Any treadmill exercisers willing to share

What's your workout plan? Can you share what you follow for a plan (incline/level/duration) and how you motivate yourself to stay for the duration of your workout? Do you listen to certain tunes, or what other motivation do you use?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Go walk/run outside
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    1. Warm up 5 min at normal walk, I Incline at highest setting (my gym it's 30%), start walking at 1mph, increasing .2 miles per hour each minute thereafter, up to 2.8 or 3mph. No holding on to the bars. Never hold on. Then go in reverse each minute reducing speed at 1 min intervals. Finish with a 5 min cool down. Some days I try to hold the highest speed for 5 or so min. Its harder than it sounds at that incline.

    2. Warm up 5 min at 3mph, incline to 10%, run 1 min at 7-8mph, walk 1 min at 3.5 mph. Repeat 10-15 times then cool down 5 min.

    If your treadmill doesn't incline that high, adjust speed to increase pace. Also, I listen to techno or dance with a 135+ beats per minute. Helps keep the pace of your foot striking to the beat.

    Also, my speeds may not be for you if you just started. Just try the interval routine and adjust for yourself.
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    I'm doing the couch to 5k program on my treadmill :)
  • Ruckus85
    Ruckus85 Posts: 23 Member
    C25k by zen labs. And a knock out playlist ranging from country to pop to rock to foreign, anything that has a good best to keep me pumping.
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    I watch Youtube videos about people complaining about exercise.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I mainly run outdoors, but if im at a gym, I usually put it at 6:00 - 6:30 pace and run for an hr.
  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    I alternate 1 min running (10km/hour) and 1 min walking (4km/hour) for 20mins on 0 incline.
    Then fast walking (6km/hour) at an incline of 6-10 for 10mins.
  • maryseb63
    maryseb63 Posts: 98 Member
    It all depends on you, what you are capable of doing. We all start at different stages. I started 4 months ago, and if I did 3 mph and up to 4 incline I was one happy girl :), now I do up to 4 mph and get to the max incline on my machine. Do what you can. As for what I do while on treadmill is record from youtube "Coronation Street" ( I know, i'm weird) and watch those. I'm a few years behind so have some for awhile to watch. This is the only time I watch program, so it motivates me to get on when their is a good story line ;)
  • Aowen1337
    Aowen1337 Posts: 1
    I have a shelf in front of my treadmill that I use to watch shows on my laptop while walking. I use a 3% incline @ 3.2 which is good for me now.
  • Abby_C2014
    Abby_C2014 Posts: 86 Member
    I usually do a high intensity interval training. I sprint with an incline of 3.0 with a pace of 7 min a mile or sometimes 15 (maximum incline of the treadmill I am using) with a pace of 9 min per mile. I do it over and over again till I cannot do it anymore. The way I set it up is 30 sec heavy sprinting and 60 sec jogs.
  • VJ032856
    VJ032856 Posts: 1
    I am older with joint pain. I moved treadmill to living room so it was a visible reminder. I started back this week slowly at 3.0mph at flat incline. I started with 1/2 mile and working upwards. I work 8-10 hours a day mostly sitting, so I don't have alot of time. I now walk before I go to work. Just start slowly and add a little each day! It gets easier daily. I am trying to get my legs back in shape enough to resume my Zumba classes. If you really want a workout and love music and dance try a class. Even at my age it is a blast! Good luck. Oh yeah, I watch tv or listen to my favorite songs through my headphones. 3-4 favorite songs equals a mile at 3.0!
  • alathIN
    alathIN Posts: 142 Member
    I try to do a lot of variety and intervals. The treadmill is somewhat of a boredom challenge compared to running outside, but some days it works a lot better in my life. Changing up the routine is good for fitness and makes it more interesting.

    A few I have done lately and enjoyed:

    10 min easy aerobic pace - conversational
    4 min aerobic max - should feel hard but not totally maxed out
    1 min recovery walk
    -repeat x 3 or 4 (or more)

    8 min aerobic pace @ 1% incline
    1 min hill bounding @ 4% incline
    1min recovery
    - repeat x 5 or 6
    to see what hill bounding is, watch this video at 1:40
    it's harder than it looks

    I do listen to music. I used to have a specific gym mix on my ipod but now I just listen randomly to all my music

    For my home treadmill, sometimes I put my laptop on a shelf in front of it and watch "virtual run" or "virtual cycling" videos on youtube - like you're running through the Swiss alps or Ireland or something.
  • brockheather03
    brockheather03 Posts: 4 Member
    My treadmill faces the wall downstairs..(i know weird and very boring) so I put a nail in the wall in front of where I would be looking and punch a small hole through my iPad mini case :) I hang it up on the nail and watch one of my favorite shows one thats at least as long as my work out, and It seems to make my workout fly bye ;) but I mostly run at the park in town on my lunch break when the weathers good.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I do 10 sprints for 1 minute and 1 minute rest.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I do thisf?id=51895f72eab8ea4633000027
  • momsfavoritechild
    momsfavoritechild Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks evreryone for taking the time to share!
  • newfie026
    newfie026 Posts: 34 Member
    My treadmill is programmable. I use the Hill climb setting and walk at 6.5 to 7 km/h. I usually listen to books on my kindle. I try to find really interesting ones and only listen while I'm on the treadmill..
  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    My treadmill has IFit which lets me run/walk different routes using Google maps and the treadmill automatically adjusts the incline to match the terrain. I love it and find it really motivating. This mornings run was along the coast of an island in the Norwiegen Sea. For those that don't have IFit, there is an app for tablets called Bit Gym that does almost the same thing. You can choose a route and it uses the backward facing camera in your tablet to estimate your speed as you profess along the route. It won't adjust the incline obviously, but still cool.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Tuesdays and Thursday are on a treadmill before work, because I'm not a fan of running in the dark. I have done it, and will do it now and then, just don't care for it. Right now, Tuesdays are 50 minute tempo run (6.7 mph) 5 min warmup, 5 min cooldown. Thursdays are a progression run: 5 min warmup, bump to 6 mph, then bump 0.2 mph every 5 min for 50 min to end at 7.8 mph, 5 min cooldown. Currently using 1% grade to mimic outdoor running. Saturdays are my long days and are down outdoors in the morning after sunrise. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are 45 min of Nordic Track skiing at 75% max heartrate.