How to balance calories, macros, and wants

Yeah, I'm whining, lol. One of those days.

Tonight I am so tired of eating this way. Maybe I just don't know how to find a good balance, but here I am, 500 odd calories left in my day and I don't even know what to eat. I am sick of everything I can eat. I am so tired of leafy greens. I am craving a bowl of granola cereal with milk, but it would put me over my carb macro. I'd also love some ice cream, but it would just make my available carbs even less. An apple? same thing. Really, I need fat and protein according to macro, but I don't want the amount of meat I would need to to meet my macros. I would be choking it down because it is what I am supposed to eat. I could do eggs, but again, I don't really like them so it wouldn't be the slightest bit satisfying.

How do you balance your calories with your macros and the foods you like to eat? Or is it just one of those things where I just better learn to love the few things I do and can eat in a day, because that is what I'm stuck with? Like right now, when I am cooking steamed cauliflower instead of eating the foods I want.

Notes before it comes up in the thread, lol:

I weigh all my food. It may look like I don't as I use the nutritional information listed on the package, but I figure out the percentage for each "cup" weight. For example, if it says a serving is 1 cup or 85 grams, I will carefully measure out 85g, or put the percentage of 85g in.

Yes, I often have leftover calories. This is for the reasons above - why eat if I am not starving and don't want the food available? It's not satisfying. It is more satisfying to have a greater caloric deficit and see more change on the scale.

Yes, I eat the same foods over and over. Some of that is convenience, some if it is a matter of budget. I can't afford to eat meat at every meal.

What you see is what you get in terms of exercise. I know I should exercise more, but I really have a hard time finding both the time needed, and an activity that I can handle after working all day on my feet.


  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I'm not sure what percentages you have set for your goals, but the carb level is lower than most people use. Truly, unless you have a medical reason for doing so, you don't really need to monitor carbs that closely. Getting your protein and fats are more important.

    And yes, I am saying that even though I eat a reduced carb diet due to type 2 diabetes. My carb target for the day is higher than what you are eating. Have your milk, it's loaded with protein. Have fruit if you want it. As long as you stay within your calorie goals you're fine.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Honestly? I think you need to stop worrying about macros for a bit and just eat to your calorie goal. You have plenty of calories for ice cream, so put the damn cauliflower down and eat the ice cream. Your macros are a goal but the world won't end if you don't hit them exactly. Being miserable during weight loss is no way to live.

    I tend to eat the same things over and over as well. Looking at your diary - you don't have to have salad every day. Getting veggies is important, but there are days where I might only get one serving. And then the next day I'll have 7 servings. But I can't eat salad every day without getting stabby, and I genuinely do like salads. Look at the big picture, not just the day.

    So my suggestions would be - if you are having a salad, include a protein with it. I grill up a few chicken breasts on the weekends and use them in salads, wraps, quesadillas, etc. in 3 oz portions. If you don't want to add more meat into your diet, you could add chia seeds or ground flax seed to your cereal. Eat quinoa instead of white rice, or switch to brown rice. Swap out the fat free greek yogurt for 2% - it's slightly more calories, but it'll give you more fat in your diet. Nuts are a great snack and will give you fat and protein. There are also all kinds of protein bars and granola bars out there with decent amounts of protein, fiber, fat, and carbs that you could snack on for under 150 cals.
  • thinbi
    thinbi Posts: 39 Member
    I can't worry about macros when I am trying so hard to lose weight. I eat well. But if I want to use my final calories on wine or something else, I think it is fine. In fact, it is what keeps me sane.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I plan ahead of time by adding the foods I like to my diary then print and take to the supermarket with me. This helps me meet my macros and work in the foods I like along with treats and snacks. Even if you have to make adjustments later, it won't be frustrating trying to stay on track. I am sitting here planning for the next week as I type this reply.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I can't worry about macros when I am trying so hard to lose weight. I eat well. But if I want to use my final calories on wine or something else, I think it is fine. In fact, it is what keeps me sane.

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Going over a little isn't bad. I go over my carbs/protein/ect sometimes. Those are just goals for the day.
    If you want granola, have granola. You want to hit your calorie target for the day as best as you can.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    I'm not sure what percentages you have set for your goals, but the carb level is lower than most people use. Truly, unless you have a medical reason for doing so, you don't really need to monitor carbs that closely. Getting your protein and fats are more important.

    And yes, I am saying that even though I eat a reduced carb diet due to type 2 diabetes. My carb target for the day is higher than what you are eating. Have your milk, it's loaded with protein. Have fruit if you want it. As long as you stay within your calorie goals you're fine.

    I honestly don't even know how I came up with those numbers anymore, lol. When I started here, I read and read and followed some suggestions on some posts. I'd love to be able to eat more carbs, it sure would be easier. part of me too is afraid to change what is working though, you know?