
Hello! I am a new member. My sister got me started. I have always been the type of person that says that one more thing in my diet won't kill me... (for instance a cupcake from one of my kid's birthday- i'm a preschool teacher). I know now how terrible it is to eat that cupcake and how much I really am adding to my diet! Yikes!!!

I also find myself exercising more so that I don't go above my calorie line. I think this program is amazing and I'm really excited to make it a part of my everyday life! I want to lose the extra weight I have gained the past few years (especially to fit into my wedding dress next december). I want to get healthy and stay healthy so I can be a good role model to all of the kids I will influence in the future.

I have cut myself off from drinking pop and eating junk food. I had a piece of cake for my sisters birthday and it set me back 400 calories!!!! I will not be eating any junk unless it is a special occasion like that!! Good luck everybody on reaching your goals!!


  • Akronite0883
    hello and Welcome to the site I am blessing your Weight Loss Journey and wishing you the best of luck
  • wendiwen123
    wendiwen123 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey!!!! Just remember the key to success is moderation :)
  • lisapooh1
    Hello! I love this site also and I think that you can do this. Make your wedding a goal and take baby steps toward it. If you had that piece of cake don't beat yourself up and 400 cals can be burn off fast with cardio. Good Luck and if you want add me as a friend. and we will keep each other encouraged.
  • StefanieGuz
    I'm getting married in April..... I know what you are feeling.... you want to look the best on your big day..... I go for my dress fitting at the end of the month.... God willing by then i can lose an extra 15 pounds.....

    You can do this!!! Stay motavated!!...
