Starting 'The Shred'!

Hey all!

I've been a member here for a while but never really used it for anything beyond basic calorie tracking as a companion-type-thing when my good lady was doing WW... Being a stay-at-home dad and eating a bit too much of what's not good for me has made me decide I need to make tomorrow the first day of the rest of my life and start looking after myself some more, so tomorrow morning I start on 30 Day Shred (haven't got the weights yet, so I'll be in the living room with a couple of tins of tomatoes!)

I'm not looking to lose much weight, but definitely want to improve my fitness. I need to be able to chase after the kids without getting TOTALLY wiped-out!

Wish me luck! :bigsmile:


  • badbritty
    badbritty Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck! :)
  • christinebryant80
    christinebryant80 Posts: 130 Member
    Im doing the 30DS myself and it is such a great workout, you feel the burn the first coulpe days but it gets better. Im gonna be starting the 2nd level on Weds. I heard it gets harder but I say "Bring it on" Good luck and have fun with it. :smile:
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Oh my god! Why did no one warn me that Jillian Michaels is actually the Terminator?!

    Feels good though. One down, 29 to go.

    Good luck with L2 Christine. :)
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member
    I'm moving on to level 2 today, can see some changes already :)

    Good luck Xx