How to beat/satisfy those late night munchies?!

Late night munchies are my biggest problem!! Any advice/suggestions on beating/satisfying those munchies in a HEALTHY way?!! Thanks in advance! I SOOOO want some chips and salsa right now!!! :-/


  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    -Baby carrots or celery with hummus, or snack-bags of popcorn.
    -Handfuls of a low calorie cereal
    -Deli meat with cheese
    -Greek yogurt mixed with cocoa powder, sweetener, and chocolate chips.

    I like having a little snack before I sleep so I typically save a couple hundred calories in my day to do so!
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Some nuts, strawberries, greek yogurt, gums - always helps me!!
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Late night munchies are my biggest problem!! Any advice/suggestions on beating/satisfying those munchies in a HEALTHY way?!! Thanks in advance! I SOOOO want some chips and salsa right now!!! :-/

    I think you can make homemade tortilla chips by cutting up a flour tortilla (could use a wholemeal one) spraying it with frylight and baking in a hot oven. Make your own salsa with tomatoes, chilli, red onion and vinegar and there's one of your five a day. Sorted!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I keep a pile of hard boiled eggs in my fridge - if I am ever craving a snack I eat one dipped in freshly milled black pepper :smile:
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Air popped popcorn? I buy the plain popping corn and cook it in the microwave. Then a really light spray of cooking oil and a sprinkle of salt or flavouring (I add a basic yellow curry powder and a tiny bit of vege stock powder)
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    If you frequently notice you have late night munchies, the best advice I could offer is to plan for them. Try to save yourself a reasonable amount of calories for whatever snack you're in the mood for (I try to keep it around 200-350 calories), and then when the cravings comes, reward yourself! I find this particularly helpful because it forces me to be good all day in order to get my end of day treat I've been wanting ;)
    I used to love these 25 calorie packs of hot cocoa with one cup (30 calories) of unsweetened almond milk, but then I tried Starbucks hot cocoa packets and now I just cannot go back (but they're 100-120 calories usually, so they're not terrible).
    I also love getting So Delicious' Chocolate Coconut Milk Frozen Dessert Pints! They also have a no sugar added variety, but both are good :)
    In addition, I like Cinnabon's cinnamon cashews, if you can find them.
    But every craving is unique! The only way to get rid of it is to allow yourself to give in a little every night, just be good about how you plan on doing so!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I say this very seriously...when I get the munchies at night, I go to bed. I don't eat after dinner because it'll just spiral into a binge, so if drinking water, crocheting, reading, running, and/or gardening hasn't helped me, I just throw in the towel and go to bed. :wink:
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    spread your meals out throughout the day and eat smaller meals every 2 to three hours to fit your calorie goals, and try and spread out the carbs / protein evenly so you don't stay hungry all night.

    If you wake up and crave something, have a nice glass of water or milk - that usually satisfies me. Otherwise I grab something that I want and just workout a little harder the next day, unless it's a daily thing that you have to do, then opt for nuts, fruit, or yogurt.
  • katiewilsonxo
    katiewilsonxo Posts: 85 Member
    I was reading my women's health magazine this month and one thing really stood out to me: They said that late at night, we often confuse our body's "tired" symptoms for needing more fuel to keep going whereas our body just needs to go to sleep.

    Perhaps having an earlier bed time will help? Or maybe starting your night-time routine earlier (shower, brush teeeth and read in bed an hour earlier than usual?)

    I've been trying to do this and I've found that I'm eating just from boredom so I'll go for a workout on the stationary bike late at night and by hydrating myself during the workout, I'm not hungry and I've tired myself out enough to go to sleep fairly soon after.

    However, if you're craving chips and salsa at 8pm and it's way too early to go to sleep, I'll sometimes measure out ONE portion and just have that so I don't feel like I'm missing out. I've also moved my meals around so I don't eat dinner until 7-8pm and after my workout and a little bit of TV or household chores, it's bedtime. If you're not hungry but you just have a craving, do something else to keep your hands busy.
  • mfp_robin
    mfp_robin Posts: 8
    This is my most fragile time of day! For me, a late night snack can easily turn into a late night binge. If this isn't a problem for you, I think all the above suggestions are great. A bit of dry oatmeal is also a good one if you don't think it's weird to eat dry oatmeal :) I really like how consciously I have to chew it, and it sits very satisfyingly in my belly.

    But sometimes late night hunger is just my body begging for sleep, and so I am trying these days to climb into bed at 10pm instead of midnight or later (which I'll do when I don't exercise any discipline). And I am much less likely to binge at that early hour than when it starts to feel like the rest of the world is asleep.
  • mfp_robin
    mfp_robin Posts: 8
    Oh! I also sometimes get a real burst of energy after dinner, and a workout at that time can be a lifesaver! Otherwise--as ridiculous as this must sound--I will resort instead to snacking in order to LOWER my energy level enough for sleep.

    I may bookmark this post so I can refer back to it if I ever wonder why I have such a hard time managing my weight ;)
  • smc0170
    smc0170 Posts: 56 Member
    I say this very seriously...when I get the munchies at night, I go to bed. I don't eat after dinner because it'll just spiral into a binge, so if drinking water, crocheting, reading, running, and/or gardening hasn't helped me, I just throw in the towel and go to bed. :wink:

    Yep, I either leave some extra calories for the end of the day just in case, or just go to bed.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Make dinner your biggest meal. I probably eat 60% or more of my calories after 4pm. No late night cravings at all.
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    I say this very seriously...when I get the munchies at night, I go to bed. I don't eat after dinner because it'll just spiral into a binge, so if drinking water, crocheting, reading, running, and/or gardening hasn't helped me, I just throw in the towel and go to bed. :wink:

    Yep, I either leave some extra calories for the end of the day just in case, or just go to bed.

    This. If you've spaced out your meals and snacks well throughout the day, you probably aren't hungry, just tired. Sleep.
  • StephanieKidd83
    StephanieKidd83 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you everyone!! Very helpful! Those late night munchies sneak up on ya ;) Another issue Ive had...Sleep walk eating!! I dont realize im doing it until I have either started chewing or half way through. Back when i was about 14 I guess I was dreaming that I was eating shrimp...but when I started chewing...instead of that yummy soft pink guy, I was chewing something papery,dry and GROSS. Woke up standing in the dining room eating my dads cigarette butts out of his ash tray :-/
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    Ice Cream.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    I quit smoking indica
  • hkussatz
    hkussatz Posts: 41
    I just discovered pumpkin seeds in shell! Holy cow are they amazing... I was so amazed after only a handful how much they fill you up. I took out a serving and could only finish half. Highly recommend them if you are looking to feel full!
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    I just go to bed, and sleep.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    Trader Joes Movie Theater Popcorn 2 cups for 160 calories. I eat a serving and drink 16 ounces of water.