Lunch is the New Big Meal

MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
Hello MFP-ers!

I just wanted to share a little something from my own experiences. I'm only about 2 months into doing this thing right (I've tried in the past and always tied my diet to working out regularly and rigorously and when my motivation for that would fade I'd let my eating habits fall apart) and I'm noticing some good signs - down 15lbs or so, feeling very full after much smaller meals, losing it in the face and the chest, much to my fiance's displeasure. But what I'm really noticing is that without really trying, I've made lunch my 'big' meal of the day. And it's been immensely helpful. It keeps me full up until I get home and can eat a controlled dinner, without getting home "famished" and ordering out or cooking way too much and over eating. I get through my day with enough energy, and have enough energy carrying me into the evening to clean or work on projects, keeping my hands busy before and after supper so I don't snack. Even enough energy to go for ~5 mile walks in the evening! When I would wait to get home and eat a big dinner I had a much harder time with all of that.

I wonder if anyone else has found that altering the traditional time/style/size of American meals has worked for them. Share your tale!


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Since meal timing doesn't affect weight loss, my meal times varies from day to day. It is a personal preference so stick to the method that works best for you.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    For me, meal timing makes a big difference. My body is just tuned differently than other and even though most people disagree, meal timing truly effects my weight loss.I've found that if I eat after a certain time I'm more prone to binge eating for reasons unknown, but I believe that's partially due to my psychiatric medications. I eat what suits me in whatever quantities fit my daily caloric goals. I'd prefer to have a big lunch because it keeps me from feel so exhausted later in the day due to my medicines. It gives me a boost of energy and I feel I have more time to digest my lunch for a longer period of time because my body just does not process food right. I have GI problems that make things really a pain in the you know what. It's fine if people disagree with my views but this is what works for my body. I try not to eat after seven because the second food touches my tongue I become ravenously hungry. It's super irritating because these past few weeks it's been abnormally difficult to stay within my calories because I let depression get the best of me.

    Focusing on meal timing helps me deal with my lifestyle changes better so it makes me focus on the nutrition of my food instead of just eating whatever I want. I like to put thought into what I eat and sometimes plan ahead if I can.
  • bingo_jenn
    bingo_jenn Posts: 63 Member
    I definitely prefer a bigger lunch. I started the habit when I was in Peace Corps and that's what they did in my country. I've never noticed a change weight-wise, but I do like it.