Hi from TN! New & looking for a Weight-loss buddy!

leahs_faith Posts: 20
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there! My name is Leah, i'm from Soddy Daisy, TN and I'm 25 about to be 26 in march. I'm a wife to an amazing husband named Doug and a stay-at-home mommy to our 6 year old son Devon. Now here's some back story on me: I was never "skinny" growing up, but I had nice legs and butt, a almost flat belly, and nicely sculpted arms and face. UNTIL...lol....I got pregnant with my son in January of 2004. Unknown to me at the time, I had Atrial Fibrillation (a heart defect) and during my pregnancy I went from weighing aroundo 140 lbs (give or take 2-3), to weiwghing 235 the day I had my C-section with him! I have managed to lose down to about 215, but ended up gaining it back over the years slowly but surely. I'm now back up to 240...5 lbs heavier than I was the day I gave birth. :( So I've come to a place in my life where my child still needs his mommy, but is a bit mor eindependant and I can finally take a moment for myself and lose this weight once and for all. :)

I'm looking for a weight loss buddy (guy or girl, doesn't matter) who will keep me in line, and I'll do the same for them. I just started today, so if you think we might get along, let's chat and get thin together! :)


  • Hey im Jodi. nice to meet you. i need a weight loss buddy too. wanna chat?:ohwell:
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Greetings! I am from Nashville - 37 - mom of 2.
  • YeahMe
    YeahMe Posts: 35 Member
    Hello there and welcome! Good Luck on your journey! I know you will be able to do it with this site and the friends that you meet here!
  • Good job on the 4pnds! :):wink:
  • Hey there bekdavis! wow, you've already lost 4 lbs! Thats amazing! Congrats! When did you start on here?
  • Hey Jodi, sure i'd love to chat! :)
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    I am looking for some "friends" on this journey as well! Sending a request now!
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi there! I'm in Cleveland!
    I'm sending you a friend request. Good luck on your journey.
  • haha...yay! So many friend requests already! Thanks everybody!
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    I guess I started about 2 weeks ago. This week, I have officially taken the plunge and jumped in with both feet. no more playing around. I need to get serious....seriously! lol
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    I'm looking for some buddies too. My name is Piccolar wife and mother of 1. Sending a request now!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hey, I'm in Memphis... SAHM to a 5 year old and I started out about the same place you did weight-wise too. :) I LOVE MFP and I know you'll get lots of support here! Sending you a friend request!
  • Wow! So many wonderful people! Thank you all for the friend requests! I can't wait to start losing weight with all of you! :)
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