What food do you eat after 9pm?

Just wondering, what food do you eat after 9pm?xx


  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I eat pretty much everything after 9, but I don't go to bed before 3 am so my schedule's a bit messed up :)
  • Phoenyxtears
    I don't. I try not to eat past 7 because you won't be up and moving around as much to burn off anything.
  • bridetobe111111
    Tthank you. xx
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I don't eat after 7 but there's a whole bunch that I wish I could
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I always eat after 9 :) with my work and school schedule I have no choice! and its a myth that if you eat late at night your body won't burn it off. Your body can process foods the same at 9pm and at 9 am! I'll find multiple links for that and send them to you.



    there are more
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I try not to eat after 8pm that being said sometimes there are days where it's a must. lol.
    Before MFP it would be anything and everything. Now I try to squash my hunger by drinking a glass of decaffinated herbal tea or just water. If I'm still hungry after that I will eat veggies or thinsation pack or a handful of almonds.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    I don't usually workout until after 8:30pm so sometimes when I'm hungry after I have a protein shake or I have a thick rice cake with a smear of cream cheese and smoked salmon on top... nice low cal snack... u can always substitute the smoked salmon with something like tuna or just leave the cream cheese... :)
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    I usually eat dinner at 9 p.m. or after, but it's nothing too unhealthy. hehe :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    If water doesn't cut it for me, I'll have a rice cake (50 calories each) or Babybel (60 or 70 calories).
  • Shamrock40
    I usually save enough calories for some popcorn with "kernel seasons" butter seasoning. Yum!
  • jemmajoy
    I know a lot of people who say it's good not to eat after different times. which is great, but for me.. starting out, it's been hard! but I try to make better choices in th house. I have yogurts w/ less carbs, snack packs that are 100 calories, vegs & fruits. I drink at least a cup of water and then have a light snack . then sip out of my water bottle the rest of the evening.. my snacking at night has been much better since i went out and bought myself a 32oz water bottle w/ straw and drink out of it all day.. keeps my tummy thinking it's full. plus i have been meeting/ going over my 8 cups of water pre day!
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    I try not to. But when I do I have fresh fruit. Apples are a desert to me these days!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Even though it may be a myth, all of our bodies are different. I know in the beginning my body had SUCH a sucky metabolism that when I cut the late night snacks out it boosted me up during the days. That was a real turning point in my weight loss! It was a hard habit to cut but I did! Also it does make a huge difference when your routine is a late one. Before I cut all of my snacking out completely and saw a huge weight loss. Now that I'm at my goal I have my last snack at around 2-3 hours before bed. Usually a fruit, veggie or nut! :o)
  • Skulldilocks
    When I was younger my mum always had dinner on the table ready to eat at like 5, so i guess Ive stayed in habit, Around uni, I try and get all food in before 7pm. Admittedly im hungry when i go to bed, but apparently it can help alot :)
  • TheDaniProject
    because of my work schedule i have my dinner around 8:30 to 9pm and i do my work outs at about 10pm to 11pm i know its late but o fcourse its nothing heavy ill have a tuna sandwich with wheat bread
    wheat crackers with laughing cow light swiss chesse
    a chicken breast salad,
    bowl of fiber one cereal,
    frozen fruit with light cottage cheese
    fruits like bananas or tangerines with one tbl spoon of crunchy peanut butter mmm
    tilapia w/lemon pepper seasoning w/steamed veggies
    light buttered popcorn
    yoplait yogurt

    what do you have???
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    A small piece of chocolate if I feel like it and I'm not too far over my calorie goal. One square of lindt excellence = 50 kcal

    The difference now that I use mfp is that I really do have 1 piece rather than 3 or more! By the time I've entered the calories the desire for a second piece has vanished ;)
  • bridetobe111111
    Thanks girls and boys. xx
  • abalina
    abalina Posts: 59 Member
    ahh i try not to eat anything past 8pm!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Wow! You stay up after 9pm?
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Wow! You stay up after 9pm?