Herbalife Protein snack ideas

Hey I started with Herbalife a week ago and I’m having a really hard time filling up the 200-300 calorie protein snacks each day, I don’t like cheese or eggs. Any suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance!! Also any other tips for the Herbalife diet would be appreciated =)


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    you can buy their protein snacks or have greek yogurt or nuts.
  • kiki_81
    kiki_81 Posts: 1
    Hi huni I love there protein bars. Do you like seafood sticks as they are great for snacking on. Xxx
    NATHANSELLHBL Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, talk to your distributor for some help but in the meantime,
    eggs, nuts, low fat greek yogurt,low fat turkey slices,low fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of peanut butter! all good for protien :-)
    and like Kim says, protien bars are great when youre on the hop.
    ryvita thins with phialdelphia and chicken breast or with cottage cheese and pine nuts...
  • WoWkat
    WoWkat Posts: 48 Member
    Hi huni I love there protein bars. Do you like seafood sticks as they are great for snacking on. Xxx

    What in the heck is a seafood stick?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    It's questionable if Herbalife is nothing more than just a pyramid scheme. Their products are way way too expensive and they don't do anything special. They're under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission as we speak.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It's questionable if Herbalife is nothing more than just a pyramid scheme. Their products are way way too expensive and they don't do anything special. They're under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission as we speak.



    It's not really questionable. Herbalife IS a pyramid scheme lol.
  • naomicp
    naomicp Posts: 16 Member
    Have you tried the danio yoghurts? theyre really filling and high in protein and taste super yummy. nuts are another way of getting a high protein snack, just go careful not to have too many as theyre extremely calorie dense. Good luck on your journey hun :)
  • redrhi
    redrhi Posts: 1 Member
    It's questionable if Herbalife is nothing more than just a pyramid scheme. Their products are way way too expensive and they don't do anything special. They're under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission as we speak.



    It's not really questionable. Herbalife IS a pyramid scheme lol.

    Herbalife is not a pyramid scheme, a sponsor does not take profit from a distributor in their team, Herbalife themselves reward them - network marketing/multi-level marketing. They'd have been shut down a long time ago if they were a pyramid scheme!

    For snacks, I have fruit, almonds, greek yoghurt with blueberries/raspberries and milled linseed (good source of protein!), peanut butter on ryvita crackerbreads, quiche for a treat, trail mix, tuna on ryvitas...
