I have a skinny boyfriend



  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    My husband was 6' and 130lbs when I met him. We are talking skinny. I am 5'2" and was 138 when we met. I have always been a little chunky and went up with age (we are married 20 years). Honestly I remember getting really upset that I weighed more than him one time. I lost weight then it snuck back on. At this point, i have given up. He is 6' tall, totally out of shape, but weighs 180 or so. I am 5'2" and been fluctuating between 170 and 180. I want to get down to at least 150, but we shall see.

    The hardest part being married to a skinny guy, they have no clue what it is like to struggle with food. He could eat anything he wanted and no problem, but he also doesn't enjoy eating. Like he can buy a box of chocolate and forget about it. He doesn't understand that food calls my name from the kitchen. Also can't comprehend that a sausage has more calories than a plate of veggies because the sausage is smaller. It has been a struggle on that side, otherwise weight has never been an issue.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I am 5'3, 150-155 pounds usually - sometimes up to 160, my husband is 5'9 162 pounds soaking wet.

    We manage just fine.
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh man... when my husband and I started dating, he was 5'8" and weighed 117- we were in high school. I was 5' and about 160... and only ballooned up to 200 when I got comfortable with him (it helped knowing that he preferred a little meat on a girl's bones).

    It was weird at first... after all... how would we ever play a good game of teeter-totter on the playground? But that was the only thing that didn't work between us! We fell in love, got married... and honestly, he gained a lot of weight later on too! We were both in the 205 range at one point, and now we're both back down around 175/180.

    The only thing that matters is if you find him attractive and he finds you attractive... who cares what it looks like from an outsider's perspective!
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think if y'all love each other, it shouldn't really matter.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    145 at 5'5" is not skinny, according to BMI he is near the top end of "healthy" weight for his height. I know guys 6'1" that weigh that much, I consider that skinny. In my profile pic I am 5'6" 140lbs, and not skinny, low bodyfat yes, skinny no.

    That said if he is with you, he wants to be there. Lose weight for you, not for him.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    I weighed more than my husband (6'4" 220) for a long time. Now, he's got about 30 pounds on me which I have to say, does make me feel awesome. Stupid societal expectations. Oh well.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My boyfriend is extremely fit and has a naturally slim frame with lots of muscle, especially through the shoulders. I am extremely not fit, although I'm getting there. I still weigh less than him, but not by that much, and I'm convinced that even if that weren't the case, it wouldn't bother either of us. He thinks I'm the sexiest woman on the planet no matter how much my thighs jiggle, and I think he's the sexiest man on the planet whether he ever bulks those biceps or not.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    If he loves you no matter what size you are, he's a keeper.


    I'm 5'10 and currently 226 lbs and at my heaviest I was 320 lbs. My husband (who is 5'8 and 145 lbs or so) loved me then and still loves me now and will love me when I'm thin too. For us, the physical doesn't matter.

    Sounds like you have a good man to me.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    145 at 5'5" is not skinny, according to BMI he is near the top end of "healthy" weight for his height. I know guys 6'1" that weigh that much, I consider that skinny. In my profile pic I am 5'6" 140lbs, and not skinny, low bodyfat yes, skinny no.

    That said if he is with you, he wants to be there. Lose weight for you, not for him.
    You're right but I think she means relative to her size.

    OP, if you were this size when you first met then you should have nothing to worry about. He's into that obviously. If you suddently gained weight and now he's acting weird, then worry. Or if you did but everything has been going along fine and he's not acting different, then don't worry about it. Anyway, if you want to lose weight for YOU then do it. But do it for yourself, not someone else. If he loves you he'll love you regardless.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My husband weighed less than me when we got married (In spite of being 6-7 inches taller than me) Never bugged me because that's the man I married and wanted to be with. Didn't bug him because I was the woman he married and wanted to be with.

    See what I'm saying here?



    Get your mind right. If it was a problem he would have left already, so relax before he gets it in his mind that maybe he should leave.

    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    6'0 134lber checking in :)
    Been a rail all my life. Was 118lbs 3 yrs ago.
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I couldnt date a guy skinnier than me :(

    geuss I am shallow

    Is it shallow or your preference in men? We all have a preference of what is attractive to our eyes.

    for yeai would only date men the same height or shorter than me. Ive been with mu husband for 8 yrs now and he is a good 4" taller.
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    I personally like a guy with a little bit (or a lotta bit) of flub. I'd sooner date a guy built like Jack Black than built like Adrian Brody. I'm very thin and short. Some people like and prefer the look of a some extra weight, and I'm one of those. I don't care how we look to other people.
  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    im 5'6 168 lbs and my boyfriend is 5'6 and is 120 soaking wet. love him to death though!
  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    I think if y'all love each other, it shouldn't really matter.

    and this is the truth no matter what the situation is
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    My husband is super skinny always has been 6ft and 150lbs but it use to bother me that couldnt fit into his boxers but now i really dont care, but now we just joke about it We are just bulit diffrent even when I weighted 130 I was still wider
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    Was opposite for me, I was over 250 at max slob weight, my wife was about 135 and stays there pretty rock steady. I was in really good shape when we were dating and when we got married. She never said anything about my weight when I was heavy :huh: , but I know she's happier now with me being healthy again! Awesome woman, what can I say and I love her for that! That and she is smoking hot!!! :love:
  • mmad_1200
    mmad_1200 Posts: 2
    Ugh same here. I know that feel so well. My boyfriend is skinny and very toned and muscular. He started dating me when I was about 200lbs (I'm at 160lbs now). A lot of people were shocked that I was able to get a fit boyfriend at my size. He loves me no matter what size I am. But I can't help but feel so insecure at times because there's a lot of women going after him that are skinnier than me and probably wondering why he's with a chubby girl like me and not with another girl that's as fit as him.
    He didn't want me to lose weight but I'm doing it so that I feel healthier and more confident with myself when I'm with him and less threatened by the girls that go after him. >_<
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    Haha I laughed when I saw this topic because I do not think I have EVER weighed less than my husband in our 10 years together! It doesn't REALLY matter, it doesn't affect our relationship in any way. But it still bugs me lol...

    He is taller than me though, and has a naturally 'long and lanky' build that runs in his family. He's a real keeper who has loved me no matter what I looked like, through all my weight gains and losses over the years.

    EVERY time I manage to lose weight and think I'm getting close to weighing less than him, he loses weight too! I guess because I am cooking lighter food? I keep thinking one of these days I'm gonna weigh less than he does...one of these days... :)