Hello - I'm new to this site.

Hello - I started using this site week ago since my beautiful friend found it. I'm a mother of four with the youngest being 4.5 months old. I'm ready to lose the baby weight. If you have any advice for me I'll take it. I need all the help I can get. Have a great day! Lisa


  • coypelican
    Hi Lisa,
    Congrats on your new baby and your family! Probably the best advice I can give you, is that if you take the 30 minutes to get in even a short work out, the dishes, laundry, cobwebs, will still be waiting for you and you probably would have been texting someone or get distracted by a small think that takes up 30 minutes anyway. There is time, take it. You will have more energy for your family, feel better and live better! God bless, you! Cheryl
  • lisaloree
    lisaloree Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Cheryl!!