I'm AVOIDING gym memberships! Need home exercises!



  • MilfShakeIt
    MilfShakeIt Posts: 15 Member
    First of all, I will agree with you. You're NOT ugly. We all feel that way at times. I'm S.L.O.W.L.Y making my way towards my goal, or at least if feels that way. I have 3 small children that I stay home with and homeschool, so I also don't have money for a gym membership. The Biggest Loser Wii game is great, but I will also recommend some dvd's!

    Walk away the Pounds... Any of them are just fantastic! You will feel the burn with these, but with moves you can do.

    Hip Hop abs....You have sooo much fun dancing, you don't realize you're working!

    Turbo Jam.....Same thing as above!

    Zumba....Yet another fun burn!

    Also, Just dance 2 for the Wii helps me work up a sweat and learn to dance at the same time!

    Good Luck!:drinker:
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    I use my Wii primarily. So I use the Ea active and Ea active 2. Also wii fit plus and Jillian Michaels 2010 ultimatum.
  • chevysarah
    I like exercisetv online... they have some free videos you can watch online. Its nice when you want to switch things up and try different things as they have loads of different types... such as yoga, tonning, bootcamp etc.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    What are some exercises at home that I can do to LOSE and Tone? I am purchasing an elliptical machine for my home? I utilize my Wii ALOT! I want to shed about 40-50lbs in 100 days!

    I want to tone my...THIGHS, ARMS AND BELLY!!! I am sooo ugly and fat! I have extra JIGGLE!!! :(

    I've always struggled with extra jiggle :(

    I am buying the biggest loser Wii game... and other recommendations... I stretch, do push-ups and crunches before work. Anything else?


    Add me as a friend! :)

    For the record, it is highly unreasonable and unhealthy to lose 0.8 - 1 pound every two days.
  • lanie13
    lanie13 Posts: 55
    I HIGHLY suggest the Zumba DVDs!
  • rueann
    rueann Posts: 7
    Hi, You mentioned alot of exercise, but are you changing your eating habits?
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    What are some exercises at home that I can do to LOSE and Tone? I am purchasing an elliptical machine for my home? I utilize my Wii ALOT! I want to shed about 40-50lbs in 100 days!

    I want to tone my...THIGHS, ARMS AND BELLY!!! I am sooo ugly and fat! I have extra JIGGLE!!! :(

    I've always struggled with extra jiggle :(

    I am buying the biggest loser Wii game... and other recommendations... I stretch, do push-ups and crunches before work. Anything else?


    Add me as a friend! :)

    For the record, it is highly unreasonable and unhealthy to lose 0.8 - 1 pound every two days.

    I second this wholeheartedly. You're a great person, and you deserve to do this in a way that's healthy. While there may be ways to lose that much weight that quickly, they A) don't always work, B) can cause damage to your body, C) don't last, and D) are way harder than the healthier alternative.

    As everyone has mentioned, calisthentics are awesome. Pushups, situps, jumping jacks, planks, they're all awesome. If you have cable TV with on-demand, there is an almost unlimited number of exercise videos. If you have some decent running shoes, pick up walking or running. There's a LOT of ways to get more exercise.

    A big thing to remember though is that weight loss is 90% nutrition, 10% everything else. Burning 1000 calories a day won't matter if you're eating 4000, with a BMR of 2000 calories. Good luck, just keep things realistic and GO SLOW. Slower than you want. You'll thank yourself for doing it that way.
  • lindsay03811
    I had a gym membership at one point and nixed it because I find that I get better results at home. :)
    Your home can be your gym.

    In my personal experience, what has done the most for both weight loss and shaping my body is definitely heavy weight lifting/resistance training. Even if you don't have weights at this time, things like body-weight squats, tricep dips, plank position, push-ups, etc, can make a huge difference in the way your body looks!

    My question is -- I am in a boot camp, and try to track all of my calories burned.. however --- there are things such as weight lifting/resistance training that shows NO calories burned... although you are constantly moving.. your heart rate is up, are you just strengthening?