Calculation Help!



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Also, to the OP, congratulations on being a non-smoker! I quit a couple of months ago, and it's seriously the best thing I've ever done for myself. I know how difficult it is. Great job and I hope you can stick with it!
  • littlemissdrea85
    What I have been doing (unsure if its right) is I'll eat my 1,430 cals MFP gives me but my daily morning walks burn around 150cals and I won't eat them back, sometimes in the evenings I'll do a 5km+ walk with a girlfriend that burns around 350cals (according to map my walk) and if I do that as well as my morning walk I WILL eat the 350cals back but keep the 150cals from my morning walk and not eat them back.

    My main goal is weight loss however I tried every gimmicky pill and trick under the sun (even got tricked into Garcinia Camobgia which did NOTHING for me) until I realised only healthy eating and exercise would do it. From my walking and not smoking I am feeling a lot more energised during the say and generally just in better health also.
  • littlemissdrea85
    Thank you ^.^ and great to know about the carbs, I am trying to change from white processed carbs to more natural such as whole wheat
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    The one thing I will say about carbs especially refined carbs is most people find them less satiating than the other macros. What I mean by that is you can eat 250 calories of protein and feel quite full but 250 calories of a refined sugar carb meal will leave you feeling like you want more.

    It is true that a calorie is pretty much a calorie but you might want to find out what the best mix of macros is for you to stay satiated and happy on your calorie budget.
  • littlemissdrea85
    MFP has a daily breakdown I try and stick to, unsure if its a generic one for all but mine is 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein. Trying to ween myself off the white bread's and buns that I would usually have with every meal however, bit hard but have done it before with energy drinks (used to drink 3x bottles a day - now drink none, only water!) but must say it is possibly the hardest thing I am finding so far.

    For example today for dinner I had nice big green salad with some cut up capsicum, avocado and red onion with 100gms of baked salmon which was nice but I still have this craving for carbs which I am trying to get rid of at night, I've been told its best to eat them before dinner time at lunch and breakfast only.

    Anyway thanks you've been really helpful!! Only new to all of this so all of the help is great :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Meal or food timing has no effect on weight loss. You do not have to stop eating any food after X PM. It all comes down to personal preference, and also what you find more satisfying. I mean if you have digestion issues eating bread too close to bedtime that's one thing. But just an arbitrary don't eat this after 6 PM, not necessary either :)