Not working a 9-5 job

turnipZbeets Posts: 18 Member
I'm on a rotating schedule permanently from 1pm - 10pm and 3pm - 12am

Could really use some support. I fell into a lazy hermit lifestyle with this schedule. Joined the site to become active and healthy again.

Anyone else out there work weird hours and are happy, healthy and motivated??

Wanna be friends??


  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Hey there! What are your hobbies? Can you get up earlier and take some time for yourself?

    I work 12-9pm during the week and I get up at 6:30am. I have about 5 hours to myself to garden, hike, lift weights, play with the dog and do meal prep.
  • cathiggs
    cathiggs Posts: 21 Member
    Hiya I work shifts working with people with learning disabilities and i also work 24hr shifts if im working a late shift (2.30-10) i am often up at 6am heading to the gym i also invested in a bike so that i can cycle to and from work. :-)
  • lauren_jb
    lauren_jb Posts: 26 Member
    I don't work weird hours (athough I leave for work at 7.20am and get back 7.30pm at the earliest) and find it really hard to squeeze in exercise around it. On top of that my boyfriend runs a bar which means he has weird hours which has an impact one my schedule too... massively feel the pain. Deep down I know it's an excuse but when you only have about 5 hours free time (and have to dress, cook, shower in that time) a day it is really hard to spend an hour in the gym!

    Weekends however... should probably do something then...
  • HeathlyLife87
    I work in a pub and my rota is all over the place! From working a 6am-3pm then a 12-9 then a 2pm to 1am!! I know how it feels and what a struggle it can be.

    Feel free to add me xx
  • turnipZbeets
    turnipZbeets Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for all the tips/hints/support.

    Adding some of you all as friends!

    amberlykay101: Hobbies are jogging slowly, walking about the city, biking, hiking when I get the chance, and just recently bouldering. Home hobbies include reading and knitting.

    I dont have a car which limits the ability to move about too far from work/home in the morning hours.
  • harktosh
    harktosh Posts: 25 Member
    Currently a nocturnal worker(7pm-7am x 4 days a week). I completely understand your situation. I try to squeeze exercise in on my days off and make sure I'm eating well by packing everything I eat and bringing it with me. So much easier than the guilt trip of the vending machine.

    A lot of the time, I'll try and walk the hospital a few times during my shift to get me up and moving. I do chair exercises while we don't have any patients. Little things just to keep me going.
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    I worked shifts for years.. 12 hours at 2 days/2 nights and then 4 off. Thank god I don't anymore because it sucks the big one and you're right it's hard to stay motivated (ask me now I know... :( ) but can be done. I mostly worked out on my 4 days off and one of my scheduled work days. Transition days and night shifts I did not, just found it too hard. That worked for me until I was able to get off shift work. Been off shifts for a few years and word of advise if you ever can get off them, then jump at the chance. Lots of literature out there on how bad it is for you. Unfortunately not an option for everyone...
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from!! My friend and I BOTH worked 3rd shift jobs last year when we started on this journey. We would meet up at like 6am when we got out of work and workout. My only advice is stay positive and make sure you are getting enough time enjoying your day.. Like for me if I was on a 3-11 or evening schedule I would make sure I still got up in the morning and made the most of my day even if it means I crash the minute I get out of work. Having a routine really helped me, preparing meals and snacks in advance so i didn't have those late night nasty work snacks. I think life is what you make it and if you are happy working at this time then make the most of it:) If you are not happy working evenings maybe you could find a day time job I know I personally could never work nights again but I did it for soooo long lol.
  • schle009
    schle009 Posts: 63 Member
    I work 2pm-10pm most days and will sometimes work 6am-2pm or 10pm-6am or some twelve-hour combination thereof. It's easier for me to eat within my calorie limit on the 2-10 days... and I know it's not the safest, but I run after work sometimes (11pm-midnight or so). Otherwise sometimes if it's not too hot, I run before work (10am-ish). You will find a way to make it work :)

    *Edit: When I run at night, I carry a can of mace and make sure I am well-lit as I live in the county. Haha
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    My schedule is never set and includes start times ranging from 6a-5p with awake overnights thrown in. I keep a gym bag with essentials in my car so I can hit the gym between shifts, before shifts, or after shifts. I try to workout before I even go home. If I don't, I usually end up in bed :'(.

    I try to think of the gym as an extension of my work schedule. Instead of an 8 hour shift, I just think of it as a 9 hour shift with a bonus gym hour!

    Anyone can add me! Would love some more friends :)
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I work 10pm to 7am 4 days a week. When I was really exercising I worked out every day after work, anywhere from 15 mins to 45 minutes. But then it became 3-4 says a week, then 2 days and now none. I will be getting back on exercising once settled in new house, closing in a couple weeks (fingers crossed)
    Feel free to add me.
  • mgrace92
    mgrace92 Posts: 7
    Hi there! You've already done some of the work by joining MFP! I work a 9-5 currently, but I used to work part time in retail with a completely irregular schedule. It was really hard to make myself want to go to the gym, but my sister actually explained it to me in a way that made total sense. She said I should schedule time to go to the gym and treat it like a work shift. When you think of it as something that is concretely in your schedule, nothing can take its place.

    I know they also make an app where you schedule when you're going to the gym and you have to pay a small fine if you don't go. I've never used it, but that might be some extra motivation!

    I hope this will be helpful, although it might only work for my crazy mind!