What to eat on 12hr shift???

I'm starting 12 hr shifts in work tomorrow, and I don't know what to eat that will keep me going all day, as we are only allowed 2 x 30min breaks :/

At the min it's 8hr shifts and I'm alright with it but don't know what to eat on the 12hrs as I'm usually quite hungry when I get home at the moment :/ I always bring my own lunch from home because the canteen is *kitten*, everything is deep fried and full fat, cheap processed food

Really would love your help guys :)


  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    My husband works 12 hour shifts. Breakfast for him is a combination of any of these - cut up fruit, protein shakes, oatmeal, grits, protein bars, granola bars, etc. Lunch is leftovers from dinner the night before. I keep cut up veggies (cherry or grape tomatoes, celery, carrots, etc.) on hand for him to take to snack on. He keeps a jar of almond butter at work.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I work 12hr shifts at a desk job. I find bringing lots of small, healthy snacks works better for me...keeps me from starving and resorting to snack bar, keeps me awake, etc. Typically things like: couple pieces of fruit, baby carrots w/ranch or hummus, cheese sticks, apple sauce, rice cakes, yogurt, cottage cheese, 100 calorie packs, natural popcorn, almonds/walnuts, etc. I also bring oatmeal and sometimes Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice Meals (ok, I know they are processed but hey, beats chow runs and the food trucks)
  • 5helli33
    5helli33 Posts: 7
    I work in a food factory so I can't snack, can't have any food in a production area etc :/ I would be ok if I could have like snacks etc but I can only eat at
    5am breakfast before work
    10am 30min tea time
    2.30pm 30min lunch
    6.30pm dinner when I get home from work
