Sunshine and Zija

_hmoney Posts: 14 Member
Hello all! (: I am Heather, 26 living in Ohio and I am giving MFP another go. I hope to push myself to achieve great results and I have a bit of a plan.

Step 1: Record what I eat with honesty. Even if I'm not eating great things, I am still eating them and it will be helpful to identify habits both good and bad and use that to make a healthy honest food plan.
Step 2: Reduce intake of foods that make me feel like death; i.e. Taco Salad Tuesday (they offer a half-portion but I get a whole and then feel sick all day... why?)
Step 3: Re-introduce Zija into my routine.
Step 4: Get off my bum and move around -- even exercise!

In all seriousness, I am really hoping to get healthier. And I would also like to pose a question: Does anyone else use Zija? I currently have the Smart Mix, XM+, daily tea, and detox tea. I haven't used any of it in forever and I'm wondering -- does anyone else think it tastes like the water out of a vase of flowers (or what I would assume that tastes like)? If so, do you just push through the icky taste or do you do anything to make it better?

I would hate to taint my Zija by adding a bunch of unhealthy things to it, but I have to say, I don't love the taste and that makes me NOT look forward to using it.

Any advice or comments are welcome! :flowerforyou:


  • Stacey984
    Stacey984 Posts: 27
    Hi Heather,
    I am not familiar with Zija but think it is always great to keep motivated individuals connected!
  • _hmoney
    _hmoney Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Heather,
    I am not familiar with Zija but think it is always great to keep motivated individuals connected!

    Thanks!! Do you mind if I add you?
  • Stacey984
    Stacey984 Posts: 27
    not at all! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Zija isn't going to help with weight loss nor detoxes anything out of the body. Weight loss is dependent on calorie deficit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • christinebryant80
    christinebryant80 Posts: 130 Member
    I do use Zija, my hubby used to sell it, now we have a bunch or it. I actually like the smartmix taste. Not fand of the vanilla protein shake but the chocolate one I do like. The detox tea I dont take with hot water, I just put it in a cold water bottle at nite and drink it. If I do it with hot water I find Im in the washroom to much the next day. Feel free to add me if you want! :smile:
  • _hmoney
    _hmoney Posts: 14 Member
    Zija isn't going to help with weight loss nor detoxes anything out of the body. Weight loss is dependent on calorie deficit.

    Your credentials would lead me to believe you are correct, however per my personal experience, Zija has aided my weight loss in being an appetite suppressant. Additionally, if Zija Detox Tea does not detox, then how is it that I passed a drug test two days after using marijuana when all I did prior to the test was drink a Zija detox tea?

    Where are you getting your information? Do you have research facts proving Zija to not be an aide in any of the aforementioned categories?

    Based on what you are saying I am an anomole.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I have a friend who used to push Zija all the time. I briefly thought about trying some, but once I found out how much it cost, I decided to use my money on real food and video games.
  • Jburch1982
    Jburch1982 Posts: 17
    I have been on Zija for 2 weeks and have lost 14 pounds. This is the reason I am selling it because I believe in it. Everyone that I know of that is on it, is averaging 1 pound per day. There also having lower blood pressure and less joint pains. If you hate the taste it probably wouldn't hurt to mix it with diet green tea just a small amount. Join my Facebook Jason's Zija Lifestyle group and shre your success and read about others success.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Zija isn't going to help with weight loss nor detoxes anything out of the body. Weight loss is dependent on calorie deficit.

    Your credentials would lead me to believe you are correct, however per my personal experience, Zija has aided my weight loss in being an appetite suppressant. Additionally, if Zija Detox Tea does not detox, then how is it that I passed a drug test two days after using marijuana when all I did prior to the test was drink a Zija detox tea?
    Anecdotes aren't evidence though. And as for you drug test, errors can certainly happen or your test could have randomly been discarded (you didn't get tested at all. Yes, it does happen to save money for companies).
    Where are you getting your information? Do you have research facts proving Zija to not be an aide in any of the aforementioned categories?

    Based on what you are saying I am an anomole.
    On the contrary, it's not my burden of proof to show that Zija works in peer reviewed clinical study. That proof is on you to find and display for evidence. Not an article, not "information" from Zija (since it would be biased) but an independent peer reviewed clinical study. That's how "real" information on products/procedures/programs are found to be legitimate or not. As for your experiences, they are anecdotal. It's like a person wearing their "lucky" hat when they watch their team play and then they win. Of course when they lose, they won't attribute it to the hat. Lots of variables could have attributed to your experiences. You ate different. Your water intake was different. Your hormones (which you don't control) regulated differently that day. Exercise was more intense. Stress could have been lower. Etc. etc.
    Again, with more than 30 years in the fitness industry, trust when I say you aren't the first person (and won't be the last) who will insist that some product that makes exaggerated claims on performance worked for them with no basis of actual scientific measurement done. Did it make you feel better? Possibly because you wanted it to (especially if you spent money on it). Is it harmful? Probably not or it would definitely be pulled from the market.
    I'm very open to trying new techniques and strategies, but they have to have some scientific backing for me to take it seriously. I haven't yet had anyone give me any credible research showing that taking Zija lives up to the claims it makes.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • _hmoney
    _hmoney Posts: 14 Member
    I have a friend who used to push Zija all the time. I briefly thought about trying some, but once I found out how much it cost, I decided to use my money on real food and video games.

    Hahahaha :laugh:

    Yes, it is extremely expensive. I think I died a little inside when I first bought it, because for what I spent on my first order, I could've gotten a new tattoo, but I don't hate it. I just have trouble with the funky taste.
  • _hmoney
    _hmoney Posts: 14 Member
    Zija isn't going to help with weight loss nor detoxes anything out of the body. Weight loss is dependent on calorie deficit.

    Your credentials would lead me to believe you are correct, however per my personal experience, Zija has aided my weight loss in being an appetite suppressant. Additionally, if Zija Detox Tea does not detox, then how is it that I passed a drug test two days after using marijuana when all I did prior to the test was drink a Zija detox tea?
    Anecdotes aren't evidence though. And as for you drug test, errors can certainly happen or your test could have randomly been discarded (you didn't get tested at all. Yes, it does happen to save money for companies).
    Where are you getting your information? Do you have research facts proving Zija to not be an aide in any of the aforementioned categories?

    Based on what you are saying I am an anomole.
    On the contrary, it's not my burden of proof to show that Zija works in peer reviewed clinical study. That proof is on you to find and display for evidence. Not an article, not "information" from Zija (since it would be biased) but an independent peer reviewed clinical study. That's how "real" information on products/procedures/programs are found to be legitimate or not. As for your experiences, they are anecdotal. It's like a person wearing their "lucky" hat when they watch their team play and then they win. Of course when they lose, they won't attribute it to the hat. Lots of variables could have attributed to your experiences. You ate different. Your water intake was different. Your hormones (which you don't control) regulated differently that day. Exercise was more intense. Stress could have been lower. Etc. etc.
    Again, with more than 30 years in the fitness industry, trust when I say you aren't the first person (and won't be the last) who will insist that some product that makes exaggerated claims on performance worked for them with no basis of actual scientific measurement done. Did it make you feel better? Possibly because you wanted it to (especially if you spent money on it). Is it harmful? Probably not or it would definitely be pulled from the market.
    I'm very open to trying new techniques and strategies, but they have to have some scientific backing for me to take it seriously. I haven't yet had anyone give me any credible research showing that taking Zija lives up to the claims it makes.

    Since I cannot provide you with a hard copy of the research, here is the John's Hopkins study. The nutritional references [47, 123, 147] in particular share great detail in support of Zija.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I have a friend who used to push Zija all the time. I briefly thought about trying some, but once I found out how much it cost, I decided to use my money on real food and video games.

    Hahahaha :laugh:

    Yes, it is extremely expensive. I think I died a little inside when I first bought it, because for what I spent on my first order, I could've gotten a new tattoo, but I don't hate it. I just have trouble with the funky taste.

    Just think of all the weed you could have bought with that money!! And you wouldn't have the deal with "the funky taste".
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm just gonna leave this right here. Maybe some of the info will be useful and helpful.

    Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
    -Wayne Dyer

    It's about moderation not deprivation. There are no good/bad foods, only bad eating habits. Do or do not, there is no try. You have to want it, you have to work for it, you have to realize that only you can do it.

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

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  • maypey
    maypey Posts: 1
    I Drink Life In and love it. The taste no longer bothers me and even my children drink it...they don't really like the taste. I prefer it cold, but have had it at room temp. The detox tea to me tastes good and find myself craving it. The daily tea, I can't drink it. The taste just doesn't agree with me. I know this doesn't really help you with the taste, but I think after awhile it just grows on you. Are you drinking half in the morning and the other half in the afternoon?