Exercise with restrictive movement-

I am 63 years old. I have sever arthritis in my back and knees - and moderate in shoulders and neck. I need surgery on my knees but need to get down to 200 lbs to do so. I have loss 31 lbs from 308 to 277 in 3 months but of course have a long way to go. This has been through calorie restriction only - no exercise

I can only stand for 3 or 4 minuets at a time - and can only sit upright for about a half and hour at a time.

Ant suggestions of good exercises I can do laying down??


  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    I not good a suggesting actual floor exercises, but if you could find a water aerobics class or even just do exercises in a swimming pool that would help. Exercising in the water will take a lot of pressure off of your joints and allow you to move and exercise with less pain.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    You could do shadow boxing while seated. It may not burn as much as going out for a run, but it can be really effective. Put a show on the TV and do swift punches while you watch.
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    Last April I was almost unable to walk or stand due to arthritis. My Dr. sent me to aqua therapy and it was wonderful to be able to move without pain. Upon completion of the therapy I joined the gym where it was held, and did the water aerobics and finally lost enough weight to start to swim. Get in the water! Resistance is 11X more than land mammal exercises yet it is almost effortless. Find a gym in your area that has arthritis classes, and start there. Don't stay there... move to the water aerobics as soon as you are able. Or start them and do what you can. Once you feel better you will want to do more. I have now lost 110 lbs in just under a year (my goal was 50) and no longer need surgery. Even if you just walk in water and do not join a gym or class you are already ahead of the game.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Tough one.... What has your doctor said? Do you have a physical therapist? I would start there to be honest. Off the top of my head you can just use standing-up as an exercise. Since you know you can stand for as long as 4-minutes, work towards improving that. Stand-up for 4-min's, sit-down for 1 to 2 min's then stand back-up, sit back down, and repeat that for as long as you can manage. Set yourself goals for how long you can stand and try to achieve them. Try standing for 4:30, then 5, 5:30, etc. You can also try to stand for 4-min's but only sit back down for 30-sec's and then get back up.

    While you're lying down, do various static stretches to help maintain mobility. Lying stretches (you may have to Google these)...

    - Iron Cross (back)
    - Bring your leg-up while bent and pulling it back (lower back)
    - Bring your leg-up and straight while pulling it (hamstrings / low back)
    - Shoulder capsule stretch
    - Crouching Frog (hip and groin) if you can manage to lye on your front and support some weight - Google it
    - Get a Lacrosse Ball, lye on your side and put the ball on your hip flexors and hold your weight on it. Not gonna' lie, this does not feel good but the self-myofacial release helps a lot. Control your breathing to manage the discomfort.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    My daughter taught a chair yoga class. Maybe look on youtube for videos to follow.
  • lisainct
    lisainct Posts: 1
    Not lying down, but the Y in our area has a "twinges in the hinges" class specifically for arthritis. If there isn't such a thing available to you, tai chi is good. Very low joint stress, great for balance. The only school I know is the Taoist Society. There are, as in just about any form of exercise or movement, many different schools. If you have a physical therapy office nearby, it could be well worth a few visits to them. Insurance will often cover it. They can help you put together a good program to get you where you want to be without exacerbating the arthritis.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    A yoga teacher could tailor some moves for you on the floor/mat. Also there good breathing videos on youtube for lying on the floor. Yogic breathing can have amazing health benefits.