biggest downfall!!!



  • playthagame
    playthagame Posts: 5 Member

    I have the same problem. Once I start drinking I cant stop myself from drinking more. I noticed that when I have been drinking it takes me about 4-5 days to get the weight gain from it off so I've decided to give alcohol up for a few months and see how it affects my weight loss. I agree with people saying plan ahead and if you can stick to what you have counted for the day thats great. I canr personally so thats why I've given it up altogether.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    I can relate to this! I tend to have a 'big night out' every 2-3 weeks, so what I usually do is 'save' most of my exercise calories during the week, then on the day I pre-log a bunch of drinks, do a big workout in the morning and try to still have some leftover calories in case I give in and get pizza or cocktails or something. I often end up over for the day, but stay under for the week because I had calories left over from exercise. I'm at a level of fitness now that I can burn around 600-700 calories in a hard workout so I tell myself I have to earn my night out and it motivates me to keep up my exercise during the week. Plus I figure I usually burn a fair few calories dancing on those nights too :)
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    Anybody else have a problem sticking to their diet when they're on a night out? I know I do :( basically I eat really well in the day and start off with just drinking diet coke and vodka which is fine, but then as the night goes on people start buying you loads of drinks and you're just like "yayyy this is free so why not!" and you end up drinking SOOOO much sugary crap by the end of the night. Also strawberry cider is my massive downfall!

    It's something I need to work on, and especially when I'm drunk I tend to stop caring about my goals and drink whatever I want which really needs to stop. So my question is what do you guys do when you go on a night out and what kinds of stuff do you drink?

    Please no unnecessary comments like "don't drink alcohol it's stupid". Helpful advice only yeahh.

    I find that really difficult too. i dont want to go out and not drink or treat myself so at the moment i'm banking most of the exercise calories i earn during the week so i have an extra 1000-1500 calories or so left for the weekend. that way i can splurge on one night and not have to worry too much if i sank a bottle of wine and then decided to get cheesy chips afterwards. It's helped a lot i've stopped gaining weight and now maintaining / losing very slowly which is what i was aiming for
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I don't bother counting calories when i drink; i'm very well behaved the rest of the week, i have a stressful, full-time job and i'm studying a Masters on top of that so god damnit i deserve some fun!

    But saying that, it's easy for me because i stick to diet coke and vodka; it's cheap and it has low calories and i like it. I don't like beers or cider as they're too gassy. The fruit juice in cocktails make me feel uncomfortably full and bloated. Occasionally i'll have a whisky and diet coke or a neat whisky. If i'm just meeting up with my girlfriends for an evening, i might have a bottle of wine, which is about 500 cals and i work that into my daily aloowance.

    And plenty of dancing on nights out to compensate!

    That's my attitude, which i know isn't really that helpful!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Anybody else have a problem sticking to their diet when they're on a night out? I know I do :( basically I eat really well in the day and start off with just drinking diet coke and vodka which is fine, but then as the night goes on people start buying you loads of drinks and you're just like "yayyy this is free so why not!" and you end up drinking SOOOO much sugary crap by the end of the night. Also strawberry cider is my massive downfall!

    It's something I need to work on, and especially when I'm drunk I tend to stop caring about my goals and drink whatever I want which really needs to stop. So my question is what do you guys do when you go on a night out and what kinds of stuff do you drink?

    Please no unnecessary comments like "don't drink alcohol it's stupid". Helpful advice only yeahh.
    Dang girl, what bars do you go to where you get free drinks? Sign me up! Actually would it be plausible to prelog some drinks and work it into your calorie budget?
    Some of my friends are " in recovery" from meth/substance abuse so by default when I am with these friends I don't drink out of respect which helps me stay within my goals anyway.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Anybody else have a problem sticking to their diet when they're on a night out? I know I do :( basically I eat really well in the day and start off with just drinking diet coke and vodka which is fine, but then as the night goes on people start buying you loads of drinks and you're just like "yayyy this is free so why not!" and you end up drinking SOOOO much sugary crap by the end of the night. Also strawberry cider is my massive downfall!

    It's something I need to work on, and especially when I'm drunk I tend to stop caring about my goals and drink whatever I want which really needs to stop. So my question is what do you guys do when you go on a night out and what kinds of stuff do you drink?

    Please no unnecessary comments like "don't drink alcohol it's stupid". Helpful advice only yeahh.

    I decided to just quit because I had a problem with excess drinking. Umm I would prelog and learn to say no to free drinks which i used to think was impossible. Bank calories throughout the week if you want to get wasted over the weekend.
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    Phrick didn't say that alcohol was dangerous and bad for you. Only that, if you tend to over-indulge when you're drunk, then don't let yourself get to the point to getting drunk. As a result, you won't over-indulge. lol.

    As for me-
    Throughout my life, I went from being a person who drank hard alcohol, to wine, and now, to light beer. I find that the carbonation from the light beer makes me feel full, so I don't drink through them as quickly. The light beer also keeps me from getting drunk too quickly, and thus, my chances of over-indulging (on more alcohol or food) increases.

    I agree that it's hard. Maybe you can ask the bartender for a small glass instead of a tall one? I always used to get vodka with unsweetened iced tea (so I'd only consume the calories from the alcohol). Don't drink with a straw, either, I've *heard* that drinking liquids through a straw will tend to make you drink much faster. Maybe you can start off with a couple of hard-alcohol drinks, just to get you buzzed up, then switch to beer to just keep the buzz and not get drunk off your *kitten*. lol.

    There's many things you can do, I guess. Tricks. But when it comes down to it, I personally think it's your will that makes all the difference. I'm not the person today that I was a couple of months ago. I loved my wine. I loved getting tipsy 1-2x a week. Now I'm worried that if I drink too much, I won't have the energy to work out the next day. Or that I'll waste calories on non-nutritive food (alcohol) and just be generally unhealthy.

    Whatever. You'll figure something out, if you want it badly enough.

    Good luck :)
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Spirits with diet drinks are lowest calories, I always go with vodka and diet coke

    Vodka and diet coke is always a favourite!
    I had a much bigger goal than you to start but in the beginning I had to give up alcohol. Period. It was too easy for me to go from one glass of wine to three and completely derail all my hard work. I told myself when I lost 10 pounds I could have a drink again and then I only did on the weekend. It's a little different for me though, because I'm an old lady at home with two kids so it wasn't affecting going out with my friends. :) Try and space out your drinks with water and take your time. Good luck!

    I think drinking water in between drinks sounds like a good idea. I never drink on weekdays, I used to drink every weekend but now it's maybe once every 2-3 weeks but as my weight goes lower I find that even one night can reallyyyy mess up my hard work.
    I never could figure out how to do it and was unable to lose weight and have drinks! Of course I typically drank more than once per week. My drink of choice was always beer, whci led to three problems, more beer, more food and feeling lazy! Good luck, I hope YOU figure out how to do it!

    Luckily I don't like beer! Sometimes I think it's easier to just not go out at night for drinks at all haha. This is by far the hardest problem I face when losing weight.
    Try having either a club soda or diet soda with a spritz of lime or lemon. It will look like you're drinking and you're not.
    Binge drinking is just as bad or worse for your body as daily drinking. If stopping at 1-2 drinks isn't possible, then you might have a problem.
    Wine with half club soda or diet sprite is another way to cut down calories and alcohol.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Try doing this questionnaire, being brutally honest with yourself:

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The CAGE questionnaire, the name of which is an acronym of its four questions, is a widely used method of screening for alcoholism.

    Two "yes" responses indicate that the possibility of alcoholism should be investigated further.
    The questionnaire asks the following questions:
    Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
    Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
    Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
    Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?[1][2]
    The CAGE questionnaire, among other methods, has been extensively validated for use in identifying alcoholism.[3] CAGE is considered a validated screening technique, with one study determining that CAGE test scores >=2 had a specificity of 76% and a sensitivity of 93% for the identification of excessive drinking and a specificity of 77% and a sensitivity of 91% for the identification of alcoholism.[4]

    By far the most important question in the CAGE questionnaire is the use of a drink as an Eye Opener, so much so that some clinicians use a "yes" to this question alone as a positive to the questionnaire; this is due to the fact that the use of an alcoholic drink as an Eye Opener denotes abuse since the patient is going through withdrawal in the morning, hence the need for a drink as an Eye Opener

    It is not valid for diagnosis of other substance use disorders, although somewhat modified versions of the CAGE questionnaire are frequently implemented for such a purpose.
  • random_user75
    random_user75 Posts: 157 Member
    I don't always drink alcohol, but when I do I use the tips outlined in this

    Thanks for this.
  • xero2099
    xero2099 Posts: 49 Member
    I have been dieting and working out since October and i have not given up booze. I only usually drink on Saturdays So i try to make sure that during the week i stay under my calorie goal so I have a bit of extra to play with I also watch what i drink, I rarely touch beer I mostly go with rum or whiskey and diet cola
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    I might have a different take on things than most, since I will not give up my rockstar nights.

    I say go out, enjoy yourself and it's a new day the next day.

    Now obviously, it simply isn't something you will be able to do every weekend anymore, unless you limit your intake. You can also try switching to lower calorie drinks (this site will help:

    The main thing for me was to limit any eating I do while drunk - and I don' t have any advice for that - but that was my biggest downfall. The alcohol calories were bad enough, but once you added all the food I ate then I could easily ruin an entire weeks' deficit. I simply had to stop all the drunk eating.

    the drunk eating! i would be the best all week and then drink one night and awake to find evidence of the snack-monster. it was awful. also, i would never want to work out the day after, which was typically on saturday, my big gym day. so took about 3 months off the booze to refresh. once i started drinking again, i set strict goals - if i ever missed a workout due to hangover, i lose my drinking rights for one month. if i find myself eating out of control under the influence - the rights gone for another month.

    this might seem nuts or too harsh, but i have goals in mind and it is imperative that i reach them. while this is a change for the rest of my life, it is a trial to see what works and what does not. i enjoy going out, so you bet i am dying at the gym the next day (and no joke, the shower after a hangover workout is seriously the best feeling on earth). it is important to figure out what makes sense and what makes you happy and accepting that you are ever-learning and things aren't always going to work the same way they did before.

    also, trust yourself. you make a decision to stick to what you planned - you are going to stick to that. confidence and trust (while earned) go a very long way.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    I give you props that you are on this site worrying about losing weight at the age 20. I drank like a fish 4 nights a week till I was prob 26. I gained weight and I didnt care cuz I was having a blast. Well then I slowed down from having kids and growing up and lost so much weight. I started dating a guy who drank everyday a couple years back and slowly started drinking again every weekend and one night during the week. I gained 30 pounds in a year. I was working out so I guarentee I would of gained way more if I hadnt been. Now I drink once a month sometimes twice and I can easily drink 1000 calories in one night. . I never wanted food at night either but the next morning all I wanted was greasy food to help me with my hangover. My advice. Try your hardest not to eat bad that night or next day. And do a extra workout before you go out. I will go log 6 jagers and 3 bud lights before I go out and it helps me not drink that much.

    Your 20 honey. Have fun in life. But just not so much fun to where you enter your 30s saying how did I get this fat?? Coming from experience :)
  • JeanMachine41
    Hi there! I cannot read the 4 pages of comments and I am not sure if you will even read my post but I totally struggle with alcohol as well. It's different than for you, as I am pretty much past the going out and partying stage, but it's still always there and a huge temptation - a drink here, a drink there, it really adds up calorically and destroys your diet. To make it tougher, people tend to give you crap when you say you are not drinking. I went a couple of weeks totally sober and I got a lot of comments from people, my sobriety really bothered them, so I gave up being totally sober (although I may try it again since I do not have enough calories for both alcohol and food in my daily intake by this website!). Anyway, here is my advice though it may not be entirely applicable since our lives seem pretty different - (1) Just like I don't buy cookies or candy for my house, I don't buy red wine as I will drink half the bottle. Only keep alcohol in the house that you will not touch. We have beer and liquor since I don't care for that. (2) Since you seem to go out, try driving - I do that and its a natural deterrent as I cannot have more than one. People love a designated driver. (3) I did not try this yet but my fellow friends struggling tell me to switch from my red wine to a white wine with half club soda which will give me the taste of wine with the half the calories and since I don't really like white, I am not going to drink 3 glasses. Likewise, I get a light beer (people have recommended Miller 64) and since it is nothing like a 320 calorie brewery beer, I really will not want more than one and probably won't drink the whole thing. (4) If you are going to go out and party it up, go the gym and do a big workout the day of your night out and the day after, drink a ton of water all day, do NOT save your calories for alcohol as you will just get wildly drunk and eat 3000 calories in McDonalds or pizza at 1am and feel like crap the next day. If you are hung over, it is harder to get back on track.

    Let's be honest, it is fun once in a while and if you appreciate the taste of a good wine, nice cocktail or brewery beer, there is a place for it in your life just like other people must have their ice cream, pasta or rich desserts. We all have our thing. I love a really nice red wine, that is my thing. Just space it out and maintain control over it, like it is any other food.