Need to lost 50lbs

I need someone that we can motivate each other, I'm looking to lose 50lbs. I feel that nothing is giving yet, but it has only been 9 days. I'm hoping that the working out is why my weight is maintaining. I've lost an inch so far but my weight has not really changed. I'm trying hard to eat right. This is the first time in my life I'm trying to eat healthy and I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing. Please help!!!


  • lanthiriel
    lanthiriel Posts: 18
    I feel like we're in exactly the same boat! I also need to lose 50 lbs. I went through exactly what you're going through: doing everything right, but not losing weight. I've been working on this for exactly 5 weeks now and did not see any weight loss until 3 weeks in. Then, suddenly, last week I lost over 2 pounds. I think that 50 lb goal is a tough one. You're not so heavy that the pounds melt away, but you also have a long way to go before you look and feel the way you want to. The good news is, after 5 weeks it's getting easier to exercise and eat better and the weight seems to be coming off (thank goodness!).

    Eating is definitely the hardest part for me. I've never established healthy habits, so I'm starting from square one. My tactic has been to take on one eating habit a week whether it's introducing a fruit or vegetable, or giving up aspartame, or trying a new lean meat. It's not going to happen all at once. I HATE vegetables, so I've been trying really hard to find way to cook and eat veggies.

    If you want, I'd love to be your accountability buddy.
  • jeskuhsmeekers
    jeskuhsmeekers Posts: 131 Member
    it seems almost impossible when you first start out the best advice i can give is to simply replace or remove different things from your diet. For example for dinner i used to always have a carb whether it was rice pasta potato whatever well i reduced my portion to just a couple bites and replaced it with veggies. It really worked for me Ive got 15 lbs to go to get to that 50 lb lost and i started in Jan. It can be done you just have to work at it and be aware of the amount of calories in the things you eat.
  • randivannet
    randivannet Posts: 7 Member
    You sound just like me! I'm learning to eat right. I've never had any good habits. But I'm proud to say I finally are my first salad, and the more I do it the better they are tasting! :)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Just keep checking how your body and weight respond to the changes you make. It is fun to make small changes both in diet and exercise to see what happens. Look for slow steady progress. Stick with it and it will happen if you're dedicated.
  • Kendra_003
    Kendra_003 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi y'all! I need to lose 50 pounds. Add me if y'all want! I love the extra encouragement. (:
    Will send y'all encouragement as well!
  • Amuniquediva
    I agree I need some help, I need to lose 50pounds also, but wants to know how to drop it fast
  • carriepriest
    carriepriest Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I just got signed up on my fitness pal. I have about 50lbs to lose
  • lanedon
    lanedon Posts: 2 Member
    congratulations! Losing an inch is great progress! Some thing's happening. The tape measure can be more reliable than the scale. Keep going the scale will catch up as your metabolism changes. Walk a little farther every day and watch your caloric intake.