Am I doing something wrong?

When I started MFP, I was down to 186 lbs from a staring weight of 190lbs. I was able to down to 182 but I believe I have stalled. I have remained between 182 lbs and 184 lbs for about 2 1/2 weeks or so now. My calorie goal is 1200 per day and I do zumba and Leslie Sansone dvds at least 4 times a week. I see no difference in my body since I got down to 186 lbs except that my legs are probably a tad firmer.

My questions...
Am I going about my weight loss journey ok?
Is what I'm experiencing normal? I know it's only about 2 weeks, but shouldn't I have lost more weight by now?
Also, I try to eat lots of home cooked veggies but they seem to be making me very bloated. Anyone else experiencing that?

My diary is open so feel free to peruse it. I've been logging consistenty.


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Looking at your food diary - it looks like you are eating extra to compensate for your exercise - so thought I'd get that out there before everyone comes after you about the 1200 calorie goal.

    On the other hand - are you using a food scale? A medium pear is not a very exact unit of measurement. What you consider medium, someone else might consider small or large. Brand X .5 cup cooked rice. How much rice was that by weight when it was dry? The generic and 'random' food entries in the database are suspect because its hard to know what exactly they are for, compared to what you eat.

    Other comment on your diary: there is not much in the way of fruits & veggies. They're not missing completely, but you could incorporate more into your day. Raw veggies, or experiment with cooking them in different ways. I like baked broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower. Chop up, toss with a little olive oil and seasonings of your choice. (Or add some parmesan cheese.)

    Ps-but as to your original question, you do need to give it more time. Be more careful with food logging so you have a better idea on what you're consuming, drink plenty of water, and give the process time to work. The body - especially of a woman - is kind of annoying. Hormones, stress, sleep, sodium, etc. can cause temporary water gain. Even starting a new exercise program. So stick to it, and expect the scale & your body to change in the coming weeks.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well 1200 is too low...that is the minimum.

    With 50lbs to lose 1lb a week is a good rate.

    2.5 weeks is not a stall but it could indicate an issue such as logging inaccurately. Logging consistently is good but if you aren't logging accurately you could be eating more than you think.

    I did look at your diary and you do not weigh your solids with a kitchen scale so changes are you are eating more than you think.
  • sadiebea25
    sadiebea25 Posts: 72
    I'd just say really watch your measurements. Is the 1.4 Tbs. molasses in the mornings weighed? It's an odd measurement. And stuff like 4.2 chicken nuggets, and .2 of a pear. I'd have a hard time eating .2 of a chicken nugget. Just make sure you're weighing everything possible. And stick with it! It takes a long time... :)
  • VanaIbis
    VanaIbis Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for the responses. I'm supposed to have a food scale by the end of this week so I would definitely be able to log my food better. Thank you.
  • sadiebea25
    sadiebea25 Posts: 72
    Good job though with logging! I'm in 100 days and only down 10 lbs, my own fault for going crazy on weekends :) But I find a scale really helps, and it's not too much trouble to weigh stuff, you get used to doing it.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Awesome! I love my food scale.

    As to the bloating question (didn't notice that at first) perhaps try less sodium. If you're using canned veggies, they're pretty high - could try rinsing them as that will eliminate some of the sodium. And/or increase your water intake.
    Thank you for the responses. I'm supposed to have a food scale by the end of this week so I would definitely be able to log my food better. Thank you.
  • VanaIbis
    VanaIbis Posts: 20 Member
    I use measuring spoons for the molasses. I don't weigh it. And i really did eat 4.2 chicken nuggets (stole them off my husband's plate without thinking and had to log it). I was cutting up a pear for my son and ate the 1/5 of it that remained so I made sure that i logged it.
    I will be logging food more accurately when i get my scale this week.
  • cootason
    cootason Posts: 59 Member
    I was wondering if you have a cheat meal once a week sometimes this helps me to move past plateaus
  • knollmma
    knollmma Posts: 21 Member

    If you feel that you're being really honest with food measurements and not cheating yourself, there are a number of factors that could be contributing to your weight loss stall!

    Are you drinking enough water? You could be retaining water weight if you're not drinking enough.

    Are you near your "lady time?" Bloating and water retention are a big problem for me around that time.

    Your legs are firmer - that means you're building muscle! The scale may not be budging because, while you're losing fat, you're also gaining muscle that weighs more, but will ultimately help you burn more fat.

    Stick with it, stay honest with yourself, and drink lots of water. The weight will eventually come off!
  • amybluehat
    amybluehat Posts: 17 Member
    I would suggest more veggies and protein! There's lots of debate on what the right amount of protein is-you can search here or google and get lots of different answers. MFP would say about 45-50 grams a day, Dr Oz will tell you 75 and the list goes on....

    I would try to hit the MFP goals and see how that works for you! I also try to have some protein at every meal-hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt are all good snacks you can have with some fruit or veggies for a snack that keeps you full!

    Good luck!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I use measuring spoons for the molasses. I don't weigh it. And i really did eat 4.2 chicken nuggets (stole them off my husband's plate without thinking and had to log it). I was cutting up a pear for my son and ate the 1/5 of it that remained so I made sure that i logged it.
    I will be logging food more accurately when i get my scale this week.
    how did you get 0.2 of a nugget? Cut it into 5 equal pieces and eat one? Just curious! Yes I agree to try to log as accurately as possible. Give it a couple more weeks. If you still aren't losing, you are eating too much.
  • VanaIbis
    VanaIbis Posts: 20 Member
    I did actually. Lol
  • VanaIbis
    VanaIbis Posts: 20 Member
    I do have cheat meals but I burn off most of the calories with my exercise. Should I be burning off cheat meals or ... nah?
  • VanaIbis
    VanaIbis Posts: 20 Member
    Will definitely try having more protein. Really appreciate all your responses
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I do have cheat meals but I burn off most of the calories with my exercise. Should I be burning off cheat meals or ... nah?
    i wouldn't do cheat meals personally.
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    Weight and appetite fluctuation is typical for any person, but especially so for females. What I've found very helpful is keeping track of my menstrual cycle. I use the site to do so. There are probably others out there as well (this is not an ad for them...). This site was free and that's why I picked it. At least at this site, you can add notes. Since weight loss is your goal, you could add your weight and appetite level (or whatever). After a while, there's often a pattern (at least for me there is). It's just a nice tool for knowing your body a bit better. You could be holding on to weight because of where you are in your cycle.
  • Hi. I looked at your food diary and have a few suggestions. I am working with a weight loss clinic. They have me limit my carb intake to 90 grams a day. They recommend 21-28 g protein each meal. I really thin getting that much protein has been the key to my success. One days when I get all of my protein, I do not overeat. They recommend that you eat breakfast within 1 hour of getting up. They recommend eating 3 meals and a snack (with protein) between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner. I see you are drinking juice. They recommend no calories from liquids and suggest the whole fruit instead of the juice. Keep up the hard work! You can do it. My progress is slow, sometimes only .7 pounds in a week, but I am losing. I have been doing the program for 5 weeks. My starting weight was 190 and I have lost 11.7 pounds so far. Slow and stead wins the race! but the weeks of no loss do get frustrating! :smile: