Friend till the end!

BananaBear Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
:bigsmile: Hello! I'm new to this website! and I need friends! We don't have to necessarily have the same goals, because we already do! To loose weight! I will be logging in everyday too keep track of my progress, and need motivation for exercise! In return I would love to give some back! Thanks!


  • Kiki_s
    Kiki_s Posts: 5
    I have just joined too!
    Wishing you all the best, WE CAN DO IT !!!!:smile:
  • Thanks Kiki! We sure can! :bigsmile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    congrats on taking the first step and welcome to you!
  • TheJefinator
    TheJefinator Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not new, been using pal since last April but never realized there was a community until just now! I'll do my best to log in every day and offer support as often as I can. I'm a mom of 3 teenagers and volunteer in 6 local schools so I'm kind of busy, lol. But I am learning how to balance everything and keep things in perspective! Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals!
    ~jen :)(:
  • I'm new here too, my name is Juli. It's been a little over a week now that I started making healthy changes in my life and I can sure feel the difference. I know we can do anything we set our minds to!!! Let me know how I can help with the motivation!
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