So I went out to lunch...

cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
A friend of mine I haven't seen in awhile invited me to have lunch with here today...I was like, "yeah...I'm supposed to ride, but long time no see so yeah...I'll meet you at the park."

After a hug and some pleasantries she whips out this pamphlet for these Genesis Pure products and starts in on how she knows I'm all into fitness and nutrition so she knew I'd be into this stuff. It's a bunch of powders and liquids that are supposed to cleanse me of things and somehow make me alkaline and whatnot...and supposedly I just can't get the nutrition I need even eating very nutritiously...I must have powders and cleanses. To boot, it's a big pyramid scheme...and I really can't believe she fell into that trap...

Anyway here's a visual of how this little rendezvous turned out...


which kinda resulted in this...


and I was all...


and she was all like, what...


so I'm all like...


And then...


....and I'm not sure if we're still friends or not...


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lmao. reminded me when my brother called me up asking if i wanted to go into business with him. as he is an HVAC mechanic, and i'm an engineer, i thought it would be a perfect match.

    he proceeds to tell me about amway.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I would have said "I skipped my ride for this?!?!?!" and told her to call me back when she just wanted to hang out. Hate this kind of BS.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    And you missed your ride for that? That sucks.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    And you missed your ride for that? That sucks.

    yeah...I was on the fence about riding today anyway...but yeah, totally not worth it. she's cute and all but as soon as the word "cleanse" came up I was like holy bejeebus....

    there was another part of me that thought I could probably sell the **** out of this stuff though and make some money...people obviously fall for this crap pretty easily...but I just don't want to take advantage of people's lack of knowledge and understanding particularly as I'm trying to break into the industry part time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    The other humorous part was being told that my body is just is too acidic and not alkaline enough so I needed this special shake...eating **** tons of veggies just doesn't cut it these days.

    Don't get me started on the super fruits shake and how many ever Mgs of acai or whatever...I'm like, "yeah...I think there's some of that in my yogurt...that's probably good enough."
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    What I got from reading this was:

    Friend = someone you want to bang

    So you -
    dropped your ride for potential bang and then
    listened to presentation thinking about bang and finally
    did not bang.

    and you're too acidic.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Friend = someone you want to bang

    Nah...been there done that about 15 years ago and I'm a total family man type of guy...

  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Sounds about like my friend I have known for years. We reconnected on FB and all I ever see now is "Join me in the Body By Vi Challenge! Just ask me how to change your life around like I did mine"

    I keep hiding her Body By Vi garbage.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Reminds me of the time a childhood friend tried to convert me to Christianity.... NOT COOL!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    The other humorous part was being told that my body is just is too acidic and not alkaline enough so I needed this special shake...eating **** tons of veggies just doesn't cut it these days.

    Don't get me started on the super fruits shake and how many ever Mgs of acai or whatever...I'm like, "yeah...I think there's some of that in my yogurt...that's probably good enough."

    Yeah, I find the whole PH argument REALLY ridiculous and an indication of lack of knowledge.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    The other humorous part was being told that my body is just is too acidic and not alkaline enough so I needed this special shake...eating **** tons of veggies just doesn't cut it these days.

    Don't get me started on the super fruits shake and how many ever Mgs of acai or whatever...I'm like, "yeah...I think there's some of that in my yogurt...that's probably good enough."

    Yeah, I find the whole PH argument REALLY ridiculous and an indication of lack of knowledge.

    overblown to be sure...
  • CHhbi
    CHhbi Posts: 8
    First of all, I'm not in a NM (network marketing) or MLM (Multi-level-marketing) company or what ever they are calling themselves these days. I'm not familiar with the company you mention and I have no opinion good or bad about them. I just wanted to say this before I make my next point

    There are many of these companies that actually do quite a bit of good for the people that get involved in them. At their base level I have no problem with the concept. Many people have made millions of dollars working the programs and many people have become better people as a result of being involved. The difficulty people who "buy in" to these is that they have to be great at selling and recruiting with an emphasis on recruiting. These are learn-able skills but they are rarely taught in any type of formal schooling. So unless you just happen to have a knack for recruiting others and have been in a position where you have learned the skills plus already have an established professional network you can go to on this venture, the chances are you will fail. Most are told to go and recruit their friends and family, however when that pool runs out they have to go find total strangers who will listen and hopefully join. So it's a very difficult business to be in and requires a ton of work for a limited return at first. This is why most people fail.

    The great thing about many of these groups is they do put their members in front of motivational speakers and books. However they do tend to rope the members in on a "book of the month" or "CD or the week" etc and then over charge for it. This is often the first time members gain access to this type of information and it does them a world of good. Someone who has been involved in one of these groups will become very aware of individuals such as Jim Rhon, Zig Zigler, Anthony Robbins, John Maxwell, etc. and will in essence have a degree in the work developed by these individuals after a few years of being in the program.

    So don't knock the concept or the person. This may be what he/she needs at this point in their life. What I tell people who approach me is if I'm not interested to let them know I'm not interested at this point in time as I have other obligations. However if they would keep me in mind and come back in about a year I may reconsider. If in a year they are still involved and are doing well, and can show me the fruits of their efforts, I might be interested. Chances are they will not be involved by then.