silverside/corned meat

I would like to cook in the slow cooker, what to add to the water? Also what is the best to serve it with? I usually do white sauce but don't want to as I don't think its very healthy (am I right?) Thanks


  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    I add to the water, 1/2c malted vinegar, a few bay leaf, peppercorns and 2tbs of golden syrup(not sure if you have this where you are) comes out great.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    I'm going to try Maple instead of golden syrup.
    different types of beer ... stout should be good
  • ta will do, and maybe some garlic
  • alphabear_
    alphabear_ Posts: 11 Member
    This is the recipe I implemented at the last pub I was working at for our Ruben;

    - 1kg Silverside
    - 2 Bay leaves
    - 2tbsp Mustard Seeds
    - 2tbsp Peppercorns (Mixed black, white, green, and pink but plain cracked black pepper is also fine)
    - 2tbsp brown sugar
    - 1/2 cup brown vinegar (malted vinegar also works well)
  • and should I give the white sauce a miss? I use full cream milk, or should a bit of that be ok?
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    and should I give the white sauce a miss? I use full cream milk, or should a bit of that be ok?

    I've never had white sauce with corned beef, I've made a mustard sauce which goes really well with the meat, No butter or milk, uses the stock from the meat.