
Ruckus85 Posts: 23 Member
Yesterday was the first day in 45 days I had ice cream, whole eggs, and popcorn and fruit. I went crazy. Part of me thinks I went crazy because I'm missing something in those items in my diet the other part thinks I just lost control. Either way how would I recover from a Binge day?

My day is usually around these macros
Carbs & sugar under 50g


  • chench53
    chench53 Posts: 30 Member
    First, don't let it get you off track! It's just a bump in the road, look at the other 44 days of doing well, and focus on getting back on track.

    I don't know what you eat on a usual day, but permitting a treat once in a while is OK. I think doing so helps us learn how to work that into a balanced diet.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Ruckus85
    Ruckus85 Posts: 23 Member
    Normally I have a protein shake with my coffee in the morning, for lunch I have either a quest bar and a salad or another shake and 2 cups of veggies, for dinner 8oz of lean meat with 2c of salad or veggies, and with my snack it's either a handful of almonds, a serving of peanut butter, or an enlightened ice cream bar.
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    Not sure what is inherently wrong with the food stuff you ate.

    What exactly do you consider a binge?

    Perhaps you need to look again at your calorie goal and maybe eat a few more calories each day.

    Otherwise, learn from the day and start again, or spread the additional calories as additional deficit during the rest of the week.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    You "recover" by getting back on track...1 day is not the end of the world; it won't make or break you. Having a cheat day can be a total sanity-saver.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    Not sure what is inherently wrong with the food stuff you ate.


    this is a very good point as well - eating fruit is hardly a "binge" and whole eggs aren't necessarily a bad thing either (I eat a couple every day).
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    Why did you cut out whole eggs and fruit in the first place?

    Don't demonise food There is no 'bad' food. There's just food.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    How to recover? You Just keep going! Don't let a binge get you down. I'm not advocating binging, but really… the only thing wrong with a binge is if you let it throw you completely off track. Just get back on it tomorrow. Personally, I advocate the "everything in moderation" approach. If you really want some ice cream… go ahead and have a little bit. Portion it out. Enjoy it. And put it away. That's one of the beautiful things about counting calories… you can have ice cream now and then… just account for it in your calories.

    I compare a lot of things to making a car trip. A binge doesn't have to equal a car wreck. It can simply be a flat tire...You simply change the tire and get on your way.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You need to eat MORE!!!!
  • Ruckus85
    Ruckus85 Posts: 23 Member
    For as long as I can remember I was an over eater. As in I could put away a half gallon of ice cream, half a box of pizza, and god only know what else in a day. So I decided to cut all sugars, dairy, and bread products out. I lost 15lbs almost right away and the inches are are falling now but the pounds are about the same. I did workout a lot when I was eating like it was my job now not so much. Maybe an hour a day and some abs. I guess I really need to figure out a healthy balance for things I love like fruits and dairy. I can live without the bread except for the occasional need for pasta.