Bad days starting to out number the good days

Started out great last Friday but have struggled today, and yesterday. The misses made those Caramel chip cookies. Wow I was eating them faster then a junkie scoring his hits. Quitting smoking was so much easier then losing weight. Okay wake up tomorrow and try it again.


  • lynseyscott80
    just keep plodding on, if you have 1 cookie - no big deal, have 1, enjoy it, move on.

    I think if you say something is completely off limits all together then have one, you tend to think you've ruined everything so you may as well have 10 more.

    if you allow yourself one (& log it) you'll still feel in control & you'll be more likely to stay on track the rest of the day.

    you're not going to change years of bad habits overnight, it takes time - you'll do it xxx