hello, I'm new and would like to add some friends :)

On a weight loss journey to lose 70 pound by November. :bigsmile: I post YouTube video updates on my channel: ForeverBlackBeautyTV. If you have a channel then let me know. I do not have any friends that have my fitness pal so do you all mind adding me for some encouragement?

Good luck to everyone !


  • kmkylemo
    kmkylemo Posts: 1,103
    Feel free to add me. I could use some encouragement too. It's going to be a long journey and I'd like to make some good friends along the way.
  • CodyB96
    CodyB96 Posts: 7
    I'm also looking for supportive friends :) I have about 70-80 lbs to lose so my journey will be difficult. Nobody seems to take me seriously when I say I'm trying to lose weight becau I have said it so much. I'm hoping to lose at least 20 lbs by the time schools starts up again at the end of August. Good luck!
  • kmkylemo
    kmkylemo Posts: 1,103
    I hear ya man I'm like the boy who cried wolf when it comes to losing weight. I've said it more times than I can remember. I hoping to let my actions speak louder than my words this time.
  • CodyB96
    CodyB96 Posts: 7
    Exactly! I've been struggling for years and I'm only a hs senior. I'm tired of not being comfortable in my own skin. I'm determined to actually do this this time.
  • kmkylemo
    kmkylemo Posts: 1,103
    Make the most of this summer and reach your goal. My senior year of hs was the one of the best years of my life. Make it that much more enjoyable by being in great shape.
  • CodyB96
    CodyB96 Posts: 7
    I have a goal to lose at least 24-30 lbs this summer and hopefully I'll be where I want by the end of the school year just in time for college to start.
  • kmkylemo
    kmkylemo Posts: 1,103
    It'll happen just keep charging forward.