Acceptable percentage of lean body mass lost?

I've lost 5lbs. (yay!)

According to my body fat scale (which, I know, may or may not be 100% accurate), of those 5lbs, 65% of it has been fat, and 35% has been lean body mass.

I know that there's simply no way to avoid losing *some* lean body mass during weight loss - but does anybody know what an acceptable percentage would be?


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Get decent protein, strength train, and apply a reasonable deficit for your size. That's the best you can do.

    The margin of error on your scale is greater than your total weight loss so far. It's not an appropriate method to try to analyze small changes in weight.

    Also, lean mass includes water.
  • nickelpickle
    Thanks for the input. I'm guessing the scale is probably really off!