Hello... again.

Well, my name is Carley and I'm not so happy with trying to fit into size 22 jeans and failing.
I'm pretty sure... I'm back where I started two years ago.

My biggest weight was 300 (I hope, I haven't checked the scale just yet... I thought I'd join here first) I was 15 when I was my biggest.
and well now I'm 18 and I'm scared to check and see I'm back there.
I got down to 250 at 16/early 17... but somehow it just came back...

And by somehow, I mean I stopped exercising at least an hour a day...
I lost it before so I thought I could try again but slower since I lost the 50 lbs within 3.5 months which I knew even then was pretty fast.

I'd like to think I eat like any normal person, and I guess my matabolism just hates me. :P
I've been overweight my entire life and I have no idea what it's like to be skinny, but I know when I lost those 50 lbs.. I was a lot happier then I was back at 15 (I could fit even fit into size 18 - 20 jeans) ... I'm now a 24.

I'm in college moving towards a vet technician career, and I live in Ontario. :)


  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome back and good luck on your new journey! And great career choice! My weight has always been a struggle but with the help of this site I seem to be getting it under control, and I hope you find the same!
  • GSDlover
    Thank you, myfitnesspal is actually what helped me lose the first 50.

    Well, I've got bad news.
    I'm back where I started at 15 and I want to cry my eyes out but I wont.
    I'm just going to need to work hard to get back on track.

  • vulcangrrl
    Welcome! I too have struggled with weight all my life, and now thanks to an overhaul in the way I am thinking about food, I am slowly starting to get somewhere.
    This site has been amazing!
    I am 19, and at university (from NZ, so it would be your college), it would be nice to chat to someone who is close to my own age, if you are keen to?