This is it!

Well, after wanting to lose weight for a few years i have finally decided to do something about it! I am a wife and a mother of a 6 month old baby.. So to begin my main goal is to get rid of the weight that i have gained with this baby! To get me motivated i need A LOT of support and i was hoping this is where i could get it! my goal is to lose 60 pounds! This will be very hard for me because im not a big fan of cooking! But luckily my husband cooks so gettin him to cook right for me has motivated him to also to lose weight! This will be a long journey for the both of us!
Wish us luck! :)


  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Good luck Lacigirl! People on this site are really supportive. Feel free to friend me if you need a boost!
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Well, after wanting to lose weight for a few years i have finally decided to do something about it! I am a wife and a mother of a 6 month old baby.. So to begin my main goal is to get rid of the weight that i have gained with this baby! To get me motivated i need A LOT of support and i was hoping this is where i could get it! my goal is to lose 60 pounds! This will be very hard for me because im not a big fan of cooking! But luckily my husband cooks so gettin him to cook right for me has motivated him to also to lose weight! This will be a long journey for the both of us!
    Wish us luck! :)

    You've come to the right place. People here are super sopportive and cool!!! Good luck!

    My hubby has embarked on the weightloss with me. Makes it a bit easier!:smile:
  • mayana2002
    Welcome dear! I just joined MFP last month and started dieting one week ago. I will add you. I also need to lose 60 pounds! :) Good luck
  • Lacigirl11
    Lacigirl11 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Everyone for the kind words and support i need all i can get!! :)
  • Shamrock40
    Lacigirl, First of all, congratulations on making the decision to change your life for the better. I have been on this site for a week and I LOVE IT! Definitely a lot of support on here. Second, if you're interested, I really enjoy cooking, and I would love to help you find some recipes that are healthy and easy to make that might get you into the cooking "fan" club.

    Let me know. : )
  • Lacigirl11
    Lacigirl11 Posts: 21 Member
    That would be great Shamrock!! its so nice to have other people whoare in this same boat as me! thanks so much
  • kpepper07
    Welcome Lacigirl and good for you to start! This site is great and the people are really nice. One pound at a time girl that is all we can do!! Do not look at it as if you have 60 to lose but one pound at a time!!! go to there are great cooking ideas there! you might even start to like to cook!!! Good luck!!!
  • Lacigirl11
    Lacigirl11 Posts: 21 Member
    I will for sure have to check that out kpepper! thank you!
  • Chyrap
    Chyrap Posts: 4 Member
    hi lacie girl! I am also a mom and gained and lost over the years, and I too am looking to lose 60 pounds! Since none of my friends will jump on the wagon with me, maybe we can be buddies! I have successfully lost using this site before, but fell off the wagon in November, and never jumped back on til now! I too am going to check out that hungry-girl site for new recipe idea. I also use for new and good ideas.