Knee pain from 30 Day Shred



  • I have found that substituting pliés for squats is helpful at times. I have a dance background and rarely find demi/grand pliés in 2nd position to be as bothersome. Also, I march or jog during jump ropes and/or whenever the cardio starts to make my knee tweak. Just started Level 2 for the first time yesterday and noticed that I will have to make some modifications to that one too.
  • I thought I'd search this because I have NEVER had knee problems and my knees have been killing me on 30DS - and yes I have some fancy shoes for support. I think it's the jumping jacks that are doing it, my leg isn't landing correctly. It's definitely not muscular, it feels like the cartilage and/or meniscus is inflamed - my knees have gotten so irritated, just doing the knee circle warm up can be uncomfortable.

    Like I said, I've never had knee issues before...I'm seeing results everywhere else on my body but I don't want to destroy my knees either. I think I'll just find a way to substitute the jumping exercises and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then so long 30DS. I can't afford having a knee injury!
  • Wifey7891
    Wifey7891 Posts: 91
    I did JM ripped in 30 and found some of the exercises were a little hard on my knees. try taking out the jumps and high impact moves. also like others said, less range of motion will also help to lessen the stress on certain joints.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I thought I'd search this because I have NEVER had knee problems and my knees have been killing me on 30DS - and yes I have some fancy shoes for support. I think it's the jumping jacks that are doing it, my leg isn't landing correctly. It's definitely not muscular, it feels like the cartilage and/or meniscus is inflamed - my knees have gotten so irritated, just doing the knee circle warm up can be uncomfortable.

    Like I said, I've never had knee issues before...I'm seeing results everywhere else on my body but I don't want to destroy my knees either. I think I'll just find a way to substitute the jumping exercises and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then so long 30DS. I can't afford having a knee injury!

    This is a low impact circuit workout ......Chris Freytag

    If you don't like this workout (45 minutes) least it will give you some low impact ideas
  • AuntieIly
    AuntieIly Posts: 7 Member
    I got 2 weeks in and my right knee flared up. First just a little twinge on the outside of the kneecap and a weird sensation like it was weak and might pop out or something. Freaked me out so I've (reluctantly) taken a couple of rest days. However, it isn't improving and now I'm getting pain behind the kneecap. It's worse when I try to walk fast or when I climb stairs.
    Guess I'll be giving up on my body overhaul plan for the time being...

    Any fellow sufferers got tips for quick recovery? It doesn't feel like normal muscle strain, I think I may have actually weakened the joint with all the squats and jumping! :-/
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I have a bad knee. Well, two bad knees since I have put way too much pressure on my "good" knee to make up for my "bad" knee. I suffered a bad injury back in high school when I played soccer. It never healed back to what a normal knee should be. So I deal with pain and weakness pretty much daily.

    Even with a brace I can NOT do 30DS. I tried because I really enjoyed it. But it just won't happen.

    I will say this. When it comes to knee pain, don't just "work through it". Your body is telling you something. It needs a rest. Don't push it because you risk injury.
  • Meneorama
    Meneorama Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, i like 30 day shred very much, but I feel I need more stretching... I give 10 mintues to that at the end.
  • mood102000
    mood102000 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 46yrs old and experiencing the SAME thing from level 2!!!! I read some info on knee injuries. deep squats aren't great for the knees, half squats are better-like Anita's version! I took 2 days off to rest my knee. been taking aleve. I also read that you should ice 24 to 48hrs after the injury, and heat 48-72 hours after. I went back to level 1 today, and I also didn't do the full jumping jacks, just stepped them. my knee felt okay, but I CANNOT run or jump on it w/o pain.
  • Hi, i like 30 day shred very much, but I feel I need more stretching... I give 10 mintues to that at the end.

    I also feel like if it had more stretching that would be much much better
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    Gee, Glad to know I'm not alone! I've been told I have arthritis and that there's nothing that can be done. :frown: That was a couple of years ago with my right knee. It actually got better, but recently my left knee has been acting up and I've been bummed because even the elliptical has been a problem and that is what they told me to use... :sad: HAVE been swimming A LOT MORE lately!