Shakiness after a little exercise


I find I am very shaky after very little exercise. I am totally used to this exercise (walking the dog while pushing stroller with 24 lb. baby in hilly area). Before watching my diet recently I never had such extreme issues. Today I tried eating close to before going thinking that would help. Not. Any advice? Is this temporary since I just started the intake watching. I ate similarly in the past and new had the issue but was not doing any activity.


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Are you sure you're eating enough? If you've just started you might want to do a little research about how much you should be eating. If you were eating a great deal more than you were now you might be freaking out your body. I wouldn't say that this is normal if you're used to the exercise.
  • hholman
    Sounds like you aren't eating enough calories for your body to handle the exercise. That happens to me if I have a grueling workout early in the morning. My body doesn't have enough fuel to handle the amount of exercise. Try eating more carbs, an hour before you workout, and be sure to drink plenty of water.
  • PokenStick
    Hmm, I don't know this is weird. I would make sure you're eating all of your calories and drinking enough water.
  • mellissacase
    Hello, I'm really glad to find someone else who understands me.

    I am exactly the same suffering with shakes. After my walk the other day I thought I was going to collapse but I then had a banana and it instantly solved my problem. I also make sure I have a snack in my car after swimming otherwise I can't control myself for driving. My shakes happen not only after exercise but also when I need food (not just hunger). I I have found that I need to eat little and often so I always carry snacks with me.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i was thinking the same about calories. you may have had way too little of calories for what you were going to do. i feel the same way if i dont have enough calories.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    I agree this doesn't sound normal if your body is used to the exercise. You might be low on certain energy nutrients like iron. You may want to add a vitamin and make sure you're getting enough protein and complex carbs (as opposed to quick sugars), to help your body maintain energy level.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yes, low blood sugar can do that to you. Maybe eat a little something before you exercise: 1/2 banana, yogurt something light.
  • emichele20
    Also have you been checked for diabetes? I had gest. diabetes with both pregnancies and when I did not eat at certain times I would begin shaking. How many calories are you consuming per day?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Make sure you eat something light and sugary before your workout (apple, bananna, etc.) and drink a lot of water. If you still feel shaky afterwards, then you should consult your doctor to rule out other potential problems.
  • gypsyrosedog
    Thanks for the ideas so far! More info...I do have 1500 cal/day plus I eat my exercise calories (just talking walking with baby in hilly area-not strenuous) take postnatal vitamins daily.
    I guess based on the feedback I will try eating a snack right before going and then having something quick on hand for after.
  • Lacey_jo
    I had the same sort of problem not long ago, eating lots (healthy foods + carbs) during the day and before a work out, only to get very shaky, dizzy and feel like vomiting after 30 - 40 mins cardio and during weights.

    I don't think it had anything to do with food or water consumption (although im not an expert).

    Have recently re-joined the gym and am really hoping this doesnt start happening again :-(
  • revphillips
    revphillips Posts: 19 Member
    It might also be WHAT you're eating. I think you said you tried eating something right before you worked out, and you were still shakey, so you might try to research what would be BEST for your body right before or after a workout. I'm so sorry I don't really have concrete facts, but I do hear that bananas are a great food right after a work out, and anything that's "heavy" might be best to avoid before the work out.