So friggin tired..



  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    If you're getting physical in the yard work, and still working out 6 days a week you may be over doing it.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Love hearing from a fellow farmer girl! I really need to invest in a Fitbit..a friend of mine, also a farmer girl, has one and it helps her log activity abit better and accurately!

    I kind of follow a lower carb diet..not strict atkins, but limit my simple carbs.

    This morning, I made a smoothie..and it wasnt scary! I just logged each ingedient individually in my diary and it tastes good! I kind of encorporated my usual protein shake and bananna..along with the greek yogurt and some strawberries. I am out of greens (save zucchinni and I wasnt sure how that would taste?) but plan to get some Kale to add in this weekend.

    I ate close to my goal yesterday and I actually feel better this morning..I did workout, but looking thru youtube, I am going to try some new videos this weekend..I found one of a jillians kickboxing videos..think mabey changing up what is being worked (body wise) may help too?

    I'm actually another farmer girl-- we have a homestead and I grow most of the veggies we eat. So although I, like you, have a sedentary indoor day job, when I'm at home (evenings and for 6-12 hours each weekend day) I'll be outside doing stuff. I'm trying to maintain too-- I'm shorter than you so my range is about 102-105-- and have been finding it a bit challenging. What happened to me was that I reached 105, decided to start maintaining, and started eating a bit more. I had been slowly increasing the amount I ate over about a month and was still losing weight, and then when I started trying to eat at my supposed maintenance level, it coincided with the busiest gardening time of year and I simply couldn't eat enough to maintain my weight being that active. I lost 2 more pounds, like myself this way, and have been eating to maintain that for a while. . . and suspect that the maintenance number MFP gives me is a little low. I find myself eating a bit over the maintenance number regularly and seem to be maintaining fine.

    Basically, my point is that maintaining is kind of weird and confusing and takes more figuring out and fiddling than losing weight. And as I'm eating 1900-2300 calories a day at my size and not gaining, and we probably have similar activity levels, I bet you could even eat more that what you're trying now.

    It's good you're going to the doctor-- the hot/cold thing definitely sounds hormonal. I get that around my period but not at other times.

    And make sure you sleep more! Again I can completely sympathize with that-- I have so much to do that I go to bed around 11- midnight every night and am awake around 6-- can't sleep longer than that since it's too bright outside. I'm exhausted lately and am working on the sleep. Even a few nights of allowing yourself more sleep would probably really help-- give yourself at least a couple rest days from the working out each week and sleep longer.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I appreciate the the input so much..maintaining IS frustrating..loosing was black and white..this is 50 shades of grey..:(
    I ate more yesterday, although two cookies in the evening, but did eat more. I feel alittle better..but still did not hit my close though. Will try again today. Am also planning to take a rest day, had a session of Cardio planned, but I will take my rest day today and see if it helps my body. do yall feel that during maintenance, you should be able to cut back the exercise? my husband feels I should cut back to just three times a week..

    Im lean, except in my belly..this fat Ive carried for abit and know it will take abit to get rid of..its not bad, probably normal for a woman who has had a kiddo..but I want it gone some days..and other days Im OK with it...that is what is driving me right now...I changed to loose 1/2 pound a week..but think this might be a mistake..I need to maintain now..while Id love to be the 117 I was abit ago, reality is, with the strength training and some muscle being built, I can potentially resculpt my body without seeing the scale move, correct? my lower belly is what I hate now..and it seems while I wake up lean, thru the day, I get bloated looking, so it looks WORSE!

    Glycol I could potentially see a jump in weight when I up my cals, but its, essentially, my body leveling out?

    More work outside due to the weather warming up and doing more with the animals..riding, ect,ect...winter is depressing for me and I don't do a whole bunch of work last night at 9:30 I got to walk up the pasture fenceline looking for some cows who decided to sneak into the neighboring hayfield..was out there about 45 minutes! LOL I don't usually log that type of stuff. like today Ill be unloading a load of hay after work and moving some electric fence.

    Its scary..but I am going to try and up these cals and see if I can get my body back into synch..I need to stop freaking out over the measurements are 33-27-33..which is the lowest Ive ever been..I wish Id measured a year ago when I started loosing weight. When I use the online BF %, I get on the upper side of athletic or the lower side of acceptable..I would like to go and get measured professionally..hoping mabey that will mentally help me see where Im at..Ive got a pinch of wait for my appt..they were busy..but it cant hurt to have some bloodwork done. I will look for the Natures own..I think Ive seen that brand at Walmart I think?
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    General gardening seems a good setting for you. That should cover the activity level.
    Are you able to see across your bedroom without turning on the light? If you can, try blackout curtains and you'll sleep properly. I only started to lose weight and become energetic when I did that.
  • GoodLittleEater
    GoodLittleEater Posts: 53 Member

    Also, Bananas are not really all that high in potassium. 8 a day will get you there, but that's too much for me personally.

    This is true. Bananas are a low source of potassium. Have you tried dried apricots or tomatoes?
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    yeah, my activity is not hugely heart pumping..most times..but its activity and I find, after a day of being outside, espc in the summer (heat) I am exhausted.

    I have started going to bed before hubby..did it the last two is hard..I hate doing it..but reality is, he gets up 2 hours later then I do...weve had some very very rough spots, so I make a point to spend time with him as much as I can. HE says I stress to much about it..

    regarding, its pitch black.

    regarding potassium-I am not a tomato person..but I do like unfortunante side effect I get with them is a rolling stomach..perhaps the fiber in them? I brought some as a snack this year to the Fat Stock Show and I was in agony the first day due to them.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    yeah, my activity is not hugely heart pumping..most times..but its activity and I find, after a day of being outside, espc in the summer (heat) I am exhausted.

    I have started going to bed before hubby..did it the last two is hard..I hate doing it..but reality is, he gets up 2 hours later then I do...weve had some very very rough spots, so I make a point to spend time with him as much as I can. HE says I stress to much about it..

    I've had to start going to bed earlier than my fiance, too-- he needs less sleep than me and is insanely busy right now so he stays up too late working. I can't handle staying up with him though or I get too grumpy and exhausted to interact nicely at all. . . we've had rough times over this sort of thing too. We try to have some quality time during dinner and some nights he comes to bed earlier, so it's OK for us to go to bed at different times on other nights. I stress out about it too. . . the quality time thing is something I think we need to work on before we start our marriage in 11 months. . . . that stuff can be hard.

    About your activity not being "heart pumping"-- well, my bustling around gardening, cleaning, doing yard work, painting the house, etc. (probably really similar to your farm work) isn't a hard workout but after a day of that I'm really tired and my legs are sore. If I were you, I would log it all, including things like that 45 minute walk along the fenceline in the dark-- if you're using MFP's method of having a base calorie intake and adding exercise calories onto that, you need to log stuff like that, or use the "moderately active" setting instead of the "lightly active" one. And when you do log all your activity, you'll probably be pretty surprised at how much you can eat and still lose weight.

    You're so similar to me in a lot of ways-- I'm thin everywhere except my lower belly, too! It's frustrating! My measurements are similar to yours, even (though my waist is smaller and my hips are larger. . . I'm a pear)!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Here's a group that I think you will find incredibly helpful. Don't be afraid to eat! Arm yourself with knowledge, know your calorie intake and output numbers, and alleviate any fears you may have with the day to day water weight fluctuations, etc.

    If you're working a farm (my parents have horses and it requires non-stop movement throughout the day), then not including your intentional workouts, you are burning a lot more than you think.

    For example....if you are burning an average of 2500 calories per day (your TDEE), which I believe would be a conservative estimate, then you could EASILY lose weight by eating 2000 cals per day. That's a 500 calorie per day deficit, equaling a pound lost per week.

    I've found that when I eat too little, my body will hold onto every little fat cell that it can, I am tired, miserable, and grouchy. I easily lost 20 lbs last year doing this. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, at any time of day. I paid attention to getting enough protein, filled most of my day with wholesome foods and made room for chocolate, cookies, whatever, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    I never felt deprived, and I lost steadily. I was at my lowest weight in years! Then....I quit smoking and all hell broke loose! lol It was a January quit, so wasn't able to get out and run, I transitioned from a bootcamp to a kickboxing gym that was delayed in their opening and ate sugar for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Needless to say, I put some weight back on. :)

    I got a bit obsessive with trying to get this off for summer, tried to speed up the process with too steep of a deficit, then would binge, got frustrated, repeat. lol I was still maintaining a heavy weights workout with some running and kickboxing, so have basically maintained my weight even though I was overdoing it significantly on my diet. I consider that my 'bulking phase'. haha it's been about 6 months. I've definitely increased my LBM, so it's all good in my opinion.

    Now I'm in my cut phase to eliminate the fluff on top of these new muscles. My intake is now between 1800 - 1900 gross cals per day. When I stay within that range, I lose steadily. Don't stress about the number on the scale. Pay attention to your measurements, pictures, and BF%. Those will tell the real story!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I hate to play the shape game..I wish I was a pear though! :)..Im a hourglass of sorts..I dont have the 9" difference, but I look it...when I weighed 108, my waist was tiny..I likd the tiny waist..but not the was to low of a weight for me.

    Mabey I will bump myself to moderately active..still think I need to keep it at loose 1/2 pound a week..or what do you think? I want to get rid of my lower do you have yours set?

    Weve had our share of problems..not just related to me going to bed early..just a generaly lack of connectivity and a relationship..and it almost ended the I try very hard to spend time with him whenever I can..letting go of "Ive gotta stay up with him" has been hard..but I know Im not nice to be around if I havent slept enough..
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    the binge cycle you speak of..that is me at times..I used to not be like that..but now Im finding it happens>>>> Im finding...espc on food I say "is off limits"..I will admit, the other night I ate about 15 oatmeal 11:30PM and considered purging because I was so disgusted with myself.

    I havent faced this..but Im afraid I may have a small eating disorder. I hate labels and I hate to admit it..I cried the other night, after eating out with I was able to successfully avoid the italian food and had salad and soup...but WHY..why cant I go out and enjoy a meal, within reason, with friends? because Im petrified I have no self control if I start eating.

    I love being fit and healthy and slim..I feel like "I got this"...but I hate how food and the scale are ruling my life. I need to find a balance of sorts..I guess in all areas.

    My appt is not til the I can test out these increased cals and see how we go.

    boy, that took some guts to admit to a bunch of strangers online..
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    the binge cycle you speak of..that is me at times..I used to not be like that..but now Im finding it happens>>>> Im finding...espc on food I say "is off limits"..I will admit, the other night I ate about 15 oatmeal 11:30PM and considered purging because I was so disgusted with myself.

    I havent faced this..but Im afraid I may have a small eating disorder. I hate labels and I hate to admit it..I cried the other night, after eating out with I was able to successfully avoid the italian food and had salad and soup...but WHY..why cant I go out and enjoy a meal, within reason, with friends? because Im petrified I have no self control if I start eating.

    I love being fit and healthy and slim..I feel like "I got this"...but I hate how food and the scale are ruling my life. I need to find a balance of sorts..I guess in all areas.

    My appt is not til the I can test out these increased cals and see how we go.

    boy, that took some guts to admit to a bunch of strangers online..

    Having an honest awareness of what's really happening is a great start. I have felt the same in the past too. "good food", "bad food", the self hatred that goes along with "cheating" when you eat a tiny piece of freakin chocolate, the losing total control when you think "well I've blown it anyway so I may as well eat everything I've denied myself for the last 2 weeks". It's enough to drive you insane, and you are definitely not alone!

    I urge you to have a look at the Eat More to Weigh Less Group (EM2WL) where I posted that link from, and just see what it's all about. You don't have to white knuckle your way through life, I promise you!

    You can enjoy your life, fit in all of those foods you enjoy, and trust the process. For example, there are a tray of baked goods in my office today, and the only reason I am avoiding them is because I have another dessert planned with my husband later tonight. Otherwise I would have one and work it into my calories today. Perhaps I will have one tomorrow if there are any left. :) I just don't feel the same anxiety that I used to when I think about "bad food", etc. I eat relatively healthy (about 80%) because I like to eat a lot, and it's what makes me feel full and most energetic, however, if I want to eat a massive bowl of cereal for dinner one night, then I will. I will just weigh it out and fit it into my daily intake. My main goal each day is meeting my protein goals of approx. 130 gms per day and everything else can fall where it may.

    It truly is simple. Some days are not easy, but it's definitely simple!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I hate to play the shape game..I wish I was a pear though! :)..Im a hourglass of sorts..I dont have the 9" difference, but I look it...when I weighed 108, my waist was tiny..I likd the tiny waist..but not the was to low of a weight for me.

    Mabey I will bump myself to moderately active..still think I need to keep it at loose 1/2 pound a week..or what do you think? I want to get rid of my lower do you have yours set?

    Weve had our share of problems..not just related to me going to bed early..just a generaly lack of connectivity and a relationship..and it almost ended the I try very hard to spend time with him whenever I can..letting go of "Ive gotta stay up with him" has been hard..but I know Im not nice to be around if I havent slept enough..

    I know, labeling one's shape is kind of annoying. It gets the job done for relating what you look like though! :)

    I have mine set at lightly active, and to maintain my current weight (103). If I got thin enough to reveal my lower tummy muscles, I would have NO bosom left so I'm going to stay at or above 103. I don't want to get any thinner. I'm currently trying to figure out what my actual maintenance calories are, but TOM is hindering proper weigh-ins-- I don't go back to my normal weight for several days after TOM leaves. Garumph.

    Anyway! The activity level setting you pick on here depends on what you want to log as exercise, basically. If you were to keep it at lightly active, you'd need to log the farm chores, the walking fences, any gardening, the hauling hay/water, riding, etc. . . . and your intentional workouts too. If you set it to moderately active, which makes sense to me since you're sitting for 8 hours at your job but the rest of your time is spent being super active, then all you would need to log would be activity out of the ordinary, plus your workouts. I don't know if you still need to lose more weight. . . I can't remember if you mentioned how much you weigh and how tall you are somewhere in this thread. . . let me look and I'll let you know (though it's your body so what feels good to you may be different from what others might tell you).

    I've heard over and over that the best way to get rid of the last belly fat is to do heavy weight training. I'm not doing that right now since it is an indoor exercise and my spare time is spent outdoors doing stuff, but in fall and winter I will probably start. . . so I don't know if it works for me. You might try that instead of the workout video though!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Im 5'2..I was holding at about 114-117 and happy..
    then, since about June 1, Ive jumped..I am 123 now...I felt leaner at 117.
    I did get down to 108 before, but was to thin for my frame..lost my female-ism, my boobs..looked like a wasnt good.

    I hate logging every little I will try Moderately active..Im still on the fence about loose or maintain. I want my pooch gone..just not sure how to go about it.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    the binge cycle you speak of..that is me at times..I used to not be like that..but now Im finding it happens>>>> Im finding...espc on food I say "is off limits"..I will admit, the other night I ate about 15 oatmeal 11:30PM and considered purging because I was so disgusted with myself.

    I havent faced this..but Im afraid I may have a small eating disorder. I hate labels and I hate to admit it..I cried the other night, after eating out with I was able to successfully avoid the italian food and had salad and soup...but WHY..why cant I go out and enjoy a meal, within reason, with friends? because Im petrified I have no self control if I start eating.

    I love being fit and healthy and slim..I feel like "I got this"...but I hate how food and the scale are ruling my life. I need to find a balance of sorts..I guess in all areas.

    My appt is not til the I can test out these increased cals and see how we go.

    boy, that took some guts to admit to a bunch of strangers online..

    I did kind of wonder about that a little. :( The things you said earlier on here about being unhappy with yourself because your increased calories included a chocolate bar made me wonder-- it's OK to eat sugary, yummy things like that occasionally, especially if it helps meet your calorie goal! It's also OK to enjoy delicious things you want at a restaurant. You're not going out every night (I'm guessing since you live in the country, you only go out every couple weeks??), so relax a little and allow yourself to eat the yummy Italian food without beating yourself up about it after. Eating over maintenance is good very occasionally because it tells your metabolism you aren't going to starve, when in a deficit.

    Tracking your food TOO closely can be kind of triggering. I've never had an eating disorder, but I have had times when I was losing weight when I started feeling scarily close to that kind of thinking and behavior. Focusing on the tracking and weight and size and food too much can just be bad for one's mental health.

    First thing is, no food is "off limits." Some foods may make you feel yucky (like I try not to eat sugary carb-heavy things in the morning because that makes me feel bad) but they can be eaten in moderation, and if you have those things sometimes, you won't build up cravings that cause bingeing as much. Also, if you find yourself worrying about the caloric content of everything you put in your mouth because you're going to have to log it later, take a break from logging. Really. I had to do that because I was scaring myself with how obsessed I was feeling about calories and amounts at one point.

    How tall are you, and how much do you weigh? You sound quite thin already from your measurements! I imagine maintaining would be good rather than continuing to lose.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Im 5'2..I was holding at about 114-117 and happy..
    then, since about June 1, Ive jumped..I am 123 now...I felt leaner at 117.
    I did get down to 108 before, but was to thin for my frame..lost my female-ism, my boobs..looked like a wasnt good.

    I hate logging every little I will try Moderately active..Im still on the fence about loose or maintain. I want my pooch gone..just not sure how to go about it.

    Aha, thanks! Sorry for blathering on so much on your thread! :/

    In you picture, you look pretty muscular. 120ish might be fine for you! Muscle weighs a lot. Plus if you find maintaining around 115 is hard/you can't eat enough at that size, a slightly higher weight is probably better. I'm trying to figure that one out for myself right now, actually.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Linnaea, thank you! yes, Id classify myself as muscular now..Ive got progression pics from..oh the last year..from 145, to 108 and now here...I dont want bulky..I want feminine fit..if that makes sense. I was, as my husband called it, skeletor, for awhile too..I dont want that either.

    This is such a hard wonder so many folks gain their weight back!

    No, I make a point NOT to go out to eat alot..espc at italian places..we go as a family to the local chinese buffet, but my staple there is egg drop soup, steamed shrimp and my cerviche...not the intense heavy pastas like Carinos has.

    I feel like I had less pooch and a smaller waist under 120..I wish I had a "non undie" pic of me in the 115 range to show and compare to now..:(..but I dont.

    Nelly, I joined the group..Ill lurk and read for abit. eat more to loose..seems like such an oxymoron!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Im not sure how to add pictures to the thread.

    in "my pictures", I added two. the one single one of me is at my ideal maintenance range (114-117)
    the one labeled 6-2 is me in the 122-ish range (I took them as progress pics for a June fitness challenge)

    to ME..the 122 pic I look like Ive lost some waist and stomach flatness. I had an even smaller waist at 112..that is the undie pic that I cant post..:)
  • Dr__Girlfriend
    Dr__Girlfriend Posts: 100 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough, with those activity levels! I am completely sedentary due to a severe injury and I eat 1600 kcals a day, still losing.

    I use the calculators on IIFYM to determine TDEE. They are way more accurate than the ones here.

    For example, my TDEE when I work out 4 times a week is 2300. So I eat about 1800-2000 for a moderate cut. If I was to maintain or put on muscle, I would want to eat 2300 or a little above.
  • Dr__Girlfriend
    Dr__Girlfriend Posts: 100 Member
    It sounds like you are pretty low in weight, but concerned about a "tummy" or "jiggly bits". You might just need to put on muscle. You can't do that in a deficit.


    Great bods look great because they have muscle :o)

    Just some food for thought! I used to think losing even more weight would make me look better, solve my body "problems". It made me look worse! I was so thin. Everything was saggy. I was skinny-fat. I put on muscle and gained weight yet I fit in SMALLER clothes
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I just looked at the last week or so but with the exception of one day where you were slightly over the recommended 2300 mg of sodium, you were way under most days. You should be aiming for at least 1500 mg especially if you exercise a lot and/or drink a lot of water. I used to think less was better and tried to stay UNDER 1500, coming in around 1000 or less on a lot of days...and spent 8 or 9 months exhausted and miserable with a rising blood pressure. Now that I get more than 2000 a day, and some days over the recommended amount I feel much healthier and more energetic.....and my blood pressure dropped from a regular 144/85 ish range to an average of 110/74 or less.