I keep Sabotaging my results!

Ive lost about 4 kg in last 6 weeks through diet and alot of exercise. Ive been working out with a personal trainer as historically ive never been able to push myself hard enough if i made it to the gym at all. Im really happy with the results and i can see a definite difference. The problem is I reward myself to quickly and sabotage my progress!
It was my friends birthday and I drank loads of pints of beer and ate bad. got on scales 1 day later and 1.5kg had come back on! Im still quite focussed and going gym but I worry I'll never get to where i should as as soon as i have a drink it goes out the window. And the scales dont lie the following day! Anyone else similar?
Im 31 in london


  • 130helen
    130helen Posts: 9
    One day does not make a binge. Just go back to what you were doing. You might lose weight in the week, just by increasing your calories one day and decreasing them the next, so I wouldn't worry about it. And we still have to live in the meantime, so realizing you are going to have bad days occasionally might let you off the hook a bit.
  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    its annoying as i set targets / dates to work towards which works but then i blow it out after. i think i need to look at why / the way im binging. As if the working out and diet wern't enough! lol
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ummm actually the scales are a total lying bint. You'll have gained water weight after a drinking session - this dispersers over the course of the next few days. Drink lots of fluids & as for the calorific count you can either; work out more to save some cals for drinking. Or fit the extra cals into your day - Simples!
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds like you always need to have another goal in the future so you never get to your end point. When you meet a goal, pat yourself on the back, give yourself a treat if you like (non-food or healthy food is best), take a little break maybe, then get right back in there and work towards the next goal.
  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    I think i get it from my trainer , he had quite a 'tough love' approach so was never satisfied with my results , it was always "thats good but you could have done more". I lost 3 inches off my waist in 6 weeks which i was dead chuffed with. An afternoon drinking beer has set me right back.

    Its annoying as the trainer sees everything in blck and white but he's never had to lose weight in his life , only put muscle on. So although I trust his knowledge he doesn't totally 'get it' as he's never done it
  • I do the same thing. I have been dieting and exercising since march and everytime I hit a goal, I wanna go to Arby's or KFC. I am slowly realising that this is hurting me, but it has taken awhile to get there. Of course, it helps that I am in to handbags. I have started using them as rewards instead. maybe you could try something like that
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Don't measure your own progress against anybody else. It sets you up for failure straight away. Plus its also his job to push you. As before alcohol bloat is temporary.
  • I would say that setting a date for yourself to loose weight by is going to set you up for frustration and disappointment. Weight loss is not linear. You will eventually stall and one of two things will have to happen: A) you cut calories further B) increase cardio.
    Remember that what is most important in loosing weight is that you want to keep it off. So you want to find new ways of living (small changes!!!!!!!) that are sustainable for you. Drinking in general is going to sabotage your goals for may reasons, you may need to decide whats most important to you, the drinks of the fitness goals, that is if you can not limit your drink intake when out. Best of luck, hope this helps.
  • them_and_me
    them_and_me Posts: 60 Member
    I tend to do this a lot too! I work really hard at the gym and eat within my goal often, then once in a while I have a good time with my friends! I've stopped beating myself up about it though - what's the point in having an immaculate body if I can't have a good time with friends once in a while. Every week I edge closer to my goal weight and am fitter than I was the previous week. It's going to take a long time for me to get there. But I know when I do get there, it won't because I've made sacrifices that I'm unwilling to live with for the rest of my life.

    If you enjoy this time with your friends, figure out how to make it work with your goals. Plan for it and I'll bet you won't feel so guilty about it after :)
  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    yep totally its about whats more important. I like socialising with my friends but cureently it seems to involve lots of alcohol.

    The other thing to remember is weight is not the only indicator of body changing. get proper measurements of waist , hip , chest , bicep , thigh etc.

    My weight loss wasnt huge but i really noticed the change in shape. I got pics on profile of starting (77.6kg) and 5 weeks later (73.6). the main difference is the tone rather than loads of volume lost
  • mamaweesa
    mamaweesa Posts: 17 Member
    its annoying as i set targets / dates to work towards which works but then i blow it out after. i think i need to look at why / the way im binging. As if the working out and diet wern't enough! lol

    I do the same thing!! I have a goal for my birthday next Tuesday, and set little goals for each week to keep me on track. Once I hit those little ones I ruin it! It's terrible!! Good thing we're not celebrating my birthday the day of... that gives me more time to hit my goal.
  • blu182
    blu182 Posts: 5
    Mini, what I'm about to say may not sound good to a lot of people but It's how hard I need to be on myself at times.
    Like you I will have days I simply mess up and over eat.
    The result? The next day is a "Zero" day.
    It's exactly what it sounds like, no food, no drinks besides water.
    This is for situations where I would over eat by a lot.

    If I happened to go over by 100-300 calories.
    Well, I got an old PS2 and Dance Dance Revolution as well as some ankle weights!

    Bottom line, it's always going to come to self discipline.
    This is why encouragement from an accountability buddy helps.
    Some days you simply need a nudge.

    Feel free to add me.
    Anyone feel free for that matter. Im omw from 295 to 200.