January 2011 - no more junk late at night



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 7 - LNS: 0
    Does eating very early in the morning count as a loss? I'd think not... I had to wake up and was still sleepy, so I just grabbed some junk and then went to bed again :blushing:.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 5 ~ LNS: 2

    OMG, what was I thinking going to Wienerschnitzel! I knew the sodium was high but that was more than 1 day worth of sodium. Then, we had ladies night and that was no help. Oh well, guess I'll be drinking alot of water this week
  • Dew -I don't think it counts against you. You are always mindful about your choices. You were obviously sleep walking. :wink:

    Love - You will be alright. It's nice to get out a bit and have some fun. It's not like you have that stuff at home all the time and indulge everyday. I think it was LulaB maybe or someone else who said that going way over on your calories on occasion keeps you metabolism quessing. I like your idea with the water. That's where I'm always short. Need to bump it up a bit there. :drinker:

    The Snacks got me last night. Stopped on the way to work for a donut and Mountain Dew Throwback. :noway:
    Me2/ Snacks 1

    Tonight is a new night! Got my peppermint herbal tea as we speak/post :smile:
    Everyone - Have a wonderful Sunday :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 8 - LNS: 0
    Rosemary, what a wonderful lady you are! :flowerforyou:
    loveme, Wienerschnitzel - yummy :wink:. Once in a while I think it's absolutely OK.
    Lorna, I'm quite confident that you're back on track already :wink:. Btw, good luck with that 1 lbs! :happy:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Waiting for Skippy, Bambier and Dana to post :flowerforyou:. It doesn't have to be perfect scores and it doesn't have to be kept secret if it's perfect either :wink:.
    Zaza, where are you? :grumble: Miss you... :brokenheart:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 9 - LNS: 0 :happy:

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 5 ~ LNS: 4

    Not a good weekend but I'll do better this week
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME 6/LNS 3

    Okay, you and me Loveme, we are going to get back on track. Even incorporated my husband to keep me straight this week. Daggone Ben and Jerry's.
  • One week into the new "me" and I went 5 of 7 nights with no LNS. Dropped 6 pounds (lots of additional exercise for me during the week) so I am planning on 6 of 7 nights this week... ;)
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Don't know where the week went. Now that the holidays are over and my son is back to college, maybe I'll get into a good routine. I have completely lost track of late night snacking. I'm sure it hasn't been good.
    My best guess is:
    Me: 1
    LNS: 9
    It can't get much worse, right?:laugh:
    Tonight, will be the start of a new trend.
  • Where did the last 2 days go? Maybe the Snacks ate em? I've been working but being good, thankfully.

    Me 5 vs JS 1

    Zaza - You go girl!

    Rayflana - Good job against the snacks :flowerforyou:

    Lula -them and Turkey Hill, we're gonna get em, they won't get the best of us! :drinker:

    Love - That's what I'm saying too :laugh: Trying not to go screaming over on my calories.

    Dew!!! - What a LOVELY score! Good for you! :flowerforyou:
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    Oh I need this group! LNS is my nemesis! I want to not eat after 9pm. This may seem late but it is super early for me. Considering I am about to get off work at 11pm and head home... This is where I crash and burn, because I cant go to sleep, and I want to snack because I have been running around a hotel for 8 hours... so I find my self snacking and watching tv to wind down. So I am going to say starting yesterday
    LNS-1 ME-0 :ohwell:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Zaza, remember those times when our virtue was to keep on trying, in spite of our scores? Being honest about it and trying again each day? This is the road to success, imho, so :flowerforyou: and a :heart: for being honest and for wanting to get back on track.

    asj, start anew today. LNS did not deserve that point last night, because you were not officially in the competition. 9 p.m. is my cut-off as well, actually and in spite of me going for earlier times before, this is what suits me at the moment and what helped me keep my weight where it is :wink:. Good luck to you :flowerforyou:. Stick to it! and you'll see that it gets easier with time and that the results will clearly show the morning after :smile:. Nice to have you in the team :smile:.

    It seems like last night I had to make my score look a bit more real - it looked "too" perfect :ohwell::
    Me: 9 - LNS: 1.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME 7/LNS 3

    FINALLY back on track (I hope). Came home after my daughter's basketball practice and had to keep repeating to everyone "please don't let me eat". It had just become a habit (bad) to nibble. But I succeeded. I do have to say though, from 3 a.m to 5 a.m. (during work) I have already eaten 600 calories of yummy cereal and whole milk (all we had in the house). So thank goodness for the gym today.

    Zaza- I agree with Dew. Thanks for keeping with us through all your successes and smaller not to successes. We needed you.

    asj0901 - Welcome. This is each our own personal challenge, with people to report to, encourage, and be encouraged by. We are thrilled to have you.

    Rayflana - Great job on LNS and weight dropping. I always tease my husband, that if he wants to lose weight, just stop eating at 7 p.m. You are a testament that it works :)

    Loveme - Have I misplaced you somewhere?

    Rosemary - How are we doing? I finally finished the Ben and Jerry's so they are no longer a threat ;)

    Dew - You are awesome. Your score is definitely an incentive for me to get my butt in gear.

    Have a great day everyone - and a successful evening!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Turning the corner is harder than I thought.
    Me: 1
    LNS: 10
    But I'll try again tonight. There was a time when I was good at this challenge. :laugh: Just have to get there again.
    Have a good day everyone and I wish you good luck tonight!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Turning the corner is harder than I thought.
    Me: 1
    LNS: 10
    But I'll try again tonight. There was a time when I was good at this challenge. :laugh: Just have to get there again.
    Have a good day everyone and I wish you good luck tonight!

    Zaza, I have to tell you that I am extremely impressed by you and encouraged. In the past, when I haven't had the kind of success I wanted, I would just throw in the towel. But your determination is inspiring to say the least. Keep at it. We have all had these hills to climb. But once you get to the top, the rest is just coasting down.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thanks! You're very sweet.:flowerforyou:
  • samgig
    samgig Posts: 25 Member
    hey gang ..i am new to the sight ....new to all this stuff but am trying anything that will help me get some wt off ..soooo...
    i would like to join in....cause last nite was bad....a whole bag of mini rice cakes and an atkins bar
    i will have a cut off time of 830pm...and hopefully stick to it for the rest of the month....that is my challenge..

    ME 0 LNS 1
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 6 ~ LNS: 4

    Lorna-Im here! Just busy with the boys. I'm back on track with you!

    Rayflana-Good Job on your 5 days and losing 6lbs!

    ZaZa-Don’t worry it’ll get better, you just have to get back into your routine.

    Rosemary-Yes, Weekends are the hardest!

    Asj0901 & Samgig-Welcome!

    Dew: Don’t trip off that 1 night, you’ve been doing great. Keep up the good work!
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    Okay... so last night 1/10/11 I DID NOT SNACK!!!! WOW! I was way tired so I went to bed about 1 hour earlier than normal... but I still did not snack!

    LNS-1 ME-1 Take that LNS!:laugh:
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