Looking for friends :) 50+ pounds to lose



  • dsoucy31
    dsoucy31 Posts: 17 Member
    i have my sister and my bestie on here as well. however sometimes hearing it from somebody else helps a little bit more ! I have about 100 to loose.... good luck and feel free to add me!!!
  • heatheraugust03
    heatheraugust03 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm also looking for friends! Right now im way motivated but need friends to keep me on this track and for me to also help them on this life journey. ANYONE FEEL FREE TO ADD ME PLEASE =)
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    I also need to lose 50+ and I have an open diary. Let's us do this together.
  • I'll send one :)
  • Hey Everyone feel free to add me, I had 70 lbs to lose but now down to 42 lbs!! love having support!!
  • savi_xo
    savi_xo Posts: 5
    Hi all! I've just started using MFP again and have over 100 lb to lose. Would love some supportive friends, feel free to add me!! :-)
  • Me too - 100 pounds to lose. Just starting up again. Not giving up this time. I can already see the support here is amazing!
  • Byrd718
    Byrd718 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello...I've been using MFP for about a month. I've just discovered the community since I logged in on the computer because I'm usually on my phone. I have 50+ lbs to lose. Actually, there's more, but I'm just trying to set a realistic goal right now. I login everyday, and need people to keep me motivated and I can motivate as well.
  • The_Shrinking_Diva
    The_Shrinking_Diva Posts: 2 Member
    Me too, please add me I will be logging in daily and will be a great motivator. I have lost 2lbs so far and 48lbs more to go!
  • Hi!

    I'm starting my journey as well! Feel free to add me, I'm new to the whole forum thing for weight loss but I feel like this could be the ticket to finally get where I need to go health wise. :smile:
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    My name is Nathalie, I've just joined today! I'm also looking to lose 50 lbs and any help, support and advice along the way would be appreciated!
    I'll be logging on daily and will happy to help anyone in whatever I can,

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • stacyosoyoos
    stacyosoyoos Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to send a request to me as well, I've got about 50-60 lbs to lose too. I log daily :)
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    Hey guys! I started my journey in august of last year, I lost 50 pounds and then gained back 30, now im back down another ten pounds so a total of 30 pounds lost from my heaviest. I'm looking for support so I can stick with my plan this time! feel free to add!
  • ns2183
    ns2183 Posts: 4

    My names Nichola, i'm new to this site :) nice to meet you all!!

    I have recently put on 3 stone :( I have always tried the fad diets, you name it i've tried, like most of us im guessing haha.

    So this time im doing it the slow and steady way, trying to change my relationship with food and excercise.

    So it would be great to have a few friends a long the way :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend

  • Boxing987
    Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
    ill add :)
  • pigtoprincess
    pigtoprincess Posts: 19 Member
    Hey I'm Kayla, I have around 90 to lose my diaries open to friends, I plan on logging daily! I only joined a couple of days ago but my streaks going strong!
  • hotmama84
    hotmama84 Posts: 10
    hi there.
    I have sent you a friend request
    Im a daily blogger and love supporting everyone on their journey.My diary is open so please anyone feel free to add me and let me be there to cheer you on xxx