How many calories do we burn through out the day?

Today I decided to track down how many calories I burn through out the day. So I started my counter at 7 am today and so far for 6:45 I have burned 1400 calories.


  • Loobyloo36
    It would be good to see how doing this compares to the BMR that this website sets to see how accurate it is. have often thought of doing this for 24 hours, just not sure I could handle wearing my watch and strap overnight!
  • AbbyLu
    AbbyLu Posts: 29
    Nothing will be 100% accurate, but that sounds pretty close. You can also click on TOOLS and the select the BMR. Compare the two results, and then I would choose something in the middle.
  • fasttrack27
    I did the same test shortly after I got a HRM. My results were very similar. I averaged 129 cal/minute during a 'normal' day. I am at desk a lot but also go out for a property inspection now and then plus a flight of stairs to/from my office (5-10x/day). For what its worth.

    Oh, and I wore it when we took the kids bowling on New Years Eve. Even though it seems really low-key at the time, I was surprised that I burned 400 while we were there (200/hour).