I did it again

Well, I did it again. Just a few months ago I posted at how I thought I'd learned my lesson from the previous holidays not to get carried away and gain weight. I had gained 8 pounds during Nov. and Dec. of 2009. Well I ended up gaining 3 pounds since Thanksgiving 2010 and New Years 2011. But at least it's progress - and I did have somewhat of an excuse. I broke my collarbone Nov. 18th and had to have surgery on it so I wasn't able to do any type of exercise for several weeks. I did start walking on the treadmill once allowed but you just don't burn as many calories doing that as opposed to running and cycling.

I'll be starting physical therapy and will be allowed to run and cycle in another month probably so hopefully I'll be able to keep my weight in check until then. Just when you think you've got things under control a wrench gets thrown into the works...it sure is frustrating.


  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Don't get discouraged 3lbs is great for the holidays. I sure did worse than that!! Just keep those calories in check while you're recovering and you should be fine.
  • paragoalie
    3lbs? I say that is darn good. All that holiday cheer and cookies how can anybody keep weight? Then you throw in Festivus and well, we don't have a chance. I say awesome job!