PMS- More calories?

Alright, I've read enough valid research that says that women tend to burn extra calories right before they menstruate (though that numbers is HIGHLY varied across women's cycles, heights, weights, etc.).

Do any of you up your calories a teensy bit around this time?

I'm eating on par with what I usually do, but I'm due to start on Monday... and I am starving. Like going to eat my dog starving. The day's not over, I'm not quite at my goal yet, but I do know I'm not usually hungry at this time of day.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I mean, seriously, if it were THAT significant, women would probably fluctuate a lot during a month, and as it is, most women GAIN during their TOM, not lose.

    It cannot POSSIBLY justify eating more. Take it as extra calories burned and figure out how to plan your meals better.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    and I am starving. Like going to eat my dog starving.

    BHAHAHAHA! I have no advice but thanks for giving me a laugh!
  • Faith2Bfit
    Faith2Bfit Posts: 33 Member
    I do a bit... not because I have read anything about it but because if I'm hungry I'm grumpy, and if Im hungry AND PMSing then I might go all Bella Swan and go kill a deer in the forest :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I do a bit... not because I have read anything about it but because if I'm hungry I'm grumpy, and if Im hungry AND PMSing then I might go all Bella Swan and go kill a deer in the forest :)

    Becoming Bella Swan might be the worst thing that could happen :[
  • Faith2Bfit
    Faith2Bfit Posts: 33 Member
    I do a bit... not because I have read anything about it but because if I'm hungry I'm grumpy, and if Im hungry AND PMSing then I might go all Bella Swan and go kill a deer in the forest :)

    Becoming Bella Swan might be the worst thing that could happen :[
    amen to that :)
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    I normally starve for a day or two before mine starts. I seriously want to eat anything I can find and once that's gone then I want something else. I normally try to keep some suckers or gum at all times.
  • gennarosepope
    I have been through rigorous nutritional counseling (ED treatment) and was finally told the truth: the reason we get hungrier during PMS is because our caloric demands increase between 15 and 20 percent. That equates to about 300-400 calories more than your average maintenance burn per day.

    Listen to and trust your body. If you are feeling "starving," most likely your body needs more food. If you want chocolate, eat it in moderation. If you put it off, you will deny your body what it wants and most likely end up bingeing. And miserable.

    Listen to your hunger. Eat mindfully until you are full. Stop when you are. If you want a burger while PMS'ing, eat one. Add lots of lettuce. Make it yourself. Don't gorge on five McDonalds burgers after ignoring your cravings and "starving yourself" for days.

    I have been on all ends of the eating scale. Please don't punish yourselves for having female needs. Good luck.
  • gennarosepope
    The reason most women gain is 1., water weight, which goes away after period, and 2., they ignore their cravings, starve in reaction, and end up binge eating to compensate. Then they eat too much.

    If you listen to your body and eat until you are full rather than deny yourself when you are "starving" and build up the craving until you gorge, you will stay the same, plus or minus the USUAL and NORMAL fluctuation of between 5 and 10 pounds that every woman experiences during the course of a month.

    Be well.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I take things up a notch in the gym when I start feeling emotional and craving chocolate. I am pretty irregular, but I normally have about two days until it starts when those things start happening. I go to the gym anyway during my TOM, but sometimes it is a half-a**ed workout.
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    I have found that around 17 days after Tom and about 11 days before the next one, I experience major cravings. I let myself eat whatever I want for 1-2 days around that time, whenever it strikes. I think that by allowing myself to do it, it actually helps me not feel as bad about it. And since I know when it's going to happen, I know that there's a good reason for the cravings. I have no problem getting back on track afterwards.

    ETA: I don't eat out of control; but aim for maintenance.
  • fittobefree1
    fittobefree1 Posts: 6 Member
    I usually try to push through and I have noticed that I don't usually lose a lot of weight that week due to water retention I think, but I generally have a good loss the following week if don't give in to the hunger.
  • mvedwards87
    When I am PMS-ing I want to eat absolutely everything in sight!! To keep myself from doing that I pick a food (icecream, chocolate, whatever) and log it first thing in the morning. I then change my normal meals to have slightly less calories so I can enjoy that treat after a long day at work. I might be totally off base here, but planning my indulgences in advance always helps me stay on track :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hello, necromancy!

    PLOT-TWIST: Stop your period with continuous birth control!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I go by my body cues. If I'm truly hungry, I eat. Though that also means I try to adjust my foods for the day so that I'm within my calories overall. Meaning less sweets, more salad. I've recently fallen IN LOVE with a simple salad of: pile of spinach, 14-20g of blue cheese (reduced fat) crumbles, a little light Italian dressing. Sometimes I'll add tomatoes or cucumbers, but those are the 3 basic ingredients. 60-80 calories and its a decent amount of food.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with Talenti !!!!

    Um, excuse me. FIFY
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with Talenti !!!!

    Um, excuse me. FIFY

    Talenti!? is that like Midol!?
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with Talenti !!!!

    Um, excuse me. FIFY

    Talenti!? is that like Midol!?

    I can't speak for all women but it sure cures ma womanly blues
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I've come to the realization that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    Oooooh, check out the TROLL! Nice try, but every woman and doctor and scientist out there will disagree with you, and i'm sure a lot of them are going to very verbally disagree with you on this thread, so job well done from your perspective.

    The most difficult for me is halfway through my cycle and a few days before i'm 'on'. I just can't stop eating and crave sugar so much. If you burn extra calories whilst your on, then i definitely don't notice it! It's got to the stage where i can pinpoint the exact day i'll come on thanks to this behaviour. It also means i'm more prepared to control it, if i expect it.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I'm on the bandwagon of if you feel that hungry eat, whether its from PMS, more activity, fighting off illness. That being said I usually find myself eating back more of my exercise calories shortly before aunt flow makes a visit, and more of it seems to be carby goodness. I usually pull the old trick of drink a glass of water and see if I'm still hungry just to get in some extra H20 since water retention is a huge issue for me around that time too.

    I find if I deprive myself when I am hungry that A) I feel tired and weak and don't want to do anything and B)I am more likely to binge or emotionally eat after a day or two of it so why bother.