I am SO disappointed in myself.

I can't believe i've let myself slip away from my weight loss diet and excercise.:explode: This is embarrassing but you guys are my only support. So i started about 2 months ago and everything was going well. Lost 10 lbs in a month by eating well and going to the gym.:smile: My gym membership had expired and I was unable to get some money for a little bit but just because I didn't have the gym for a while did not mean I lost motivation. I was still eating right but then i started feeling more and more lazy as time went by. I then went back to my old eating habits and only God knows whether or not i gained that 10 back. (I'm sure as hell not going to look to find out). It all just hit me now when i did some online shopping and the pants I ordered did not fit!! :cry:
Now, i'm at the point where I'm determined again and starting TODAY i will go back to my good eating habits. I'm just so sad that my main goal was to lose weight by September so I can look good for college and I wasted an entire MONTH. I am able to start going back to the gym on July 1st. Thanks in advance for any comments. Did any of you get off track for a bit?:sad: :sad:


  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Yes lots of us here have been here before lost weight and then got off track only to gain the weight back. It's about understanding that you have to make changes for the rest of your life. As the saying go "diets fail, lifestyle changes are what works." Don't beat yourself up . You are doing what you need to do and will be back on track in no time
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    You can get back on it! Don't wait for the gym to get back to exercise. Just work on walking until then. I think you will be surprised how much you can get out of a good 30-45 minute walk every day. You can do it (cuz you already have). My wife likes to say - 'Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.' So learn and get moving again. We all have off days or meals we don't want to track. And once in a while that is ok. Just remember to push the reset button and when you maybe over do it on a meal or snack make up for it with a walk. Tracking is the key - you know how much you need to exercise by what you've recorded. Hope that helps!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I once lost about 70 lbs.

    And gained it all back.

    Plus another 70.

    Embarrassment was my new best friend.

    We've all been there.

    The weight has been gained. There isn't anything you can do about the past. But you do have control over the present. All you can do is press on. Try your damnedest not to make this an emotional decision. Eat less than you burn and get back on track. You'll be back into those pants soon enough if you just keep going.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Yes! Whenever I lost interest in losing-usually every 20 pounds or so-I continued my workouts but ate at maintenance, making sure not to regain the weight I worked so hard to lose. After a time, I would want to start losing again so I ate at a deficit again.
    This method took awhile BUT-it allowed my body to adjust to each size for awhile and also gave me a break from the deficit.
    Now I've pretty much lost all the weight except for maybe 5 vanity pounds.
    I certainly learned how to maintain during the process!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Abso-freakin-lutely! I just got myself back on track yesterday. Went on vacation about a month and a half ago and allowed myself to enjoy - still got some activity and didn't go too crazy with the food but was eating a lot of restaurant food and drinking more than usual. Tried getting back on track when I got back but I just kept putting it off. Then Wednesday morning came...put on one of my favorite pairs of jeans and couldn't believe how tight they'd goten!! So that was that - logged on and got tracking again.

    While I'm not proud of myself for back-sliding, it was a good diet break. I enjoyed some things I don't usually have (real ice cream, wine, etc) which I see as a good thing. Now I feel like I can go without them again and not feel deprived. I believe in everything in moderation but part of that is also knowing which foods you just can't moderate.

    Anyway, back to you OP.. I agree with mrron2u - think of it as a learing experience. Just because you're not going to the gym doesn't mean you don't workout. Go for a walk/run, find workout videos or routines online, do calesthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc), find some stairs to run up and down - plenty of options out there to keep you from being lazy! Stop allowing yourself to make excuses. If it's important enough to you, you will find a way!

    And like you said, you've got us for support. If you're not sure of your options, come on here and ask. Good luck!!
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    i stumble every so often, just focus on the future not the past, if you really want this you will get it :)
  • TWilson121
    I stumbled yesterday... taco's are my weakness! :D
  • ramla17
    ramla17 Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone, appreciate the comments. All your answers DEFINITELY made me feel better about myself, i will for sure find other ways to get active while I wait for the gym! Love y'all :wink:
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    The road to success is littered with rocks, you will stumble sometimes over them and sometimes you'll be kicking them right out of your path.

    Time to start kickin!
  • msschaller99
    msschaller99 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey, you skidded off the road but are now heading back in the right direction. Don't beat yourself up too badly for slipping, we all will suffer setbacks at some point.

    The sidewalk is waiting (and it's free)!!!! That's the main exercise that I've done for the past 10 months...as you get better, go further and faster. A 5 lb barbell handweight is excellent and there are some great exercises you can do with it at home on pinterest.

    You can do this and be successful.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    eat your favourite foods, as long as it fits in your daily intake goal... then theres no slippin
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Thanks everyone, appreciate the comments. All your answers DEFINITELY made me feel better about myself, i will for sure find other ways to get active while I wait for the gym! Love y'all :wink:

    If you want to be fit, the WORLD is your gym.
    Lunges up a hill. HIKING up a hill. Running/jogging/walking or HIIT in the park. Pushups and sit ups can be done anywhere. Want to work your shoulders? Find a walk and walk your feet up it until you're inverted, then shuffle along it back and forth to work yourself in a whole new way.
    You don't need a gym to be fit. Don't let $ be your excuse, you've clearly got the passion, and the strength to lose 10lbs in a month? You can get it back and more with consistency and dedication.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Yeah it's kind of a slippery slope for me anyhow. I take a week off exercising because it's T.O.M. or what ever reason. Lack of exercise makes me tired and lazy. So I watch some movies. And have snacks with the movies. And start going over in my calories with junk food mixed in. The junk food makes me sluggish so it's hard to pull myself together.

    Just yeah. It's good your catching it and starting over. That's all you can do. Just start eating better and drinking more water and that will give you energy to start working out and before you know it you'll start getting some momentum back.

    Good luck, OP :)
  • Janlo26
    Janlo26 Posts: 30 Member
    Been there more than once - like right now. Not on my training program at all. I train at home so I have absolutely no excuse. :P

    The last time this happened I decided my getting back on track motto would be:

    "The really great thing about starting back at square one again is all that open space out in front of you."

    Let's fill that space with the stuff we know we want for ourselves - you and me both.

    All the best in your quest!
  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    When I feel like taking a break from eating at a deficit, I do! I just eat at maintenance. I've lost 6 lbs of the 20 I want to lose so far, and while I haven't lost any weight in the past 3 weeks, I haven't gained any back, either. I started eating at a deficit again yesterday, with the goal of losing another 4 lbs to reach the 1/2 way mark. Then, I'll probably eat at maintenance for a few weeks again. It gives me a chance to eat 200-300 more calories a day, but still stay accountable to logging and not gaining weight. Might be something to try- sort of a nice moderate approach.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. It's happened to most, certainly to me! I slip up once in a while and have a bad week...sometimes even two weeks. It happens. Just remind yourself why you started this journey, reevaluate your goals and get back on track! You can do it!
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    I can't do pictures, but this is what I try to remind myself every time I slip up:


    Success isn't a straight line. It's a journey. As long as you don't give up, as long as you don't call it quits for good, every step you make in the right direction is a step towards your ultimate goal.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I don't have a gym membership. I walk every day its the only exercise I get. Walking or jogging is so good for you and its free.
    Good luck on your journey.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Been there. Lost 30 to gain 66.

    When I made logging and tracking a habit I've never looked back. I still go over but I do so knowingly and I plan for when I will make it up or I work a little harder that day or the next.

    You are far ahead of most people your age by acknowledging you got off track and taking responsibility for it. Good for you!

    I have no doubt you will get back on track.
  • jlout
    jlout Posts: 19 Member
    I too get off track especially when I am traveling (work or pleasure). You will get back on the right track. Good luck and you will do it:)