Day 1 - Looking for friends and support



  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    Well, I have 2 boys ages 8 and 4 and I am just now losing the baby weight although I've been trying for a while! MFP has been the only thing that has worked for me. All I have done is: dumped soda for water, joined the gym, and started eating a few more fruits and veggies :) I also have not cut out anything that I love (ice cream, cookies, etc) I just make sure they fit within my goal and do some serious exercising if not! ;) I believe having a good support system has helped me be successful thus far. Having and watching young kids has also been a big help given that I have to be constantly moving to keep up with them! :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!!
  • Marlena0708
    Marlena0708 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all. This is day 1 of my journey. I need to lose about 100 pounds. I am desperately wanting to lose the 30 pounds I gained when I had my son 2 years ago. My husband and I would like to try to have a second child in about a year but I cannot imagine adding more baby weight to the 100 pounds I already need to lose. I am following a physician weight loss plan. I am new to MFP and online tracking etc, but not new to trying to lose weight. The most success I have had was losing 40 lbs with Weight Watchers in 2008.

    1. What things have you done that you feel like have helped you to be most successful?
    2. What do you do to keep yourself motivated?

    I'm here every day and I'm happy to support you. I sent you a friend request.

    1. What things have you done that you feel like have helped you be most successful?

    a. I log in here every single day.
    b. I measure, weigh and log every single thing I eat and drink before I eat or drink it.
    c. Fruit, veggies, lean meats.
    d. Walk every single day.
    e. I quit soda.
    f. Drink a glass of water before every meal.
    g. I measure my salad dressing.
    h. I keep my diary open to the world. Knowing anyone can look at it anytime makes me try harder to stick to the goals.

    2. What do you do to keep yourself motivated?

    a. I log in here every single day.
    b. I keep a mental picture of my goal at the forefront of my mind, no matter what else is going on.
    c. I remember that every day is a new day and a fresh start. If I slipped up yesterday, that's ok; today is a new story.
    d. My child is a huge motivation - I need to be around for her for a long, long time. Diabetes, hypertension and heart disease will certainly shorten her time with me. I refuse to let that happen. Period. You can.
  • tgraves9875
    tgraves9875 Posts: 16 Member
    The calorie log really keeps you honest with yourself:)
  • LucyBzz
    LucyBzz Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a week or so into this but willing to do this with you if you need another friend?
    I think everyone else has pretty much said it all - I think that having a goal to work towards, getting support (here!) & being honest about what you are eating is what will keep you going
    I have found that logging my food means that I am thinking about what I eat - yesterday I left over 1/2 a cookie because I realised that I didn't actually like it very much and it wasn't worth the extra 150 calories to finish it - previously I'd have eaten the whole cookie & probably a second or third just because it was there ...

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do, I'm new here but willing to support others as we travel this journey together :)
  • wackicatt
    wackicatt Posts: 23
    Best of luck to you. This is day 1 for me as well.... I was on here a few years back & it is a great motivator . I am happy to be back. I will add you as a friend..
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    I agree everyone has pretty much said it all. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds but not having much luck. I hope friends will keep me accountable. I will friend you and cheer you on!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Welcome to MFP! If you're head is in the right place (which it sounds like it is), you can absolutely meet your goals!

    I have been on MFP for 88 days and have lost 20 lbs! I have about 25-30 more to go, so I plan to stick around. What I love about MFP is that it has taught me so much about how I eat. Before I came onto MFP, I didn't eat completely unhealthy. I enjoyed fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc... I also enjoyed ice cream, chocolate, alcohol, chips. I just enjoyed all these things in excess. MFP has taught me through logging and seeing my calories in that I can still enjoy all these things, but in moderation. So I have not given up anything that I used to love. I just learned how to enjoy it in a healthier way.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I'd love to support you on your journey here! My diary is open, too, and I am on daily!

    Good luck to you :)