Posts: 147 Member
    Ebay is good too. I have purchased new or near new items for nearly nothing plus shipping. For example, name brand jeans for $10 to $30 or new bras for $10 to $20.
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    When I finally decided I needed to loose weight I had purchased my first size 18 clothes. A little over a year later I ended up between a 4 and 6. I still have 15 pounds to loose, but I don't think my size will go down anymore - which is fine by me.

    My place was Goodwill. I would go and only buy the color tag items that were 50% Off. Although I am very luck with my office job and can wear nice jeans or business casual most days. I only got a few items each trip which helped the budget. I remember two pair of 8 size years barely lasted me a month - it is funny how weight comes off.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I remember two pair of 8 size years barely lasted me a month - it is funny how weight comes off.

    I totally agree with this. I've gone from 22/24 to currently a 12 and along the way I was in 18 for awhile, but 20, 16 and 14 flew past and a few of my jeans/pants only really fit for like 1-2 months. I have a size 14 dress that was too tight, then WAY too big a month later! Kind of frustrating...especially with narrow cut legs on pants, they are super flattering when they fit correctly but the second they're too big you know it :-(
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    Maybe someone suggested this already, but if you have friends of diverse sizes, you could have a clothing swap. It's fun for everyone!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I remember two pair of 8 size years barely lasted me a month - it is funny how weight comes off.

    I totally agree with this. I've gone from 22/24 to currently a 12 and along the way I was in 18 for awhile, but 20, 16 and 14 flew past and a few of my jeans/pants only really fit for like 1-2 months. I have a size 14 dress that was too tight, then WAY too big a month later! Kind of frustrating...especially with narrow cut legs on pants, they are super flattering when they fit correctly but the second they're too big you know it :-(

    I remember this too. I bought clothes at every other size for the most part. Work clothes, I think I had black, gray and brown pants that I just rotated through. It was hard, but not worth spending too much money. 4

    I donated my clothes to Goodwill along the way and like Seltzermint said, I don't feel the need to have as much clothes anymore. I do buy quality stuff that I love now. I am better at mixing and matching my clothes to make my outfits look different
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    Since plus size clothes are more expensive, I tend to got to thrift stores. Please donate them, thrift stores are always short on nice plus sizes that are not from the 80's (or earlier!!). I really love when I see a new shipment of clothes!! :flowerforyou: