Should Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels fear the "UNKNOWNS"?

After the unknowns burned some serious weight off the contestants, should Bob and Jillian be nervous? Does it tarnish their "Ultimate trainer" image?

Just wondering what others thought.


  • wendiwen123
    wendiwen123 Posts: 30 Member
    They are still the ultimate trainers, Biggest Loser put them both on the map. We are bummed that Jillian is leaving the show :(
    of course one season they had a third trainer and she only lasted one season so we will see what happens. . .
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    It was going to happen sooner or later. I couldn't believe some contestants would choose Bob&Jillian over 4 weeks immunity....that was crazy!!!! Bob&Jillian are good, but they aren't the ultimate trainers (or more accurately, Jillian isn't - she's trained all the biggest losers and they had to change the format up so that Bob had some part of the success)....people try and get on the show to work specifically with them and hopefully now they will take the initiative to get a good certified trainer at home and realize it's not all about the Biggest Loser.

    Don't get my wrong, I love Bob and Jillian, but thems the facts :) I'm not surprised that Jillian is leaving after this season, it was bound to happen with her having so many fitness training videos and products and games that have no ties to the Biggest Loser.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    No I dont think so. My husband and I think that this is basically a "working audition" to see who will replace Jillian next season.
  • Mission4Life
    Very good points. Keep it coming.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    After the unknowns burned some serious weight off the contestants, should Bob and Jillian be nervous? Does it tarnish their "Ultimate trainer" image?

    Just wondering what others thought.

    Bob & Jillian are the face of BL, I don't think they have anything to fear. They can pretty much write their own ticket on any new venture they would want to take. :smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I doubt that it phases them. They all got their own franchises and reputations in their own area of work. I don't think it's an issue. Brett Hoebel is the Rev Abs creator and has his own workout DVD's, Bob and Jillian do too. They can all bring something to the table.

    BL is just a stepping stone for Jillian. She wants to be the next Oprah.
  • Mission4Life
    Don't get me wrong, I love both of them and the show (minus game play). My point is this, watching the ones that wanted Bob and Jillian because they were the only ones who could help them. Like it was mentioned, it shows that there are other trainers out there who can get the job done.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yeah, your average trainer that is walking around the gym most likely won't be able to get the job done. But Biggest Loser wouldn't bring in your average Jo Schmo on their highly popular show.
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    I agree that Bob & Jillian are the face of BL, but maybe it will help to have another set of trainers join/takeover the show. I think BL has been the ultimate weightloss show and wakeup call that Americans have needed to start battling the obesity epidemic. So, if it takes new "unknown" trainers to keep the show alive, then I'm all for it!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Brett Hoebel is the Rev Abs creator and has his own workout DVD's

    I seem to love almost all things Beachbody, but never was really sold on Rev Abs. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Brett & getting to know him & his style of working out a bit better. Personally, I'm 100% ready to see 2 new trainers on there. (Although I do REALLY love Bob) :love:
  • Mission4Life
    You have to admit, first week of training and they already set the record for the most weight loss in one week.
  • NZGeekGirl
    I haven't watched the new season being stuck in NZ and not having it until goodness knows when but...

    I do agree with what others have said, Bob and Jillian are awesome but there are other excellent trainers out there who can get the job done. Plus yes, they will no doubt be able to write their own ticket now, well really they are already.

    I think it also is worth remembering (well this is my opinion anyway) that success also comes down to getting the right trainer who you click with and who inspires you to work, different trainers will work best for different people.

    For me Jillian would still be the Ultimate trainer because she is exactly the type of trainer that I love and need and gets the best results from me!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I fell asleep watching this new season's episode. I don't find it very exciting. And I probably won't watch once Jillian leaves. Like every show where a major person leaves, it's never as good

    I don't think they need to fear them. The episode was cheesier than usual introducing these new trainers.
  • crissy5287
    I think that it is too early to tell. If you look back over the hstory of the shw everyone always has a great week, these "unknowns" are just doing something different than Bob and Jillian. This may show them that they need to find other ways for those who dont really have any machies at home or a gym membership they can use. But I have to say, if I were one of those contestants I probably would've chosen Bob and Jillian.
  • Randy63
    Bob and Jillian rock as trainers. I know 1st hand as I worked out with Jillian on her Wellness Cruise this summer. She is the real deal. I guess that immunity was enticing to some so we will see how that works out for them.
  • Mission4Life
    Oh Randy, I hear what you are saying but is 4 weeks on ranch better or worse than one week with Bob and Jillian?
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Oh Randy, I hear what you are saying but is 4 weeks on ranch better or worse than one week with Bob and Jillian?
    I agree. 4 weeks with ANY trainer is better than being eliminated the first week!