Remember the day you said enough is enough?????



  • zydratethief
    11th of July 2010

    I was smoking a joint on my windowsill and it just dawned on me how absolutely HUGE and disgusting i was. And i was tired of it.
    I didn't want to get out of bed in the mornings, i couldn't sleep at night. and i felt like doing nothing whatsoever...after work id either get drunk or high, sometimes both, and binge like crazy. Then id go for days without eating followed by another massive binge.One time i went almost 3 weeks without talking to anyone, or talking very little to my family (who i live with), im glad though that i managed to pull through that. I hope that doest happen again any time soon. Feeling like that isnt something id wish upon my own worst enemy.

    Im still not happy now, but i think im getting there
  • NancyHukka
    Getting home hungry and snacking is a problem for me too. One thing that helps is having dinner ready when I get there. Crock pots and time bake are wonderful tools!
  • shirley_1984
    When I was preggers with my youngest son back in 2009 I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, mine final weigh in prior to having Jakob in August of 2009 I weighed 215 lbs.... At my 6 week checkup I was told that my fate was already decided if I didn't lose some weight, that I would be among the many that live with Diabetes... I didn't want that for myself... That's when I decided enough is enough... Since then I have lost 40lbs and I am not stopping there....
    Good Luck to everyone.... You are all strong and you all possess the ability to heal yourself and feel great... xoxo
  • NancyHukka
    My enough is enough day came sometime in 2004, when I weighed around 179#, higher than I'd gotten during either of my pregnancies. Over the years it's been 20# down, 5-10# up (thankfully the downs have been winning) That's why I like the comment it's a marathon not a sprint. I've learned to love exercise and can't wait to get back into the swing of things once I'm completely healed from my surgery. One more week to go and should be back at it.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    My day was on May 1, 2010. It was my Brothers wedding and I didn't have anything to wear because all of my clothes had gotten too small. My mom went out and bought me a new outfit in the biggest size the plus size store carried and it was still tight! I was over 330 pounds although I don't know the actual number because I hadn't been on a scale in about 3 months and 331 was the last # I saw. I know I was bigger than that though. That night, I decided I was done being fat. I had been fat since I was 5 years old and I hadn't even tried to lose weight ever at least not seriously! I was 34 years old and extremely unhappy and tired and miserable. Since then in the last 8 months I have worked really hard to lose the 80 pounds I have so far and I know I have a really long way to go. I will get there because I am determined to be thin. Through the course of my journey I have lost weight, but I have also lost other things. I have lost my inability to take control of my life. I was a doormat for a husband that didn't really love me. I was a lazy mother that watched on the sidelines as my daughter was growing up without me actively involved. I do not want to be that person. Each day is a struggle to pick the right fuels for my body. I really hope this gets easier, but if it doesn't, I can live with that.

    This thread has really helped me and I want to thank each of your for posting your story on here. I can't wait to read more!
  • nancym221
    I can clearly remember july 2010 (gained 25lbs in 1 month) when I was feeling uncomfortable-- in more ways than I care to say. Being a nurse at my 299 lbs seemed more and more like a bad joke. Especially when counseling my patients on the consecuences of elevated blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol etc.
    So I made an appointment with my primary care physician who said I had diabetes without even doing blood work. Well long story short, he was absoulutely correct. Immediately I began a 2200 cal diet using an exchange list but no exercise. I work on my feet all day and felt that was enought exercise. WRONG i know.

    In november 2010 had my follow up appt. Had lost 31 pounds and my average blood sugars are always within normal limits.

    I am so thankful that I happen to find MFP while searching the web a calorie counter.
    BTW I have made it my business to exercise at least 30 min daily. Want to or not. Thanks for listening and feel free to add me as a friend as i need you in my life.
  • qtazhel
    The other day I realized I had finally had enough when most of my clothes were getting tight and uncomfortable. I have gained 25 pounds since graduating high school ten years ago. I can live like this anymore! My goal is 115, which is very close to my weight then. Another shocker was last summer i went to a wedding and had my picture taken with some of the other guest i had came with i didn't look like myself. I know I can do this. I just need to have a bit more motivation. I've started to set mini goals such as making a point to hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes aday and logging in here and recording what i eat. I am nervous about my job, because i work the front end counter at a drugstore now due to the bad economy. I am thankful to have a job but its junk food central up there. On stock days which is only every other week thank goodness, I have to put up all the candy at my register and the snack aisle. This will be hard to over come but I know i can do it. Good luck everyone :)
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    When I was preggers with my youngest son back in 2009 I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, mine final weigh in prior to having Jakob in August of 2009 I weighed 215 lbs.... At my 6 week checkup I was told that my fate was already decided if I didn't lose some weight, that I would be among the many that live with Diabetes... I didn't want that for myself... That's when I decided enough is enough... Since then I have lost 40lbs and I am not stopping there....
    Good Luck to everyone.... You are all strong and you all possess the ability to heal yourself and feel great... xoxo

    Same here, I developed gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. I weighed 301 pounds the day I gave birth. I'm down 77 pounds, 22 since I joined MFP.

    The day I said enough was enough was the day my son was born... what should have been the happiest day of my life was marred by my weight. Never again!
  • jenncook355
    jenncook355 Posts: 1 Member
    October 30, 2010. I went with my brother's fiance and her other bridesmaids to try on bridesmaid dresses. Her sisters are all teeny tiny. I knew I wasn't skinny, but when I measured a size 20 in my bust, I could hardly believe it! I went home and weighed myself. 184. My highest weight ever. I decided I was not wearing a size 20 to my brother's wedding. I have lost 16 lbs and enough out of my bust to be a size 14 dress. All my other clothes are now too big as well. But I have another 30 lbs to go before the wedding! I will NOT be the fat bridesmaid. My husband and I are also looking forward to starting a family later this year and I will NOT start my pregnancy 50 lbs overweight!!!!
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    On my birthday this year. I said there was no way I was going to live the second half of my life the same way I lived the first half.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    September 3, 2010 - The first anniversary of our miscarriage. We had not gotten pregnant again and were heartbroken by our infertility. So I decided that I was going to take control of things and loosing the weight was the first step in that process. Its been a bumpy road, but I know that when we do eventually get pregnant my weight will not prevent our child from being born healthy.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I don't remember the exact dates but I had two of those moments. The first one, when I left the drs office after a seafarers exam. While the Dr was filling out my papers (I passed by the way) I watched over his shoulder as he checked the "obesity" box in the section of possible health risks. I damn near slapped him :grumble: But I kept quiet, until I got to the car. I remember sitting in the parking lot in the middle of winter, crying my eyes out. I mean, come on, I knew I was a bit heavy.. I never thought I was obese. But I suppose, at 4' 11, weighing 186 lbs, puts you as obese. I vowed, never again. So I tried and slowly lost some weight, but then failed. Then the summer before last I went to a car show that my boyfriend had a business display at. Now, I've been to this show before, it's the kind of show where men don't come to look at the cars, they go to look at the half naked girls standing beside the car. Sure I've been jealous of those girls, they are what I aspire to be... but when I walked in and MY BOYFRIEND had THREE (That's right.... THREE) of these girls at his station, well, I think a piece of me died. It had hit me, I wasn't even good enough for my own boyfriend to ask ME to do that. He says he didn't ask me because he knew I wouldn't do it because he knew I wasn't happy with my body yet (and I believe that, because I wouldn't be here if I was) but I was crushed. That moment (well after our biggest fight EVER) lit the fire under my *kitten* and I haven't stopped since. It's been a slow road because of the medication I take but I'm pushing through it. And I honestly believe that it's because of this site and all my new friends that I've made it this far. Thanks guys :heart:
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I,like others, have had several "enough is enough" days. I have noticed I can stick with my resolve longer now that I'm on MFP. I love this site, and never even made the connection, but my husband did (he's so smart!), and I think he's totally right. this site keeps me accountable and gives me measurable goals, and lets me see my successes. Also, I think, because of this site I had to think about why I wanted to lose weight, my goals, my reasons. It made me realize, hey, I've got my own goals and reasons for going after them. One more thing that may be contributing to my present success, is I have a maintenance plan. Once I'm out of the weight loss phase, I have a plan for how to keep it off and not yo-yo or keep losing.

    I have lost a lot of weight before, but it was actually quite a frightening experience because it happened so fast I couldn't get used to how I looked, and then when I wanted to maintain at a weight, the weight just kept coming off. at the time, I didn't know how to make the weight loss permanent, but not lose more. It was so scary. All those people telling me what to do had absolutely no advice and no help for me at that point, not family nor friends, nor professionals. I felt let down by everyone I asked for help. There was plenty of judgment though. Only my mom didn't judge me; she didn't show me where my error was, but she didn't judge me. Anyway the last time enough was enough, nobody helped me, even though it was all about these people who supposedly cared, and it was a horrific experience because at the end of the journey I was bereft. I felt lost in space. While I would never do it again, the experience was invaluable; it paved the way for this time, and made me a self-reliant, stronger, wiser person. I can say for sure I'm a woman today who will be such a good mother tomorrow because of this experience.

    This time is different because nobody expects me to lose weight, even though I have weight to lose. One family member started to judge me but another family member stood up for me, and it was so nice, but even without such a blessing, I would have been fine. This time is all about me. It's been 6 years since my last attempt and I have had enough of my emotional eating, and enough extra stress on my joints, and enough waiting to start a family and enough being out of shape. I'm sick of not looking cute in clothes and feeling insecure. This time I'm not worried about what will happen when I'm done losing weight, because this time I have MY reasons for losing the weight, and I know exactly how I'm gonna keep it off and maintain a healthy weight. It's not a mad dash in the dark, if you know what I mean. This time, it's permanent because I have a goal all my own and a detailed plan to maintain. i am armed with education and experience, and my start date was 11/4/2010.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I've had enough! My ah ha moment came last night. I was taking my "baby" down to put him to bed and we stopped in the bathroom so he could throw kisses to himself in the mirror. As I was standing there throwing kisses to the mirror with my little boy, I saw my head on a body that I didn't recognize.

    I have been out of control for 8 months now, since I ate that first piece of cake at my baby's birthday party. That stops now! i don't want to be the person who looks good for having 4 kids, I want to be the person that looks like they couldn't possibly have 4 kids!
  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
    24th Aug 2009
  • lindseylkr
    lindseylkr Posts: 5 Member
    A blood clot was also my wake-up call. However it was a wake-up call to prevent future health problems while I can. I am only 27 and had a pulmonary embolism in my right lung on November 13th 2010. I am only 27! I had just given up Diet Coke, the PE led me to quit smoking and now all that is left is ridding my self of the 60 extra pounds I am carrying around. I now am eating food for life not just for the moment and trying to incorporate cardio and strength exercise into my life. I joined MFP last year but I have started to take it seriously this year and I am down 3.4 pounds! My 10 year high school reunion is this year and I want to show the same weight i was in high school!
  • angiesammich
    angiesammich Posts: 7 Member
    January, 2009. I was 40 lbs heavier than I am today and the heaviest I have been in my life. I moved in with a friend who had lost 100 lbs in the previous year and I was determined to get on the same track of exercise and diet that she had been on. We really encouraged eachother, cooked meals together and worked out together. It was great while it lasted. We have both since moved for school and work related reasons, but I wish I still had her close to me for support and a workout partner.
  • kymyas
    kymyas Posts: 10
    1-3-11, I just met 1 of my professors... She is Latina my same frame, height and build, she was gorgeous and I look unhealthy and tired.

    I saw her school badge and I asked her who's that on her badge. She said that was her and she would never change or update the old pic to remind herself never to get big again. She has 3 kids like me juggling 2 jobs as a bedside nurse to keep her nursing license & teaching. I have no excuse not to look fabulous.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Oh yes, I remember....after may attempts of trying to stay on a diet I found this, MFP and was really excited so I told my husband who replied with, yeah, yeah, yeah. That did it! But I guess after hearing it for 5 or more years he just could not believe me any more.
  • megaloox
    I had two days, the first being a bit more dramatic than the second.

    The first day it ever really dawned on me that I had to really change things in order to get the body and the fitness I wanted. I was sitting in my first period class during my sophomore year of HS (this would be around late February of 2004) and an announcement came on the over head speaker saying it was almost time for track and field submissions to be due. I was already feeling large and unhealthy (5'5'' and 190lbs) so I just took one look at myself and decided that I would join the cross country team.

    I did, and even though I quit the team a couple months later, I kept running an running and running until I'd dropped 45 pounds. I kept that weight off until around summer of 2009. I was in a bad relationship and we went out to eat at restaurants for two out of three meals almost EVERY DAY.

    This past autumn, I was at a doctor's appointment and the scale read 180. That was the moment, again, though not as dramatic because I knew more then than I did when I was 14 or 15, that I decided to start up with a healthy regime. And it's worked pretty well for me so far, excluding my poor performance around the holiday!
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