Feel like carbs are too low? What should i do?

Im trying to lean out a little bit. And i went on the iifym calculator to figure out my macros and my calories. So heres what it tells me to hit. 164C,202P,61F and 2022 calories. So my problem with this is that ifeel like my carbs are too low. Here are the Macros i hit today. 217C,201p,41F and 1856 cals. So my question is how come my carbs are way over and still my calories are lower than theyre supposed to. Is it because my fats were lower and calories from fat are higher than calories from carbs?i want to keep my fats higher than 40. Usually i eat around 50-55. Just that today i didnt eat enough. But like i said 164 carbs just feel like theyre too low. I want to keep my protein as it is. Should i just keep my macros as today and just stay at a caloric defecit or ehat should i do?


  • renzo211
    renzo211 Posts: 25
    You might want to look up the calorie distribution per gram of each macronutrient. Your hint is on the right track I believe, there is a different calorie distribution depending if it's from a carb/prot /fat.

    What is your goal? When you say lean out, are you reffering to losing weight? (bodyfat?) Maybe, gain lean muscle? Which is it? :P
  • gcruzfitness
    Male,,19yo,5'8.176.6lbs,lift weights 6x a week. Just started with the macros. 2 days ago. I had counted calories before and protein intake but thats about it. I already have a decent amount of muscle(not huge,but def looks like a lift)but ive also put on some fat and i want toget rid off it. I dont want to get stupid lean. Just want to be lean enough to take my shirt off and look decent. Thn after that go for a slow clean bulk.
  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    When I was cutting I was eating 300g of carbs and cut just fine.If I drop them too low I have no energy.I cut on 2700 calories
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Male,,19yo,5'8.176.6lbs,lift weights 6x a week. Just started with the macros. 2 days ago. I had counted calories before and protein intake but thats about it. I already have a decent amount of muscle(not huge,but def looks like a lift)but ive also put on some fat and i want toget rid off it. I dont want to get stupid lean. Just want to be lean enough to take my shirt off and look decent. Thn after that go for a slow clean bulk.
    If you want to stay at 2000 calories then that's on you as long as that puts you in a deficit. It might not but you are also 19 so that variable will add a slight variation verses someone with your stats that is in their 30's or 40's. You will only know what your real TDEE via trial and error.

    You protein does not need to be anywhere near 202g. You could easily get away with .6-.8g per lb of bodyweight. 140g is more than enough. If you felt like going up to 1g per pound there is nothing wrong with it but it's not necessary.

    Your protein should be at minimum .4g per lb of bodyweight. 70g

    That would leave you with roughly 1190 calories for carbs or 208g.

    In response to why you calories for today are so low. Like you said, your fats were to low.

    He means fat OP. Fat should be a minimum of 0.4g per lb of body weight. Everything else is spot on. You don't need anywhere near 200g of protein. 140g is plenty.
  • gcruzfitness
    Ok so correct me if im wrong. So lets say i drop my protein to 1g per bodyweight so 176g and i make my fats 70. Would my carbs be around 215-220. Just like today?im still new at this and trying to understand. Srry
  • gcruzfitness
    Oh damn ok. Now i get it. Thanks. Since i do want more carbs im gonna lower my protein to 140g=560cals thn drop fats to 60g=540cals which gives me a total of 1100cals. Thn i would have 922 cals for carbs which would b 230C.

  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    When I was cutting I was eating 300g of carbs and cut just fine.If I drop them too low I have no energy.I cut on 2700 calories
    Some guys like you are very lucky to be able to swing those numbers. I wish I could. I am however it the camp with the train of thought that you should cut with calories and carbs as high as possible while still achieving the desired, reasonable rate of fat loss

    My metabolism is so quick and I'm quite hyperactive so if I cut calories too much I lose weight too quickly.Makes cutting nice and easy for me but it's a f***er to bulk.Have to eat loads
  • renzo211
    renzo211 Posts: 25
    Ok so correct me if im wrong. So lets say i drop my protein to 1g per bodyweight so 176g and i make my fats 70. Would my carbs be around 215-220. Just like today?im still new at this and trying to understand. Srry


    176g protein = 704 calories
    70g fat = 630 calories

    2022 (calorie goal) - 1,334 (protein and fat calories) = 688 calories remaining for carbs.
    688 ÷ 4 = 172g of carbs

    Is this considering the recommended macronutrient bump that MFP does when you register exercise?