Need Motivation! No results yet with P90 :(



  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    ditch the scale. measure same day same time each week.
    what you eat is 80% of the equation...... with the work outs making up the other 20%.

    So, even if you're in a good caloric range, for YOUR body you could be not meeting your macros........ or eating something that is causing inflammation and bloating.

    3 weeks is the SHORTEST amount of time to determine if a program is working or not. If your body is changing and you're losing inches and able to do more crunches and push ups...... then, those are signs it IS working and you need to stay the course! Slow and steady. If it's working, keep moving in that direction.
  • unikedood
    unikedood Posts: 10
    I just wanted to give you all an update!

    I measured myself again since I just finished week 4. I have lost 2.5" off my thighs and 2" off my hips! I gained .5" on my arms, but I know it's muscle because I can clearly see it.

    My weight still is heavier than before, but now I don't even care!
    I've progressed to doing the cardio section with 2lb dumbbells too to get some extra oomph.

    Thanks again for the support guys! :D