what am I doing wrong? need some inspiration this morning



  • Jeff0416
    Jeff0416 Posts: 14 Member
    I am in the group who follow the calories in / calories out to weight loss system. With that said and through my experience of using the myfitnesspal tools and the success I have achieved, here are a couple of thoughts. This is not a quick weight loss journey. With that said I have had periods when I have lost quickly but most of the time it has been a very slow process. For the last several months I always weigh in the morning before I eat anything. I log the weight almost every day. I never add or subtract more than 1 pound a day. This way I can watch the weight trend graph MFP provides and get a good idea how I am doing over time. Sometimes after a good long slow run I will see as much as 5 pounds difference in what I weighed that morning. Also a weekend where my family eats some good meals I have seen the scale tilt the wrong way. I just keep using MFP and it levels out and I start losing again. Also I log everything I eat and I weigh every thing that I can before I eat it. I love to eat. The MFP exercise logging tool to allow more eating calories for the day is a big motivator for me to get out and burn those calories off. I am eating better now too since I have found out lower calorie foods usually allow me to eat more. Salads, green beans etc. No more quarter pounders with cheese and extra large fries lol.
    Good luck in your journey and don't get in too big a hurry. Finding this web site is one of the best things fitness related that has happened to me in this stage of my life.
  • pope66682
    pope66682 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi, you need to cut out the carbs from your breakfast as the carbs is stored as fat and protein is not stored. So a can of tuna for breakfast will be good, no more than 30g of protein per serving though. Eating what you like wont help you, i love fried chicken but its bad for my regimen, as nice as your breakfast is, you'll need to give it up. That's the challenge of fat loss, the best things for you wont always be what you like nor the ones that taste the best. Your full diet will need to be high in protein and low in carbs. No fried chicken, take the skin off the grilled chicken, no more than 30g of protein per meal (average sized chicken breast) ????

    Uhhh, no. I eat eggs, bacon or sausage, with cheese, orange juice every day. I lose weight. I don't eat anything I don't like. Why would I do that
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    I noticed everyone has been commenting on your sodium intake but it sounds like you have been exercising quite a bit as well. That pound of weight gain could be muscle mass because muscle weighs more than fat :) Taking body measurements can be a more accurate way to track your weight loss because of water weight and muscle gain factors. I do have to agree on cutting back on processed foods at least a little though, an easy way would be to use frozen veggies instead of canned this would drastically decrease your sodium intake. Keep up the good work!

    Sighs - please don't listen to the part that muscle weighs more than fat - a pound of something weighs a pound. The advice about measurements is bang on though. It's not that muscle weighs more its just more dense, think of a bar of steel weighing a pound and then how many feathers it would take to equal one pound, Steel is hard like muscle, feathers are fluffly like fat and we no longer want to be fluffy.

    You are getting great advice especially moving yourself to fresh or frozen and away from canned foods. Don't deny yourself anything just remember everything in moderation and the best nutrition. This is a lifestyle not a DIET so remember that moving forward.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I noticed everyone has been commenting on your sodium intake but it sounds like you have been exercising quite a bit as well. That pound of weight gain could be muscle mass because muscle weighs more than fat :) Taking body measurements can be a more accurate way to track your weight loss because of water weight and muscle gain factors. I do have to agree on cutting back on processed foods at least a little though, an easy way would be to use frozen veggies instead of canned this would drastically decrease your sodium intake. Keep up the good work!

    Sighs - please don't listen to the part that muscle weighs more than fat - a pound of something weighs a pound. The advice about measurements is bang on though. It's not that muscle weighs more its just more dense, think of a bar of steel weighing a pound and then how many feathers it would take to equal one pound, Steel is hard like muscle, feathers are fluffly like fat and we no longer want to be fluffy.

    You are getting great advice especially moving yourself to fresh or frozen and away from canned foods. Don't deny yourself anything just remember everything in moderation and the best nutrition. This is a lifestyle not a DIET so remember that moving forward.

    Not only that, but you won't gain muscle mass if you are in a calorie deficit.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    if your sodium intake is up and down the amount of water you retain may follow it, but you're right there's no calories and if your kidney's work they'll manage the sodium for you.

    Have you considered a protein / fat based breakfast like an omelette rather than a carb based cereal / skimmed milk. Something to try perhaps.

    Your diary is closed so can't say much more.

    Kashi cereal has as much protein in 1 serving as two eggs
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    :heart: :heart:
    ! looked at your diary and much of the food you eat is processed - canned, boxed, frozen, processed dairy, etc. Switch to fresh. For breakfast, don't have Special K with berries - have eggs, turkey bacon, whole grain bread (Ezekiel for example), fresh fruits, or oatmeal. For lunch and dinner - cook up some chicken or other meat and slice it for sandwiches or cube it to have with brown rice (or other whole grain - barely, farro, wheat berries, etc) or vegetable (fresh, not canned). There's lots of other lunch and dinner possibilities too of course, just throwing a couple out there.

    If you eliminate ALL processed foods for a week I think you'll see some real positive results and want to keep heading that way. Good luck!!
  • Diamond1014
    Diamond1014 Posts: 20 Member
    What works for me may not work for you but I try to up my potassium when i have a higher amount of sodium. Potassium is a nice trick for helping your body not store quite as much water and/or "water weight" that sodium creates. I look at it as Sodium=retention potassium helps reduce it :)
  • homanta
    homanta Posts: 2 Member
    Great points here! Frozen veggies are also great. The frozen stir fry veggies without the sauces give an abundance of flavor and between the different grocery stores you can get more variety. Everything else, I agree. Cut out the processed foods and you'll probably notice it quickly.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Good morning guys,
    Im new to my fitness pal. Only an eight day streak. But ive been dieting for two weeks now. I woke up this morning and got on the scale and it says ive gained a pound. Im not sure how this can be and it has me so frustrated I just feel like giving up. Heres a little about myself. Im 25 5'3 and on june 2nd I weighed 230 pounds, by that sunday(I weigh myself every sunday) I weighed 222 pounds. But im sure that was just due to lose of water weight because in this two weeks time ive cut out all soda and juice. The only thing I drink is water. My goal is 1200 calories a day, im usually under that but never under 1000 calories a day. I assume thats not too bad cuz I definitely dont wanna go over my calories and I like to allow a little room just in case something I ate was more calories than I thought it was. My breakfast always consists of 1 bowl of special k with berries and 2% milk, my lunch is either a tuna or turkey sandwich on wheat bread or a salad with a piece of fruit. And dinner is some type of meat steamed in only water in a pan on my stove and one to two servings of a canned vegetable. I cut out all things white, no rice or mashed potatoes and I dance at high intensity EVERY NIGHT for 30 minutes, and also do crunches and a couple of other on the floor strength training exercises every night. Then I got on the scale this morning and I weight 223! How can that be? Someone please tell me what im doing wrong because ive been pushing myself so hard and not seeing any progress is making me feel like this is a battle I may never win..

    Also 1 thing I do see is that im usually always over my sodium, which im sure comes from the canned veggies. But since salt has no calories, it shouldn't have made me gain weight, or could it?

    Excuse my very bluntness, but.. your to big to be eating like a mouse! Up the protein, and try to eat 1500 a day. Bottom line, eat more..
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Kashi cereal has as much protein in 1 serving as two eggs

    Perhaps, but that isn't what the OP is eating. Kashi is also low in fat and high in carbs so not the sort of breakfast I had in mind at all.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Lots of sense being said here. I put my money on your hormones and water retention. Try drinking more water. Also I'd go with the idea that you may not eating enough calories and avoiding processed food.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Hi, you need to cut out the carbs from your breakfast as the carbs is stored as fat and protein is not stored. So a can of tuna for breakfast will be good, no more than 30g of protein per serving though. Eating what you like wont help you, i love fried chicken but its bad for my regimen, as nice as your breakfast is, you'll need to give it up. That's the challenge of fat loss, the best things for you wont always be what you like nor the ones that taste the best. Your full diet will need to be high in protein and low in carbs. No fried chicken, take the skin off the grilled chicken, no more than 30g of protein per meal (average sized chicken breast) ????

    Oh dear...I must be a special snowflake...I eat carbs every morning (peanut butter, banana on whole wheat sandwhich) and I still have managed to lose 75lbs.. Do I REALLY have to give it up???
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I would eat more vegetables. And I'd eat more vegetables that aren't so starchy. Corn isn't a vegetable; it's a grain. It's starchy. And peas are a legume, not a vegetable. They are also starchy. I'm not saying they are bad. I'm just saying I'd try to get lots more non-starchy veggies, such as green beans, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, onions, zucchini etc. Those are non-starchy vegetables that are low in calorie and really promote weight loss. If you don't have time to cook from fresh, get frozen. Frozen is healthier than canned and has no salt. You can even get the kind that you microwave right in the bag. You can also add a veggie-filled salad to dinner, using a light dressing that has less calories, but still has some fats to keep you full.

    I do agree with the people who are saying that a protein filled breakfast will keep you full longer. Eggs, turkey bacon, Canadian bacon, low-fat cottage cheese, Dannon Light n Fit Greek yogurt and part-skim mozzarella cheese sticks are all good protein sources that you can pair with a piece of fresh fruit. I like to make 2 quiches and a fresh fruit salad on the weekend and have 1/4 of the quiche each day with 1 cup of the fresh fruit salad, a glass of skim milk and decaf coffee or tea. It keeps me really full. A bowl of oatmeal (not instant) with fresh fruit in it is also a filling breakfast, if you prefer to go the cereal route. If you prefer to continue with the cold cereal, that is okay, as I think the lack of produce is more of the problem.

    Other than needing more produce, you have the right idea and are working hard at your goal. I think just a few tweaks could really make a difference.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    ! looked at your diary and much of the food you eat is processed - canned, boxed, frozen, processed dairy, etc. Switch to fresh. For breakfast, don't have Special K with berries - have eggs, turkey bacon, whole grain bread (Ezekiel for example), fresh fruits, or oatmeal. For lunch and dinner - cook up some chicken or other meat and slice it for sandwiches or cube it to have with brown rice (or other whole grain - barely, farro, wheat berries, etc) or vegetable (fresh, not canned). There's lots of other lunch and dinner possibilities too of course, just throwing a couple out there.

    If you eliminate ALL processed foods for a week I think you'll see some real positive results and want to keep heading that way. Good luck!!

    You advised to give up ALL processed foods. Do you honestly think that turkey bacon is not processed? There is no cut of meat on a turkey called...bacon...they process turkey parts in order to make that bacon look a like. I eat turkey bacon but I am not under any false impression that it isn't processed.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    All I'm saying.. iifym
  • murph1349
    murph1349 Posts: 8 Member
    I eat uncured turkey bacon. It's made up of natural ingredients, however you are probably correct that it is still somewhat processed. I apologize. I occasionally eat other processed foods, but they are not part of my "Plan A." My "Plan A" is to avoid processed.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    Hi, you need to cut out the carbs from your breakfast as the carbs is stored as fat and protein is not stored. So a can of tuna for breakfast will be good, no more than 30g of protein per serving though. Eating what you like wont help you, i love fried chicken but its bad for my regimen, as nice as your breakfast is, you'll need to give it up. That's the challenge of fat loss, the best things for you wont always be what you like nor the ones that taste the best. Your full diet will need to be high in protein and low in carbs. No fried chicken, take the skin off the grilled chicken, no more than 30g of protein per meal (average sized chicken breast) ????

    Oh dear...I must be a special snowflake...I eat carbs every morning (peanut butter, banana on whole wheat sandwhich) and I still have managed to lose 75lbs.. Do I REALLY have to give it up???

    My usual breakfast is 3 weetbix and milk, if not that, then toast or crumpets with jam.

    Ive lost weight too.

    Magic, hey?

    Seriously, OP, no need to cut carbs nor does it matter when you eat what - if you want to eat cereal for breakfast, do so, if you want to eat cereal for supper, do so - as long as your overall diet is balanced.

    I think you probably just need to give this a bit longer - log as accurately as possible for a full month - continuing to eat the foods you enjoy but within your calorie limit - and then lets see where you are then - if you still haven't made any progress, look at it again.